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The Importance of Fantasy for Children

Exploring the Magic of Imagination

By TestPublished 8 months ago 2 min read
The Importance of Fantasy for Children
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash


In today’s society, there is a growing emphasis on technology and STEM education, which can sometimes lead to undervaluing the importance of fantasy in a child’s life. However, it’s essential to recognise the power of imagination and the ability to explore imaginative worlds. Stories play a vital role in a child’s development, encouraging creativity, empathy, and a sense of wonder. This article will explore why children must have access to fantasy.

1. Fosters Creativity

Through books, movies, and imaginative play, fantasy allows children to escape reality and enter a world where anything is possible. They encounter magical lands and fantastical creatures and embark on extraordinary adventures. This exposure to innovative content nurtures their creative thinking, inspiring them to invent, dream, and explore beyond the boundaries of the ordinary.

Engaging with fantasy can turn children into storytellers, allowing them to create their narratives and characters. This creative exercise enhances their problem-solving skills and enables them to think outside the box, skills that prove invaluable later in life.

2. Encourages Empathy

Fantasy stories are a great way to introduce children to characters and worlds that are different from their own. This exposure to diversity in terms of characters and settings helps them develop empathy and understanding. As they get absorbed in these imaginary worlds, they learn to relate to characters who may have unique perspectives, experiences, and challenges.

By empathising with fantastical characters, children develop the ability to understand and connect with people from diverse backgrounds in the real world. This empathy is crucial for building strong interpersonal relationships and creating a more compassionate society.

3. Sparks a Sense of Wonder

Children are filled with wonder and curiosity when encountering fantasy worlds, mythical creatures, and extraordinary phenomena. This curiosity leads them to ask questions and seek answers, inspiring them to explore and discover the beauty and mysteries of the world. This fascination with the unknown can encourage a lifelong love of learning, leading children to explore a variety of subjects, from science to mythology, in search of answers to their imaginative inquiries.

4. Develops Critical Thinking Skills

Fantasy stories typically feature intricate and imaginative worlds that operate by their own set of rules and logic. As a result, children must employ their critical thinking abilities to comprehend these fictional realms, interpret the connections between characters, and grasp the cause-and-effect mechanics within the narrative. This mental workout fosters cognitive growth and contributes to children’s development as effective problem-solvers.

5. Provides a Safe Space for Emotional Exploration

Fantasy provides a secure avenue for kids to delve into intricate emotions and fears. They can handle their feelings and responses in a safe and non-threatening setting by encountering challenging scenarios or characters in fantasy tales. This emotional journey assists youngsters in cultivating emotional intelligence and grit.


It is essential to recognise the significance of fantasy in a child’s life, especially in a world that emphasises practicality and technology. Imagination allows children to explore their creativity, develop empathy, experience wonder, exercise critical thinking, and safely navigate their emotions. As caregivers, educators, and parents, we should actively promote children’s immersion in fantasy through books, imaginative play, and creative activities. This will equip them with the skills to face the real world and inspire them to envision a more innovative and brighter future.


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