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Unleashing Solar

Some dog owners have lazy dogs, kind dogs, or goofy dogs. But not me. No, I had a naughty dog who helped me create everlasting memories.

By Kayla EatonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Unleashing Solar
Photo by Justin Aikin on Unsplash

The thing about owning a pet is you’re there for their whole life. For them, you are everything, and they give you unconditional love because they can. But for you, owning a pet is a small fraction of your life, and you are there from the very beginning of life to the very end of that life. Throughout this short time, you and your dog or other pet, build memories together. Several memories, if you’ve let them live a happy and fulfilled life.

My dog is no longer alive, but to this day, I catch myself talking like he’s right in the room with me. I catch myself thinking about those days when he was so naughty I couldn’t help but laugh as all the non-dog people shook their heads at him.

I could go on and on about how my dog Solar was taken too soon from this world. But the truth is, it was his time to go. It’s my time to move on, and it is my time to share a loving memory with you. So, instead of feeling sad and mourning my loss, I am going to tell you about my best memory of him. One that we made together, the one that has me looking at other dogs and shaking my head at the memories that lurch in my mind.

Finding the Right Fit

I’m not really sure how we ended up with the naughtiest dog on this entire planet. I’m actually not sure how my mom ended up with naughty kids, a naughty husband, and then a naughty dog too.

I read somewhere that you attract the vibes you put out to the universe. Is it true? It could be. Maybe Solar was the vibe that fit in with my life and my mom knew he would be my friend. Or maybe he chose us because he was vibrating at our same frequency. Who knows.

My mom had picked me up after work and told me we would look at puppies. I was so excited and happy. I wanted a brother, but a dog would have to do. When we got to the lady with puppies for sale, there were so many little wiggling butts in the air.

My cousin picked up one that was snoozing away. I had one that wanted to snuggle and play, but those dogs weren’t the ones my mom fell in love with. There was one dog we all watched in awe. He was attacking shoes, leaves, and nibbled on any fingers that got too close.

“That’s the one.” I heard my mom say. All I could think was, ‘really? That one?’ His attitude never got better. He grew into that ferocious little man he started out as. Solar was the center of my universe.

He’s not the dog I would have picked, but now I will have no other dog that fits the way he did in my life. Each and every glimpse in the past has me thinking about him. I can no longer look at sofas and not imagine them ripped to shreds, and I can’t picture an old man on a bench without imagining my dog ripping his hat off his head. Some dogs wander into your life and completely change you.

Meeting My Aunt

You know about my favorite dog, and in my mind, my only dog. He was naughty from the start and kept growing into it. What you don’t know is that my favorite family member is the polar opposite of this description. Trust me. You need to know about my aunt for this story.

When I was growing up, I always needed breaks. My days felt irregular, and I always felt unstable. Perhaps a dog could have been my therapy pet, but I am pretty sure Solar would have made the worst therapy pet.

To take these breaks, my mom would call up my favorite great aunt. I loved her house. She had rules about everything. Rules about the dishwasher, the pantry, when she woke up, when I woke up, what bathrooms I used, and anything else you could think of. There were rules for rules.

The rules never changed. She was the one thing that was always consistent in my life. She was the safety net I needed to thrive when I was younger. I would hop out of the car, and she would embrace me in a huge hug and ask me if I remembered all of the rules. Some people may describe her house as frigid and strict. But for me, it was welcoming. It was the one place I felt like I could relax because I knew what to expect.

Her house was always clean. Her dog was only allowed in certain rooms. Never hopped on furniture. Never went to the bathroom inside. Nothing. Everything had a place, everything and everyone had rules and expectations. It may seem like too much for some people, but this was and has always been my dream.

You get the picture. My aunt was a neat freak with firm rules that could not and would not be swayed by anyone. Her rugs, walls, and life were picture-perfect and God help those who dared disrupt that peace.

Meeting For a Holiday Celebration

Two years after my mom and I got our dog Solar, my favorite aunt had asked us if we wanted to come over with him. It was right before the holidays. My aunt always had beautiful white Christmas decor and a giant real tree that we never had. Hers was always so big and classically decorated, I was ecstatic to go. My mom was excited to let Solar play with her dog Daisy.

