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A Journey of Brightness and Balance

Summer Solstice

By Anthony ChanPublished 9 days ago 4 min read
Special Thanks to Bibhash Banerjee (Picture) on

As the blistering hot rays of the summer sun surrounded the area on the longest day of the year, I felt a surge of anticipation and excitement. Today was not just any day; June 20, 2024 (Summer Solstice), was a day to honor the Sun and its life-giving energy, reflect on the past year, and prepare for one of the most exciting seasons of the year! Opening my eyes to the warm, amber light flooding my bedroom, I aimed to ensure my summer would start well!

Our town has always celebrated an ancient solstice ritual that harnesses its power and reenergizes its residents yearly! To get ready, I created a vibrant and sacred space in my apartment to celebrate the solstice. My theme for this year was balance—remembering the losses and setbacks of the past year while celebrating the new beginnings and lessons learned. I wanted to fill my apartment with the colors of the sun, so I started by gathering all the orange, yellow, and red decorations I could find.

I hung sun-shaped ornaments and bright, fiery tapestries on the walls. The living room transformed into a collection of ornaments that emitted love and warmth, with cushions with shades of gold and tangerine adorning the furniture. I placed vases of sunflowers, marigolds, and poppies around the room, their vibrant petals echoing the sun’s energy.

Next, I set up a sacred space on a small table near the window where the sunlight streamed in. I arranged a variety of fruits and vegetables in the solar hues—juicy oranges, plump tomatoes, bell peppers, and vibrant lemons. Fresh herbs like basil, thyme, and rosemary added a touch of green as their fragrance mingled with the sweet scent of the fruits.

In the center of this space, I placed a small bowl of water to balance the fiery energy with a touch of tranquility. The water reflected the sunlight, creating dancing patterns on the walls. It was the perfect spot for my chosen crystal.

After deep introspection, I selected a stunning brownish-red mineral stone often referred to as a carnelian crystal. Its color signaled strength, passion, and creativity, which I wished to embrace for the coming year. After holding the crystal in my hand, I could feel its warmth and power. It was as if the Sun had been captured within this stone and was ready to share its strength with me.

Before beginning my deep meditation, I took a moment to remember the family members I had lost over the past year. This allowed me to feel the sorrow associated with the loss of my loved ones and acknowledge the void their absence had created. Yet, for every tear shed, I also recalled the laughter and joy brought by the new family members who made their debut in the past year. The births of my nieces and nephews were like fresh rays of sunshine, promising happiness and optimism for the future.

I also reflected on many of the setbacks and disappointments I encountered in the past year —the projects that didn’t go as planned, the dreams that seemed just out of reach, and the moments of doubt and frustration. Each experience was a lesson that created a bridge leading toward greater resilience and understanding. I vowed to use these lessons to strengthen my mental health and navigate future challenges with wisdom and strength. Our mind is similar to our muscles, we must find a way to exercise it to make it stronger and resilent.

With this thought, I placed the carnelian crystal over my heart. Its energy resonated with my heartbeat, grounding me in the present moment. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the sun's warmth on my skin.

“My intention,” I said aloud, “is to embrace the energy of the Sun and take bold action as I seek to balance the light and shadow within me, to honor the past while moving forward with courage and creativity. May this summer be a time of growth, joy, and abundance. May I shine brightly, like the Sun, in all I do.” I chanted these words multiple times until they were fully ingrained in my mind!

As I slipped into a trance, I felt a surge of energy and clarity. The crystal seemed to approve, its vibrant color glowing in the sunlight. I placed it gently in the center of my sacred space, surrounded by fruits, flowers, and herbs.

Relaxing With My Mandala

To further honor the solstice, I created a mandala outside on the apartment patio. I gathered an assortment of orange, yellow, and red flowers—marigolds, dahlias, and roses—and arranged them in a circular pattern. The colors blended harmoniously, a radiant tribute to the Sun’s power and beauty.

Standing in the mandala's center, I felt deeply connected to the Earth and the cosmos. The flowers around me were like a protective embrace, their vibrant energy uplifting my spirit. I took a moment to bask in the sunlight, feeling its warmth and filling my heart with renewed hope and vitality.

As I opened my patio door to return to my apartment, I sat in front of my sacred space again. The room was bathed in golden light, a sanctuary of positivity and balance. I was ready to face the summer ahead with renewed energy and determination.

The solstice reminded me of the importance of balance, of celebrating both the bright light of success and the dark forces of failure and defeat. With the Sun as my guide, I was able to create a plan for the months ahead and ensure the summer would be memorable and impactful!

Short StoryPsychologicalHolidayfamily

About the Creator

Anthony Chan

Chan Economics LLC, Public Speaker

Chief Global Economist & Public Speaker JPM Chase ('94-'19).

Senior Economist Barclays ('91-'94)

Economist, NY Federal Reserve ('89-'91)

Econ. Prof. (Univ. of Dayton, '86-'89)

Ph.D. Economics

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Comments (1)

  • Maxwell Hurts9 days ago

    This is a great reminder for me to take a moment and absorb all that I've been through, acknowledge, and heal. Love the idea of an annual focal day to recharge and reset.

Anthony ChanWritten by Anthony Chan

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