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Back the Wei Army

Chapter 40

By Ann Published 2 years ago 11 min read

Lao Liu saw me on the glass and waved hard at me. I motioned for him to wait and hurriedly put on my trousers and hiking shoes, my head full at the thought of shepherding hundreds of people to the place.

I went downstairs to see, Liu Lao Liu is still sneakily looking on both sides of the street there are no police, 300 men like the javelin set up half the street, and two people in a row of three in a row, the age is different, the largest look at 40 years old, the youngest a pair of children face. Most of them had their heads wrapped in worn black shawl and looked quite calm, not as if they had a deep hatred for anyone. In addition to their uniform blue military uniforms, they wore various kinds of armor. Most of them wore cowhides around their hearts, and some wore wrist guards and leg bindings, with the marks of knives and axes on the cowhides.

It can be seen from the decoration that this army is mainly equipped with light configuration and often performs extreme tasks. What makes me queasy is that they are all equipped with long knives, some carrying bows and arrows, short knives of different sizes, some sticking in the left back waist, and some tied in the leggings. Judging from their indifferent expressions and the wear and tear of armor, these are a group of soldiers who kill people like a stone.

Now the public Security bureau is very strict on the control of knives, I estimate that any one of them can be tested on the knife of a dozen or even more blood, this will fall into the hands of the police, I jump... There's no need to jump anywhere. I'll probably never see the Yellow River in the hands of the police.

Liu Laolu pointed to a 40-something veteran and said to me, "That's Xu Derong at the small school of Wei Wei Army. He is the highest official in the group. If you have any problems in the future, talk to him."

"The lowly army? What kind of name is that?"

Lao Liu looked back at 300 and whispered: "Don't make nonsense, Wei Wei Army is Yue Fei's personal soldiers and special forces. Besides the PLA, I think there are no forces stronger than them in Chinese history, but the number is too small and not so famous. It is funny when hundreds of people beat tens of thousands of them, 50 Wei rushed into the Jin Army camp and killed their general manager, leading to the destruction of 150,000 Jin Army. Even King Pai Jun's iron floating figure and abductor horse were all dead. Wu Shu wept at that time -- it is recorded in history that I am not lying."

I heard a lot of goose bumps, asking: "How can such a sick person not survive?"

Liu Laolliu sighed: "These 300 people were not killed in normal battle, I made a mistake before, they were killed in the suicide impact after Yue Fei's murder, these people are very angry, even if Yang Shou is not wrong, will not stop, hope you can resolve their hatred..." "Lao Liu said, knowing me well enough to jump back, and I hit the empty punch. I knew I could not fight this old god stick, begged him to say: "You get the Tang monk to do this, I stir up the fire is OK, the monk's life is not professional ah!"

Lao Liu grinned and said, "It's time to test you -- oh, I have to go. Today, there were two boys who followed me for a long time during the day. I suspect they were plainclothes." He crouched down a little and looked at the sky as if he were about to fly. But for a long time nothing happened, I asked him: "Why don't you fly?"

He gave me a look and said, "I just fart." Then he trotted out of sight.

I looked at the 300 with a knife, fierce abnormal back Wei Jun straight wry smile, went to the Xu long in front of the smile said: "Xu leader..." Xu Derong a fist: "Xiao strong man!"

Under the sweat on my forehead, I said, "Call me Hadron." I said tentatively, "Let's come here, the last life should forget it, brother, I am not what strong man, not what immortal, is a common people, you are soldiers, we should unite the army and people as a family."

Xu Derong smiled at me: "Easy to say."

I thought they wanted me to send them back to the Song Dynasty, but now they didn't show any disappointment when they realized I wasn't immortal.

I said frightened said: "Let's change clothes before can first give the knife to my custody......" I know that soldiers take good care of their weapons, even totemism, and disarming them sometimes takes more work than killing them.

However, Xu Derong listened, turned round and said loudly: "All attention, the knife to the right hand - release!"

There was a crash and three hundred long knives were placed neatly at each man's feet. How I want to shout "comrades hard work"!

