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Under Heaven's Reign

The Castle Greenwood Chronicles: Book One - In The Beginning: Chapter One

By Kat WohlgemuthPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Every night at midnight, the Purple clouds came out to dance with the Blushing Sky.

A new day dawned at Castle Greenwood, where Midnight was the time that everything began anew.

Yesterday's sorrows were gone. Joy was able to burst forth.

Those Purple clouds were the signal for the Princes and Princesses of the Most High to blow the Trumpets and sing and dance as the Heavens parted to make way for the newcomers to be welcomed into the heavenly realms.

Father Abraham Charles do Better had unlocked the secret to Castle Greenwood years ago in a time when he discovered that the Clouds above were filled with people's stories. In those stories, he learned that the people under the heavenly realms forgot who they were because they kept their hearts locked in cages so people couldn't hurt them. You see, the people whose hearts were in cages had been hurt so many times before, that it was far easier for them to lock up their hearts. It kept others from getting too close to them.

Some people's cages were iron bars like a prison. Some people's cages were glass, and when someone would break their hearts again, they would break everyone else's hearts also by sending out shards of glass. Some people's cages were like prisons made of substances: powders and potions, and cards that held money to try to conjure up more money, or foods or drinks that they ate or drank too much of, which hurt their bodies, or even using their own bodies the wrong way to help fill a void that wasn't really there, but only imagined. The only way to help them let their hearts out of those imagined cages was to help them forgive the people that hurt them, even if they couldn't remember everything.

"But how?" "How?", Father Abraham Charles asked no one in particular, but really was asking the Most High, under the sky at Castle Greenwood one night as the Purple Clouds were dancing with the blushing sky. "How can I tell the people"?

He had been spending time reading the Book of Covenants of Castle Greenwood, and studying what they meant. Then He had been spending time just crying out to the Most High, who Lives and Reigns above all.

And out of the Sky, the Purple Clouds parted, the Blushing Sky opened up, and like magic, he saw a staircase descend. Down the staircase came a Glorious being of light and love with wings to bring Father Abraham Charles do Better a message from the Most High written on a scroll.

The winged being Introduced Himself as Gabriel, and told Father Abraham Charles that the Scroll was for him.

He handed Father Abraham Charles do Better the Scroll, then walked back up the heavenly staircase.

Father Abraham Charles read the Scroll and was amazed at what he was being asked to do. He was told to write a program to take people through their life, all the way before they were born, where they would close any doors that were opened to evil. They would close any door that was open to hate. They would close any door that was open to using substances. They would close any doors that were open to being bitter. They would close any doors that were open to using their bodies in ways they weren't supposed to.

Then they would be able to forgive all the people who ever hurt them or hurt people around them. Then they would be able to listen to The Most High again. Then they would be Able to be Truly Free and Be the person the Most High Created Them to Be!

Father Abraham Charles took this magic Scroll and carefully placed it in his Book of the Covenants of Castle Greenwood for safekeeping. He was singing and dancing along with the Purple Clouds as he ran up the staircase of Castle Greenwood under the Blushing Sky into his Bedchamber to rest with his Wife, the Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, but rarely seen, Brown-Eyed Susan do Better, who, in Father Abraham Charles eyes, was prettier than any other woman, or flower, for that matter, in Castle Greenwood's garden, and more than could ever ask for or imagine as a wife, and mother of all his children and grandmother of his grandchildren, and adoptive mother to all those who were to come to Castle Greenwood looking for a family.

He thanked the Most High for the Book of Covenants and for Gabriel the Messenger and the Scroll, kissed his wife, and fell asleep and dreamed of people's locked hearts were out of their cages and growing wings.


About the Creator

Kat Wohlgemuth

I'm a former elementary school teacher and school counselor who digs kid's lit. I raised my own kids on the spectrum through the beginning of middle school, and started a new career in ABA when Covid hit, so here I am starting over. Enjoy!

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    Kat WohlgemuthWritten by Kat Wohlgemuth

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