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The mother's love

"And in this world, she is my world.

By Shanella Published 11 months ago 3 min read

Pedro and inday is from a poor family in the province of Samar. Inday is a single mom and Pedro is the only child. Pedro's father died when He was a 5 year old child. So Inday is the one who raised Pedro to get a better life. Pedro now is a 21 years old and graduating in college and he is a good student in his school and good at sports too. Inday working so hard for the future of Pedro. In day she work at the Palengke (market) as a saleswoman of vegetables that she planting on his backyard ,then at night she works as a janitress and always take a over time. One day, Pedro bring a girl into his house then He introduce her to his mom. That she is his girlfriend. Inday is so happy that his son had a girlfriend that can support and motivate him.

But after a few months, Pedro's attitude and appearance changed. Pedro is always late at night to come home and He always drunk. He not used to be taking cigarette but now he smoke nonstop. Inday is so worried for his son. She taught that when he have a girlfriend Pedro become more motivated in life. One day, Inday got home and she came across with Pedro and his girlfriend. Pedro is so very angry to his mom. Because there is no food at home. Pedro get his mom's wallet and left. Inday is crying that the money is for his graduation fee. The girlfriend stared to Inday and smirk. Inday is sad to what happened. His son is changed so much that she can't understand where she lacked of.

In several months, Pedro graduate. Inday is so happy in that day and went to the mall to buy a gift for his son. But when she got home. Pedro's things is nowhere to found then the money that she save up for pedro is got stolen. Pedro left his mom alone and live with his girlfriend in manila. Inday got a heart broken that day.

Pedro works in manila and she lived in a apartment with his girlfriend for 5 years. Pedro not visits his mother for 4 years from the day he left home. He is working so hard for his girlfriend that make him stay at work to take a overtime. Pedro plan to propose to his girlfriend when he got home. Later, Pedro got home the He saw that the door in there apartment is open. When he came in. He caught his girlfriend cheating on him with a old man. Pedro is very angry that he punched the old man. In that day, Pedro got heart broken and break up with his girlfriend. Pedro packed his things and then leave.

Pedro is nowhere to go. He didn't understand why he got cheated on. Pedro sit in a park and watching the people that walking by. Then suddenly, the tears came down in his eyes. He saw the child that happy laughing while bonding with his mother. Pedro misses his mother so much that he cry for what he did to his mother.

Pedro made up his mind to go home in samar to apologize for his mother.

Pedro ride with airplane to come home. When Pedro is walking in his village. The people in his neighbour keep staring and yells at him. Pedro run fast to his mother's house. But when he got home. The door is closed and the front of the house is so messy. Pedro kick the door and shocked to what he saw. Pedro's tears comes down while staring in the funeral tarpaulin of his mother. The chairman of baranggay enter the house and tell the story to Pedro. Inday left his diary in the drawer of Pedro. Pedro read the diary of his mother. He cry and got heartbroken in reading the diary. Inday is working hard for the future of Pedro even though she got a level 3 cancer. She get 2 jobs and take over time. She wrote every single day in the diary. She didn't wrote a single bad words for pedro. She still loves his son for the rest of her life and the last part of the diary that he read. The bank account that Inday save up for Pedro's future when he left. Pedro burst to cry and beg to god to let him talk to his mother to apologize for what he done.


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