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A Chance to Dream

A fictional story of a girl who struggles through homelessness and her journey to success.

By Tiahna - Education = ChangePublished 3 years ago 8 min read
A Chance to Dream
Photo by Daniele Colucci on Unsplash

The change jingled in my pocket and a small silver piece rolled out onto the ground in front of me with a clang. I stopped in my tracks. Heart racing and holding my breath. I reached into my pocket and felt the hole.

Grasping at the last bit of change left, I raced to pick up the small piece just a few feet ahead of me. Knowing I couldn't put it back in my pocket I held on to my few pieces of change in my right hand.

I just have to make it back home and put it somewhere safe.

Quickly I scrambled between peoples feet as they rushed around me. I could feel their towering gazes full of judgement and disgust.

'Eyes to the ground, eyes to the ground.' I repeated in my head over and over again.

Finally I saw the entrance to the alleyway metres in front of me. Quickly I made my way around the corner and followed the narrow path, taking a right when a fork split the pathway.

Each step leading me further away from the noise and light of the streets. It is in the darkness I finally feel at ease, knowing that only a few more turns and I will be home.

My feet carried me on autopilot as I thought of the life I will one day have.

I can see it clearly in my mind. I will have more than enough money to never have to save silver coins smaller than my fingernail again. I won't have to store them away for a week just to have one meal I can spread out for days. Instead I will enjoy three meals a day. I will never have to look down as I pass by people again. One day.


That's what I saw in front of me. A small smile played on my face as I hid my change and pulled the fabric closed.

I looked up and watched the stars through my wooden design. The cold pavement on my bare feet. A small pile of grass and leaves looking ever the more comfortable as my small body starts to fatigue.

I lay down my eyes growing heavy as I fall asleep. Crickets chirping their hushed lullaby. Wind whipping the fabric used as a door. Heavy gushes moving the small wooden structure ever so slightly.

The early morning light was the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes. I stayed where I was and just watched the sky. Taking in the beauty of the colours lit by the soft rays of sunlight.

I watched as I lay there, and thought of what I was going to do about food. I have not eaten in two days and the ferocious growls coming from my stomach reminded me of the little amount of change I had found this week.

People have been more careful lately,  now that more of them were losing their jobs. I thought about stealing money or food from people but every time I did, I cringed. I am a survivor. I can do this.

If I went down to the shops tonight I may be able to find some more change. What was I going to do until than though.

One day this will not even be a thought in my mind. Instead I will be able to help others like me. I will provide them shelter and food. I will learn to read and write. I will be able to look people in the eyes. One day.

I tidied up my home and pulled the fabric door closed behind me. Watching the pavement once again I set out into town.

Voices were the first thing I heard, followed by traffic and classical music. I smile as I pass the buskers, not daring to look at their faces.

I followed the ground with my eyes and continued along the pathway. Dogs started to bark as they saw me passing their yards. Children dressed in nice shoes were yanked far away from me.

'Eyes to the ground.' I repeated once more.

Rain starts to fall but the humidity keeps me warm. I quicken my pace and avoid the busier streets. The smell of freshly baked goods fills my nostrils as I pass by a bakery. Fresh coffee brewing strongly. I continue on the pathway once again walking faster than before.

I watched the wheels of cars spin as they splash water at me. Chills run down my spine. My bare feet washed clean by the puddles forming. I find an awning of an abandoned lot and take shelter there. Water dripping down my tattered clothing as lightning flashes through the sky. Loud rumbles that put my stomach growls to shame, follow the fierce sparks.

The streets are nearly empty now and any small change that may have been dropped has probably washed with the water down the drains. My chances of eating today are gone.

I sit down knees tucked tightly to my chest and let the tears escape. The sound of thunder masking my cries.

'Why are you crying?' A small but confident voice asks me.

I look up to see a nicely dressed boy staring at me with curiosity. I quickly look down.

'I'm sorry.' I say with a raspy voice.

He didn't say anything but I couldn't hear him leave either.

We both stayed quiet for a while. I looked up as I felt someone sit beside me. It was the boy.

'I asked why you are crying. Not for you to apologise.' He said with amusement clear on his face.

I look down again, not sure what to say.

'Here, you look cold.' The boy gave me his scarf. I knew what you were supposed to do with it, but was not sure if I should. 'It's okay. Put it on.' He assured me.

