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By Violet StephensPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash

Do you cover your chips when eating? I think not. Are you ashamed to be seen drinking a drink? Again i think not. There is a culture of being uncomfortable that shadows breast feeding, the glares from both men and women is highly annoying. Babies are people and just like everyone else they need feeding, if i chose to whip my boob out then i should receive a well done. It is funny when someone hears a baby crying in public the first comment that comes out of a mouth is "is she not going to feed the baby". Hold on wait, so you want me to feed the baby but i should not feed him with my breast? You can’t be serious!

Early on in my teenage years i had already decided that breastfeeding was for me, this decision was supported by my lack of breast milk as a little bubba. NO! it was not by choice but due to health issues my mother and myself were experiencing (that's another topic for another day). Personally i do not see the benefits of formula in terms of health for the baby, so if that is your preference for your child then that is alright. Mama's do what is right for you and your baby!

WOW! where do we start there are numerous health benefits for baby boy, eczema and allergies better watch out because the breast protect crew is at work. OMG better IQ yes that is what we want, let me say it again THAT IS WHAT WE WANT. My baby is going to have all the milk he wants, when he wants. Losing shut eye is worth the sacrifice, as there is no schedule feeding is on demand.

Illusion is the right word if i were to profess that my breast feeding journey has been straightforward. There have been a few twists and turns along the way from the get go, uphill before the smooth. Let us rewind to the first to the first few hours of Amaziah's life, i had envisioned that he would latch on like the water of a ducks back. Yeah! that did not happen i was mistaken in having that he was more interested in his best friend which i now long for...SLEEP. One day we will be reunited oh! what a great day that will be. Maybe i put too much pressure on him and myself after such a hard labor and delivery, trust me the pain is no joke. Do not worry guys i will fill you in on that subject another time, it is partly the reason why we are only having 1 child. Amaziah remained in dreamland until the morning which meant i had no choice but to feed him with formula milk, this was not in my plan whatsoever. To be honest i do not know why i was surprised nothing actually went to plan i should have seen it coming, if only i had a feeding detector.

What really helped me was family support and the pleasant visit from the lactation specialist she showed me how the different feeding positions and how to aid my son in latching on correctly. The support received from the hospital except from one lady was TERRIBLE! I can understand why many women feel defeated and turn to the bottle. Breast feeding is natural and beautiful the way the body responds to the baby is so clever, there is so much that i have not said. More positivity and encouragement is required through the health care system and the media we really must push this agenda.

To end on a high the four words that i associate with breastfeeding are; bonding, special, stupendous and euphoric. I LOVE breastfeeding and i am sure Ama does too!!!


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