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A delicate reminder. 🌱

A father we never knew; was it a good thing? As emotional issues are less destructive, than those when a violent father is in the family life.

By Dawn EarnshawPublished 10 months ago • 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a father who had a profound effect on his family. He was a hardworking man who worked long hours to provide for his family. He was a loving father who was always there for his children, no matter what.

Every morning, the father would wake up early and head off to work. As he left, his children would watch him go, and they would always remember the sound of his footsteps as he walked away. The father's footsteps were a reminder to his children that he was always there for them, no matter what. They knew that he was working hard to provide for them, and that he would always be there to support them.

The father's footsteps were also a reminder to the family of the importance of hard work and dedication. His children learned that if they worked hard, they could achieve anything they set their minds to.

The father's footsteps were a source of strength and comfort for the family. They were a reminder that no matter what happened, their father was always there for them.

The father's footsteps had a profound effect on the family. They were a reminder of the importance of hard work, dedication, and family. They were a reminder that no matter what happened, their father was always there for them.

🌱Idyllic isn’t it,! Now what about when you have abandoned your children to fend for themselves Feeling like a useless father? Who had a cursing, angry tongue and a slap of boxer.🌱

One day, my father had a bad day at work and he came home in a foul mood. He shouted at his us ; Martha and myself and was insulting and demeaning. His words had a profound effect on our lives. We were hurt and confused by our father's words. We had never seen him act this way before and it scared us. We felt like we had done something wrong, but we didn't know what.

Our father's words had a lasting effect on the family. Martha and me felt like we couldn't trust our father anymore and we were scared to talk to him. We felt like we had to walk on eggshells around him, afraid of what he might say or do.

Father's words had a profound effect on our family dynamic. Our feelings were like; we couldn't be ourselves around our father anymore. We felt like they had to be perfect in order to please him, and they were scared to make mistakes.

Our father's words had a lasting impact on the family. We had learned that words can have a powerful effect on people, and that it's important to think before you speak. We also learned that it's important to apologize when you make a mistake and to try to make things right. They were a reminder that words can have a powerful effect on people, and that it's important to think before you speak. They were also a reminder that it's important to apologize when you make a mistake and to try to make things right.

father absence from the family left us feeling like it was leaving a void that could never be filled.

We felt the absence of our father in our lives. We felt like something was missing, but we couldn't put our finger on it. Then feelings like they we were missing out on something important, but we didn't know what.

Mom tried her best to fill the void, but it was impossible. She was a loving mom , but she couldn't be both a mom and a father. The children felt the absence of their father in their lives, and it was a constant reminder of what was missing.

His absence had a profound effect on our family. We felt like we were missing out on something important, and it made them feel incomplete. Feeling like they we were missing out on a part o ourseloves and it was a constant reminder of what was missing. We learned that family is more than just a father and a mother. We also learned that family is about love and support, and that it's important to cherish the time you have with your loved ones, my father passed away in the October and we never got to say goodbye because even though he left us, the compassion and forgiveness we had learned through everyday study of the qui time we would meditate in life.

we will always love you Dad but our lives took a completely different direction, and one we would have liked to of had our father in.


About the Creator

Dawn Earnshaw

Loves writing short stories and poems - learning punctuation and Grammar.ADHD

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