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A thousand houses

Chapter 41

By Ann Published 2 years ago 11 min read

I led them to the broken house, ran inside and unscrewed the hose, then slowly walked out and said to them, "Be careful when you go in there. The house could collapse at any moment." I was going to say don't be loud, but I didn't.

Xu Derong stood at the door and looked at the cracks on the roof and wall that had been transparent. He frowned and said: "I think it is better to push down."

I asked him, "Do you build houses with cement?"

'What is it?

"Never mind what it is, the wall is too strong to push down!"

Xu Derong grinned and said, "Try it -- we knocked down the city gate during the war on Jiankang." "Xu Derong began to divide people into three groups, respectively against the three sides of the house, a command after more than 100 people to work together, the house like a wayward little girl twisted shoulders and snorted, but it did not fall. Xu Derong waved, and there were more than 100 take turns bright flying feet, two rows of flying feet kicked over the wall to a collapse, a boom of smoke filled the air, finally was 300 bully down.

I am very sweaty, this will not get along well with them in the future, even if can afford to buy a house is not their own. But it'll be easy to kill someone later, because I found a way to do it without killing anyone.

They lined up for a drink. I taught Xu Derong how to use the tap, and then told him to let them drink the water and go back, I will get them food.

When I got back to the camp, I found that there were still two men standing by, and a rabbit had been cooked.

... I was riding with a rabbit's leg in my mouth, holding the handlebars of my bicycle in one hand, with the silk button open, humming along the path. If I were shooting for TV, I would be jumping out of the grass eight ways. In the urban and rural fringe, there are several factories that process rice noodles. As long as there is money, there is a lot of grain. I bought 2 tons of rice noodles, 100 barrels of oil, and whatever condiments I can buy. After buying here, I asked the old accountant to hand over the account to someone else. I told him, "I still need to buy POTS and pans, you come with me and help me calculate the money." The owner of the processing plant had wanted to take advantage of the earthquake to stock up, which resulted in a huge backlog of goods. With such a big buyer as me, he just borrowed his old accountant and agreed without a word. Finally, he regretted that he had no daughter and did not know what to do.

When I put the kitchen knife, chopping board, bowl and chopsticks are all bought more than 10 o 'clock in the morning, the processing plant boss let his brother-in-law out of a big liberation, because I had been prepared, pocket with two boards of money, the results of a board are useless - after spending money we on the board!

In the end, I sat in the passenger seat of the great liberation, only feel that the spring breeze, not to make the golden cup empty against the moon. Things went a little better than I thought they would.

But I soon stopped thinking that way. As the car pulled up to the spot, I was exposed to an endless expanse of grass, not to mention tents and people, but even the slightest trace of human activity. Did these 300 people leave me after seeing me with little food and drink? Yue Fei would not have led such a soldier.

The driver looked at me stupidly and asked, "Where are you going to put it?" I let him wait, said to open the door jumped down, feet did not fall, was a pair of powerful hands grabbed into the grass, did not wait to shout, mouth was blocked, I closed my eyes, the heart of four words repeatedly emerged: chrysanthemum not protect!

Just listen to a voice surprised to say: "Xiao Zhuangshi?" I opened my eyes and saw a childish little soldier staring at me, and then stood up in the grass dozens of people, Xu Long ran to me, sorry to say: "a misunderstanding, we thought it was the enemy."

The processing plant boss's brother-in-law to really a man, was pulled out of the car, holding a wrench, aimed at his head loudly said: "Don't come, come to let you see what filling!" ...

I explained to him for a long time he would not put down the pull, a soldier really impatient to go up a small grab on the brother-in-law won, brother-in-law plaintive cry: "I did not pull fake pesticides, also did not sell Japanese rice, you can't do this to me..."

In the end, I gave him a smile and told him that it was a group of joking hikers. After unloading all the grain and sending the driver away, I shouted at Xu Derong, who was a little sorry: "Remember, in this era, there are no enemies except those who ask you for money!" 'I asked him in surprise.' Why don't you stay in the tent? Where are the others?"

Xu Derong pointed to the grass around him. "They are all hidden. We have a rule that you are not allowed to stay in the tent after sunrise."

I looked at the crisis-ridden grass, careful observation vaguely can see the soldiers sitting in the grass with their knees, I fear said: "You did not attack passers-by?" I actually pulled them out of the grass and some of them were unconscious and said this was a golden Army spy. Fortunately, Xu Derong shook his head and said, "We can tell the people from the enemy."

At that time, although I listened to this uncomfortable, but I did not know what was wrong. Later I realized that Xu Derong meant that I looked like a special enemy of the people.

Leaving food I should have gone back, to let the steamed stuffed bun know I ran out from midnight last night, the consequences are very serious. I was about to go, just found a group of workers in the distance of the open space in the busy, and a bulldozer, the several dangerous houses have been flattened, anyway, it is too late, I simply called Xu De long led 4 soldiers, we have a look in the past.

The old bricks of the original house have been piled together, a few strong workers with lime on the ground to draw a big circle, in the circle of bricks, I do not know what they are doing, chuckled and said: "hard ah, said today to really come, speak credibility ah." A worker with a heavy face took a look at me and grunted a greeting.

I angrily stood there looking for a long time, more and more feel wrong, I grabbed the meat: "What are you doing?"

Hengrou patted a shovel of mud on the brick pile, shook off my hand and said impatiently: "Who are you, can't you see, this circle is covered with a canteen?" He threw a brick on the mud and stacked it with a shovel.

I pulled him up again: "This is the mess you fucking give me to build, don't bully me don't understand, I don't understand also know the pigsty also have to lay the foundation!"

