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By Karun Published 12 months ago 3 min read
A life that flourished starting its journey as waste

In a bustling city, among towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there lived a small piece of waste. It was a crumpled paper, once bright and white, now discarded and forgotten. Its life began as a part of someone's important document, filled with words of significance and purpose. But as the document fulfilled its duty, the paper was cast aside, left to fend for itself.

The paper found solace in a dark alley, nestled between garbage cans and forgotten debris. Surrounded by its kindred, the waste led a humble existence. It watched the world go by, witnessing the ebb and flow of life. It saw the joyous laughter of children playing nearby, the hurried footsteps of busy commuters, and the occasional flicker of curiosity in the eyes of passersby.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The paper grew weathered and torn, its once crisp edges now frayed and worn. But through it all, it retained a glimmer of hope, a whisper of its former purpose. It dreamed of being more than just a discarded fragment, of finding a new beginning.

One fateful day, a gust of wind swept through the alley, carrying the crumpled paper high into the sky. It danced and twirled, floating like a delicate feather. The paper felt alive, embraced by the wind's gentle caress. It soared above the city, catching glimpses of the world below.

Finally, the wind settled, and the paper landed softly in a park. Surrounded by vibrant flowers and lush greenery, it felt a renewed sense of purpose. Its journey as waste had come to an end, and a new chapter had begun.

Children discovered the paper and unfolded its worn-out form. They saw beyond its tattered appearance and found a canvas for their imagination. With colorful crayons and markers, they adorned it with their dreams and stories, breathing life into its fibers.

The paper, now a vibrant mural of youthful creativity, found fulfillment in its newfound role. It became a symbol of transformation, reminding all who beheld it that even discarded fragments of life can find purpose and beauty.

And so, the life of waste transcended its humble beginnings. The crumpled paper, once forgotten and discarded, became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It taught the world that even in the most unexpected places, new beginnings can be found, and that every piece of waste holds the potential for a remarkable journey.

As the vibrant mural of youthful creativity, the crumpled paper found itself on display in the park. People passing by marveled at its transformation, inspired by its story of resilience. The local newspaper even featured an article about the remarkable journey of this once discarded waste, spreading its message of hope and redemption.

Word of the transformed waste spread far and wide. People from all walks of life came to see the paper, each finding their own connection to its tale. Artists saw in it the power of turning the ordinary into extraordinary, while environmentalists saw a reminder of the importance of reducing waste and finding value in all things.

The crumpled paper became a symbol of change, prompting conversations about the impact of waste on the environment. Schools organized field trips to the park, where children learned about recycling and the creative potential in repurposing materials. The paper's story sparked a movement, inspiring communities to come together and find innovative ways to tackle waste management.

As time went on, the crumpled paper began to show signs of wear once again. But this time, it was a result of the countless hands that touched it, the eager strokes of crayons and the gentle caress of admiration. Each mark, each tear, carried the weight of a story and the reminder that nothing lasts forever.

Eventually, the paper's journey came to an end. It found its final resting place in an art gallery, surrounded by works that celebrated transformation and the power of human resilience. It served as a lasting testament to the life of waste, reminding visitors of the potential for beauty and purpose that exists in even the most disregarded corners of existence.

And so, the microcosm of the crumpled paper's life became a macrocosm for humanity's collective journey. It taught us to look beyond the surface, to see value where others may not, and to find hope and purpose in unexpected places. The life of waste, once dismissed and forgotten, became a poignant reminder that every fragment holds within it the potential for a remarkable and transformative tale.


About the Creator


🌿✨ Karun, a poet weaving emotions into verses, embarked on the journey of words to unearth the beauty of feelings. In the delicate dance of ink and emotion, my poetry delves into the nexus of the human heart and the natural world.✍️

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