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Why Would I Need a Family Lawyer?

Otherwise, known as what does a family lawyer do?

By Shelley WengerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

There are many different types of lawyers, making it hard to figure out exactly which one you need. There are family lawyers, ones who deal with divorce only, personal injury lawyers, and even worker's compensation lawyers. That is only a start! There are many other types. It may be impossible to help you decide which type of lawyer that you should be talking to. 

That being said, family lawyers are quite common. Here are some reasons why you may need to find yourself a family lawyer. 

The most common reason that people hire family lawyers is divorce. A family lawyer will be able to help you through the entire process. That being said, some specialize in mediation, while others will help you no matter which route you go. 

Family lawyers will help you divide up your assets, including your home and finances. They will not let you forget some assets that are often forgotten about, including your retirement funds. They will also help you fight for alimony if you need it. 

Too many people don't think that they need a lawyer when they are getting a divorce. I recently wrote an article about this. You can read it here.

If you have children and are going through a divorce, your family lawyer will help you with child custody and support. Your lawyer will fight for your children, no matter what that means. It may mean joint custody. It may mean full custody. Your lawyer will also make sure that you can support your children if you are the one who is awarded custody.

That being said, if you are awarded child custody or visitations, you may have to reach out to your lawyer if things aren't going smoothly. Also, if you aren't getting the child support that you deserve, you need to fight for it! 

Family lawyers also need to be consulted when things change. If one parent moves, you may need to rethink your custody schedule. If your ex gets a better-paying job, his or her children deserve to be able to live a little better! 

You want to make sure that your children are taken care of in case the unthinkable happens. Though you don't want to think about dying, the truth is that you need to. You need to have a plan in place for your children, especially if they are young when you pass. 

You are going to need to appoint a guardian to take care of them, as well as set up a plan to make sure that they are financially taken care of when you are gone. 

You may also be looking into adoption as a way to make your family perfect. If you are thinking about adopting a child, you need to do it legally. You don't want to have to worry about losing the child because the mother changes her mind. 

You also need to know how much (or little) you want the birth parents in your child's life. You may want to choose a closed adoption, though an open adoption also has good points to it. Your lawyer will help you determine which is best for your family. 

You should always consult a family lawyer before you get married. Your lawyer should recommend a prenuptial agreement. If you are already married, you may want to protect yourself with a postnuptial agreement. 

Photo Courtesy of Canva

When people think about a family lawyer, they often think about their children. However, a family lawyer can help you with many aspects of your life, from before you get married to when you have children and plenty in between. 

If you decide to add to your family by adoption, they can help you through the whole process. Your lawyer can also help you set up guardianship, just in case something happens to you. 

They will also help you if your marriage doesn't work out. Your lawyer can help you come up with a divorce settlement that works well for you, as well as help you decide what works best for your children! 


Previously published on Medium.


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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