Hengrou originally wanted to turn against me, but seeing that there were still people behind me, he opened my hand and said in a loud and angry voice, "Our boss told me to do so. If you need anything, you can talk to him!"

"Where's your son of a bitch?

Lazily, lazily, lazily came out of the shed with a bag of hookah under his arm, and said, "How can you talk --"

I pointed to his nose to scold: "Laozi see in your second uncle face just use you, money can not be less than a penny to you in the past, you work for Laozi so?"

The lazarou said, smiling but threatening, "Be polite -- what's the use of building a school of impostor who will declare bankruptcy in three or two months?"

I put a foot to the meat of their base of the pig pen, roaring: "to Laozi heavy cover!"

Dumbstruck, the mandjou said fiercely, 'It's a shame you didn't ask who you are. Now I'll give you a chance to make an apology to me, or none of you will get out of here today!' Then seven or eight more rufy-looking workmen came out of the shed, and, together with the others who built the pigsty, nearly twenty of them surrounded the six of us. Seeing that this was not enough of a deterrent, Lazarou rushed to the edge of the construction site and shouted leisurely, "Someone is looking for trouble." A dozen more jellies clattered up, with spades and bars in their hands, and I saw, on closer inspection, that none of them looked like real workmen: this mangy man had assembled a gang of scoundrels.

With a sympathetic heart, I calmly told him: "We agreed that you should work hard, I did not let you so..."

Lazio thrust out his hand at me and sneered, "Where's the contract?"

I sighed. Lazio shook his arms proudly and said, "Now apologize to me, and I'll pretend you didn't say anything.

I said, "Why don't I?"

"Hey, you see what my brothers say?"

"You know you're breaking the law," I said with a last hope.

"Sue me." "Said the mandjou imperiously.

"All right..." I asked him earnestly, "Can we not hit him in the face later?"

"I don't know, but you won't be disabled."

I sighed: "Your kindness finally saved your life -" I turned to Xu Long they 5 said, "hear it, they want to cover tofu slag project harm you, after a fight can hit the face, but do not put people hit disabled." Xu Derong side that captured my little soldier seriously asked: "Can you kick crotch?"

I didn't say all: "Look at you, boy, I said no maiming -- or kicking, but leaving at least one, got it?"

The lazarillo fumed, "Even when you're dying, you're talking like that..."

Before he had finished speaking, I laid a brick on his head -- in heaven and on earth, no one knew where this brick came from, a brick, but from where it should come!

By the time I lowered my head to pick up the brick again, the battle was already half over. Half of the Lazio's men were lying down, and the two three hundred soldiers, seeing the Wolf's fleshiness and lack of flesh, were still meek. The younger one pointed to a hooligan wielding a spade in front of them and said to the older one, "Brother, you have this." The older one greedily polite: "or you come brother, you are still young, need more exercise..."

Xu Derong's leg kung Fu is too handsome, a kick fly, like the Zhou star in "Kung Fu", but give him to lay down the person is not dead or seriously injured, this is called heat ah. The rest of the soldiers did not fight as well as he did. They had to be careful not to kill their opponents, and they had to neutralize them with a single blow. After such a delay, those who saw something was wrong ran away.

When I hold a brick to find someone, the rest of the blank look around, the man fell down, run run. I crouched down in front of the manzo and said with concern, "Are you all right? You didn't listen to me when I told you not to hit you in the face."

Manzi covered his head, knowing that the situation was over, he still shouted, "You wait until I call my brothers together and then deal with you!" When he had said these words, he looked into the distance with a sudden fascination. Did he think of his old mother and the girl at the head of the room?

I followed his gaze and smiled.

They saw that the enemy had begun to flee, so they cast nets from all directions to round up the poor rogue workers. Not one of them could escape from the clutches. Not a cigarette later, the captured workers were thrown to the ground, 300 iron and blood behind their hands, feet naturally separated. They put us in a big, big circle.

I walked up and down in front of the manger proudly with small square steps. "You don't ask who you are, you don't want to be ashamed of yourself -- you have no chance to apologize. In order to make up for the shock you caused to my fragile little heart, in addition to the canteen, dormitory and teaching building, you have to build me a large auditorium, the campus walls add half a meter, you also have to give me the grass."

The lazarou said in a weeping voice, "That's not what we agreed on..."

I thrust my hand at him. "Where's the contract?"

After a long time of tongue-tied, Lazarou said weakly, "I confess my guilt. I will give you back every cent of the money, and the bricks I brought you will be my present to you."

I said, "No, I can't take advantage of you. You'd better finish your work before you leave, and we'll be even." "Then I called Xu Derong to tell him," Let our brother watch these people work, food tube enough to eat, don't abuse. Xu Derong nodded.

"What you are doing is illegal detention, and it is against the law!"

I showed my hand to him and said, "Sue me!" Then I said to Xu Derong, "Anyone who wants to run away is broken!"

Lazarus finally burst into tears and snot: "Jango, if I had known you were a rogue, why should I?" At last he thought it presumptuous of him to say so, and he wiped his nose and groaned, "Let me die. Who are you?"

I said, "These are the students I recruited, the ones whose legs you want to break, aren't you going to introduce me to the campus police?"

Lumpy sniffled and said, "I'll get you all who have enemies with me."

It was OK to tear down a dilapidated-house, and they could not be imprisoned. In the end, he called in a few small contractors who were under his control, and they became professional overseers. After a special budget, it would cost him about 400 thousand yuan to build a large hall. Lazarus wanted to exploit several small contractors, but I gave him the money anyway. Now Lazarus was obedient to me, and though he had been beaten by me, he still could not hate me, which only showed that he was a wise man.


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