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Understanding The Mind Of A Teenager.

trouble with your teen? don't yell, listen.

By Daina Published 4 years ago 4 min read

This day in age teenagers are seen as the little demons amongst society from the way they are perceived in the media. YOU might have a teen who is becoming more moody and hormonal each day and you just cant get your head around why this is. Don't fret, there are more reasons as to why this is not just about chemical imbalances. Teens become this way from contributing factors such as school, change of friends/social groups, pressure from the parents to do well, stacks of homework, fear of finding ones self, lack of physical activity etc.

Lets start with how media look at youth. We often hear of stories in the press or on the news about the acts of violence, drug use and gang activities making the young generation look totally immoral. Bad press or misleading information can change the minds of how we see someone in the matter of seconds. Some may chose this life style from the way it makes them look to others creating social status. Have you ever asked a trouble child why they do what they do? Many youth participate in acts they wouldn't normal seem fit to do revolved around crime. Young teens are more about social media and status more so than children back in the day when social media was non existent. The way we look to others has become more popular. Think about it, if we receive compliments from others we are automatically flushed with happiness making us feel confident seeking more. This works in the same way for teens. They seek that attention, that urge to feel wanted and special. Youth of today want to feel different and stand out as there are so many competitions building each week. Social media stars gain wealth, fame and fans from the platforms they use which makes their lives look perfect to your son or daughter. They are being brain washed into thinking that's what they have to become in order to be liked. The world is in constant competition. We all want to be someone or feel like we are different for good reasons as well as feeling noticed. Tell your teen this isn't always realistic and that a normal life can be so much more uplifting and exciting to look forward to.

Back to the troubled youth, your teen may be struggling with trying to find themselves resulting in mood swings. They are getting frustrated with themselves which can take a toll on you as a parent. They will be at an age where they try to fit in, they try to see what they are like as a person, what their style is and who they want to be. You have to remember this is a scary thing for them. You can all say 'iv been there' but you haven't been apart of today's teens. The world develops every year and with it, new generations evolve. Teens go through tough times at school, work piling up, changes in friends, bullying etc. Going through school and developing as an individual, your constantly changing which results into your social group changing members. This may cause break ups of friendships and even relationships of close friends which your teen will find difficult to process.

There will be situations your child doesn't want you to know about. That's just the way it is so respecting privacy is a must. There are always ways to look after your child and protect them without invading space. If you do this, your teen will not open up to you. Approach them with subtle questions rather than interviewing them on what they are doing, where they are going, who they talk to over and over again. Always advice them of the right thing to do but don't over do it. These situations will mostly involve relationships, sex, drinking and often party drugs. Some children may tell you depending on their relationship with you but often these things are kept to themselves during their teen years.

Lack of physical activity or hobby in your teen will often lead them to laziness or seeking fun in other things such as drinking and partying. While this is okay under the right circumstances, you don't want them repeating this behaviour out of boredom. Teenagers without regular exercise have a higher percentage rate of developing depression and anxiety. Mental health issues today are more common and understood so there are roads to take if you can't get to the bottom of your child's worries. Try to encourage them in joining a sports team or even participating in something with them like a game of golf 1 on 1. Work on why they feel the way they do. Get them out and about and teach them ways to over come anxiety by the practise of engaging with others away from school. Get them to approach the cafe service area to order the coffees if they suffer with social anxiety. Always let them know they aren't on their own and you will go out of your way to help them what ever their struggle may be.

They key is to put yourselves in their shoes once again but with today's issues of the world. Understand that to you, their issues may seem small but to them, it's so much more. Always listen. Its hard to hear some things our children say but they have a lot going on in those years so we need to keep mindful of their mental and physical health and tackle the issues they overcome with them.


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