'Th-thank you.' I managed to get out some words of appreciation as this kind and well dressed boy started to stand.

'It's okay. You need it more than me. I would have given you my jacket but my mum would be very angry at me.' I looked at him as he smiled at me. I smiled back, still unsure of why this boy gave me anything.

With that he walked away. He looked back once more before going into the back of a car across the street.

I sat there thinking of that boy and once again watching the sky. Now finding the lightning more beautiful than frightening. One day I will return this scarf to that boy. I will have the words to let him now how thankful I was. I will have some form of kindness to return to him. One day.

A car slows down near me and I watch as a lady steps out. She is beautiful. Her walk was more graceful than that of a cat. Even though she wore boots with heels I could not hear their click clack. Her hair was shaped around her face and coat was adorned with beautiful brooches. She must have felt my gaze because she looked straight at me.

Her eyes are a brilliant blue and seemed to see every part of me. All my fears and all my dreams. I quickly looked down.

'Eyes to the ground. Eyes to the ground.' I reminded myself.

As I kept my eyes to the ground a flash of light lit up the tanned boots in front of me. I whimpered. Maybe this is the boys mother coming back for his scarf.

'Excuse me dear. Can you look at me.' Her voice was polite and calm.

I obeyed and looked up at the tall women staring at my crumpled form splayed out on the pavement. Weakness had evidently taken over my body. I was famished and it was clear to the lady before me.

'Are you alone in this world?' She asked.

I didn't want to answer, the truth hurt to much to think about let alone say it to a stranger.

'You must be cold. I have a house not far from here. Why don't you join me and you can shower, put on some warm clothes and have a meal.' She was certain of herself.

Somehow that put me at ease and I found myself saying, 'Okay if you are comfortable with having me for a few hours I would love to join you.'

That was the longest sentence I had spoken in years.

The women's eyes shone with tears threatening to spill over.

Oh no. She was just offering to be polite. I should have been more respectful and said no.

'Sorry, I don't know why I said that. I understand why you offered. Thank you. I will be fine on my own though.' I quickly rambled out the words and jumped to my feet, fear pushed me to start walking away quicker than my body should have managed. 'I have to go.'

The lady grabbed my arm and pulled me into her embrace.

'I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I truly meant to offer you a warm shower and meal. I still would like you to join me.'

'The tears are clear in your eyes though.' I stated confused by this women's actions.

'They are tears. The reason I'm upset is because of how you see yourself and the clear evidence of how wronged you have been by the world.' The tears were now rolling down both our cheeks. 'Please join me, I live alone so I would love the company.' She was not letting me go until I agreed.

'Okay.' I mumbled, still unsure of this ladies actions but also enjoying the affection she had shown.

The lady let go with a friendly smile on her face and called for a car to approach us. Noticing my hesitation she quickly appeased my fears.

'That's just my driver and my car to take us home.'

I nodded my head and followed her to the back of a nice shiny blue car.

Climbing in the smell of leather was strong in the air. The lady helped me buckle my seat and smiled at me again. It was infectious and I found myself smiling back.

'My name is Rosemary but you can call me Rosie, what is yours?' Rosie asked.

'Hi Rosie, I am Joseline.' I replied.

'A beautiful name, is it alright if I call you Josie though?' I smiled at the nickname she gave me and nodded my head in response.

The car ride was smooth and in just minutes we were in front of a large gate that opened on its own. I watched as we drove past and it started to shut. I faced the front of the car and let out a small gasp.

The house was much bigger than my little home. It stood taller than most of the shops I had seen.

Hopping out of the car I was entranced by the sheer size of the building in front of me. Amazed I almost didn't hear Rosie invite me inside.

She gave me a tour of the house and I felt as though I was going to be swallowed hole by the house.

Rosie must have sensed I was beginning to feel overwhelmed and steered me towards the kitchen.

'Sit at that bench I will get us something to eat and than you can shower.' She said, once again a smile on her face. Rosie was always smiling.

That was my new goal from now on, to always be smiling. Let’s see where that takes me.

By Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

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About the Creator

Tiahna - Education = Change

My main aim with my writing is to teach you something or make you question something.

Otherwise I hope you find some enjoyment from my fictional stories. 💕

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    Tiahna - Education = ChangeWritten by Tiahna - Education = Change

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