I opened a box, took out a set of clothes, shoes and socks, a simple demonstration of how to wear, and then said to Xu Delong: "Please Xu leader put your weapons and change down clothes are put in the original box of new clothes, find a few strong back, we have to go a long way after changing clothes."

Xu Delong command several soldiers put the clothes down, and then these people took off in the street began to change new clothes, I noticed that all of them have a scar, they see "loyalty to the country" after seems to have no special reaction, although the vast majority of soldiers at that time do not know the word, but these four words have no reason not to know ah. This is the same as the 7th Steel Company soldiers have to know "do not abandon do not give up".

The clothes and weapons were quickly packed into boxes, and the unopened boxes were carried by special personnel. This was a highly efficient and well-trained unit. The whole process took less than a minute, and no one spoke.

I saw that everything was ready and asked Xu Derong: "Brothers have come a long way. Do you need to rest first? We have to run a 30 km cross-country." Xu Derong smiled: "Let's go."

I pushed the bike I borrowed from Uncle Zhao and said, "Sorry, I have to ride this. I can't compete with you..."

At first I was afraid I could not keep up with them and rode slowly. Later I found that no matter how hard I pushed on these people, because there were people sleeping in the earthquake shed in the open land, so I chose to walk on remote roads. Finally, my strength finally gave out, after taking the tent and riding for a while -- I couldn't pedal any more.

Xu Derong sent two soldiers in the back to push me to continue to run, I never thought I could do such a shameful thing to come, I remember when we run cross-country is also run the teacher on the bike, sometimes that really can not run to let the teacher carry a cut, if the girls are just, if the men do so, then the face lost.

I was so uncomfortable on the bike that it made no sense not to pedal at all, and if I pedaled a few times I couldn't get my breath up, so I pedaled a few times and reversed a few laps to make myself look busy. Although it is a path, occasionally there are speeding cars passing by us, both sides of the road also flashing neon lights and a variety of shining signs, the light look at the appearance of these abnormal population has been strange to his grandmother's home, but even a ask also did not, Yue Jun military discipline is really worthy of the reputation. I think I'd better introduce the world to them in a systematic way sometime, and then bring Qin Shi Huang and his friends with me, so they can't misunderstand that this earthquake is related to my farts. In fact, after living together for such a long time, it is no longer important for Qin Shi Huang and his friends whether I am an immortal or not, they have enjoyed everything they need to enjoy, and I am rich now. What do they want, except to send Xiang Yu back to Gaijin, that I can give them a little satisfaction, no different from the days of the gods?

At the toll station ahead, a police car with flashing lights was parked on the side of the road. Two policemen were leaning against the car and smoking. It seemed that nothing was wrong, simply because the government had prepared emergency measures at this particular time. They saw us when I saw them.

Now it was too late to turn around and go back. I slowed down and said to Xu Derong, "Don't offend the people in front. Do what I tell you later." Xu Derong ordered down.

When the two policemen saw hundreds of people in reform through labor uniforms coming towards them, they unconsciously touched their guns. When they saw me, they were slightly relieved. Perhaps it was riding a bicycle that made them feel more familiar with the life scene.

I put my foot on the ground and said, kindly but enigmatically: "Tell you, you will be in trouble."

A young policeman at the side whispered, "Special Forces, right?"

I very praise to him said: "You this kid is very clever, which unit ah?" Before he could answer, I shouted the command 300: "Attention!"

After Shouting this sentence, the sweat on my head also came down, I don't know whether they can understand the specific meaning of this command. Xu Derong reacted quickly. He put his hands on his back and stood with his legs separated naturally. The soldiers behind him followed suit with a snap.

I looked back with a guilty conscience. As expected, I saw the old policeman in doubt and said, "What army are you in? How do you wear..." 'he said suddenly.' Is this your special uniform? '

I smiled enigmatically and refused to answer.