Although Solar was mischievous and ill-mannered, he was terrific with other dogs. If your dog didn’t get along with anyone else, they would always get along with Solar. He was charming and even charismatic in his own doggy way.

We arranged a date and time. My mom and I packed up. I straightened my hair and put on my best outfit. Then we corralled in the car with the dog. We headed straight there. I can’t remember much of the ride, but there had not been one car ride where Solar didn’t try to sit in the front with us or try to hop out of the window. So, I’m sure something like that happened on the way there.

My mom and I hopped out of the car and grabbed Solar by the leash. Who seemed to look at us like we were the ones nuts for having him on the leash. He looked at us like we were the ones who needed to be leashed in. Maybe that was true back then, maybe we were the unleashed beasts who needed more help than him.

We walked close to the yard in case he had to go to the bathroom, but he was much too excited. Maybe he could smell the other dog that was new to him, or perhaps he was just anxious to get inside and out of the Seattle rain. Who knows. He kept pulling mom towards the door, and I couldn't stop the giggles from escaping me.

My aunt opened the door after the doorbell sang its little tune, and we could see Daisy barking behind her invisible fence in the sitting room. My dog Solar was wagging his tail and barking at the commotion, jumping up and pulling my mother in through the door.

My aunt told my mom to unleash solar and to watch him closely. Solar seemed so excited to meet Daisy, the dog. It was cute. He looked so happy to be in this house, to be meeting a new dog, it was heartwarming. My mom unleashed Solar.

Solar was running towards the sitting room. Right past my uncle… and right past Daisy too. We had finally gotten in the door, the leash still in my mother's hand, when we realized what was happening. My dog Solar was not excited to meet my uncle or see Daisy, the dog. Solar was excited by the real tree all fancied up, excited just like I had been.

We all watched him from the main entryway. Looking back, I play it in slow motion on repeat. My dog sniffed the real tree, looked my mother in the eyes, and lifted his leg. My mom's mouth dropped open, and my aunt started saying NO. My uncle had his hand to his chest like he would pass out.

My naughty dog. My naughty naughty Solar, was peeing on the Christmas tree. That deliciously wonderful real pine scent, with all its white ornaments, was getting peed on by a dog. By my dog.

I can't tell you how long I hooted and hollered. My uncle screamed, "GET THAT DOG OUT, BEFORE I HAVE A HEART ATTACK!" Of course, my mother ran to Solar and put the leash on him so fast he didn't completely go to the bathroom.

My aunt, mom, and I took Solar and Daisy to the backyard to play. Where we let him run and wrestle Daisy the nice dog. My mom had told my aunt he had never done that before, and he was just confused because we don't have real trees in our house. My aunt must have said something kind but nothing I could remember.

Unleashing Solar

My dog Solar is no longer with me; we unleashed him one last time, three years ago. I was there to pick him out, and I was there to say goodbye. He and I have many more memories like this. Many more where he took my anxiety away and made me laugh to high heavens.

I have days where all I think about is his golden fur and how much I loved him for taking certain pain away. I think about all the times I had to sneak back into my house with a slice of cheese, telling him to be quiet. I think about all the small secrets he kept for me. Or the times he was gentle for some unknown reason. I think about the days he was the only one I wanted to touch or see even if it meant he was going to bite me or wrestle me.

Above all else, I remember this one memory. This memory where my favorite aunt was destined to dislike my favorite dog, and I think that’s what makes me laugh so hard. My dog had a fantastic talent for getting into trouble no matter where he went. I hope wherever he ended up, he didn’t lose that skill.

Instead of telling you about our final day together, I wanted to share our best moment together. The moment I knew no other dog would be mine like he was. Unleashing Solar was the best mistake my family ever made.


About the Creator

Kayla Eaton

Writing is not just a small hobby of mine, it is my entire life. It's what I wake up doing and what I go to bed thinking about. I talk to my fictional characters and watch them live through my words.

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    Kayla EatonWritten by Kayla Eaton

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