In fact, 300 wore no number except the chest, it is absolutely genuine labor camp uniforms, but their hair is very cool, you see in the movie, wearing helmets are generally small soldiers, casually wearing a cloth hat, that is the special forces, if the head wrapped up, it is absolutely the country's heavy money to train the killing machine. Of course, this is actually according to the different combat environment and different, but ordinary police how to think so much, and 300 really have excellent military quality, they emit that kind of atmosphere is not prisoners can have.

I saw two police dizzy, while the iron is hot and said: "you hard, we have to go on, goodbye." Saying command 300: "Run-go!"

Xu Derong came to attention after hearing the word "running". After hearing the word "go", he was stupid and could only run away without staring. Then the other 299 followed him and set off.

When 300 ran out in front of me, I smiled at the two policemen and rode off on my bike. I also heard the little policeman say admiringly: "Look at the other army, in order to confuse the enemy, all the commands are reversed. It must be from the fifth army. I wish I could get in."

You can testify for me, I did not say he is the army from beginning to end, after this Yucai Wenwu school opened, people see this dress is actually just school uniforms, I can account for the lawsuit!

Just past the Toll Gate, not far from the destination, when the soldiers stepped onto the grass, you can see that they are more cheerful, it seems that they do not like the city. I like their character very much, because if they also come to eat, drink and be merry, let alone go to a bar, it will cost them more than 1,000 yuan to take them to a bowl of ramen. Do you want small pickles? Do you give them extra poached eggs or not? The quality of life will inevitably decline as the population increases. What a good basic national policy family planning is...

When I showed them several dilapidated houses, Xu Derong waved his hand and shouted, "Hide!" 300 people can't help but drill the grass, Xu Derong pulled me a four - wheeled, bicycle on my body.

When I explained that this would be their future home and that they would set up camp in the clearing tonight, Xu Derong firmly denied my offer. He thought it was too exposed.

Well, no one's watching. What's the point?

At last they set up camp far away from the clearing. I had never really used a tent, but the soldiers had a talent for it. Xu Delong felt the green cloth tent with satisfaction and said, "It's sturdy! And it's waterproof, and for a short time fire-resistant -- you made all that?"

I was angry with him for not listening to me. I felt that if Yue Fei came, he would accept my advice humbly, even if he didn't agree with it in his heart. After all, I am a landlord and have lived here for more than twenty years. It seems that I will be different from soldiers in political planning and logging.

Tent tied, I found my legs have been soft with the curtain like, in this state want to ride back, then the word is ready for me, 300 people open 61 tents, one of them is to store those boxes, I discussed with Xu Derong, first in the tent to sleep in the night, Xu Derong smiled and said: "you sleep."

It took less than five minutes for 300 people to set up a tent and sleep in it. Except for the sound of fabric shaking and tent feet being smashed, no one spoke. It was a little scary to watch. What the fuck are they up to?

I have to buy some gum tomorrow, because I'm getting bad breath from holding it all in.

Out of habit, they assigned two men to be in charge of the guard. I told them that they were all sweaty and tired from running and that they should go to sleep quickly, but they ignored me and said they were all sweaty. In fact, I was the only one who did so.

Lying down for a while my stomach began to cry, I just remembered that they ran with me all night, water and rice did not enter, this can be absolutely my master dereliction of duty, but these people a complain also did not, I this heart is more sorry, or how to say deaf and dumb children more people pity it. I don't know if they have crossed the moral line of "freezing to death, not demolishing houses, starving to death, not looting".

When we sleep has been the Oriental fish belly white, less than 8 o 'clock in the morning when I was awakened by them, out of the tent to see 300 people are a trumpet pout buttocks in the collection of dew on the grass leaves to drink, there are two soldiers in a pile of dead rabbits, someone has lit the fire, on the grill, Xu Derong saw me wake up, pointing to a row of trumpet at the foot of my tent said: "That's for you."

I looked down and saw that a long row of morning glory flowers was full of dew collected. Even a thinner person could take a bath. How long would it take?

I tearfully said: "Leave this for tea, you want to drink -" I pointed to a few shabby houses in the distance, "there is tap water."


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