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The family has a little girl growing up

The golden breeze sent a cool breeze, and our daughter has been working for almost a month. When colleagues saw our couple, they admired us and said that our daughter was a good fighter and our parents were happy!

By Stum BrokinsPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The family has a little girl growing up
Photo by Thomas Griesbeck on Unsplash

The golden breeze sent a cool breeze, and our daughter has been working for almost a month. When colleagues saw our couple, they admired our daughter and said that our parents were happy!

To my colleagues' approval, I always humbly say that my daughter is in school, and every step of the process is not lost. She has grown up together with her parents. Of course, when I say this, I also taste the sweetness.

We gave birth to her in our third year of marriage, thinking she was an angel from God, so we named her "Tang Qi". Because my childhood has been lived in fear. My parents were away at work, and there were only four siblings at home. So, in order for my daughter to spend her childhood peacefully, she always slept with me. When my daughter was in junior high school, she was still pestering me to sleep with her at night. I said to her with a smile, "Ask your classmates at school tomorrow, as long as one of them is sleeping with their mother, they will still sleep with me. The next day back, she was embarrassed to say no. The condition was that she still slept with me on weekends. That's how it took a few weeks for her to get used to sleeping alone.

We also work very hard. Go to work, buy food and cook dinner ...... may be too much pressure on her studies, she came home from school meal can not eat. I was in a hurry. I always feel that the only thing in the world that is hard to raise is a little girl! When our daughter was in her second year, we as a couple approached her class teacher to find out about her studies. I just wanted my daughter to get into the key middle school, Sheyang County High School, and we thanked God for that! The class teacher said that it would be hard to get in even if you spend money. You know, when I heard this, my heart was blocked and I felt that my daughter's hope was very slim. In the evening, my daughter came home, I held back the pain in my heart and said with a smile: "Your class teacher said, as long as you work hard, there is still hope to get into the county high school ......" daughter listened to seem to have confidence in themselves.

When my daughter was in her third year of junior high school, my husband rode his motorcycle to transport her for a year. She said, you guys are just giving me pressure. I said, no ah, as long as you can afford your father to transport you every day, and dark and thin. Happily, my daughter successfully entered a key high school. She came back when she went to get her diploma and said. "Today I finally raised my eyebrows to the teacher to get the diploma, see the usual school number in the top ten students did not even get into ......" I said with a smile, don't be too happy too early, three years later to see the light.

In fact, the happiness of a family requires everyone to work for it. Here, I want to thank the county women's federation. 2009 March, daughter in Sheyang County High School in the second year of high school, my family was the county women's federation as the "top ten harmonious family", the fall, my family was the city women's federation as the "100 harmonious family". My senior title was also assessed in that year, so I can say that it was a double happiness.

Looking at the gold plaque, I said to my husband and daughter, "Harmonious families need everyone's efforts, one person falling behind will affect the whole family. At that time, my daughter's academic performance was very unstable. She was addicted to Jay Chou's songs or romance novels all day long. I often collected the drawers in her room, and when I saw the romance novels, I tore them up in front of her. Sometimes she cried and pleaded, the book is a classmate, do not tear. But I still have the heart to tear up. At home, my daughter hates me to the bone. I wrote four letters to my daughter from her second year of junior high school to the time she entered college. If there are things I can't say, I'll say them in the letter. Every step of my daughter's growth requires the guidance of her parents.

In July 2010, when my daughter got her college acceptance letter, our family was especially happy. In 2011, my husband's senior title was also successfully evaluated. My daughter's four years of college have been relatively smooth, one step at a time. She got her Mandarin IIA certificate, computer exams, English level 4 and 6.

In May 2014, my daughter began to test the preparation. I heard from a friend that a teacher can't get a job without 200,000. I can be really anxious. Because we just bought a new house in July 2013, we paid the down payment for the house with all our savings. We are worried about our daughter's future. My daughter's first test was in Yancheng Yandu District, and after she came back from the test, she was confident and said, "Only two fill-in-the-blank didn't do well. There should be no problem." Waiting for the score to come out, the written test score is only 72 points, she herself is confused. I was so anxious that I didn't feel like cooking dinner. But when I got home from school, I had to buy food and cook dinner. Because there are 80-year-old grandparents of the child at home. Although my heart was in a panic, I still held on. At that time, I finally understood what it was to have an old man and a young man to work. Insomnia also began to occur unpredictably.

As my daughter's housemate is from Xinghua, Taizhou, my daughter accompanied her to Jingjiang City to take the editorial exam, but unfortunately there was no news. I said to my daughter, the thing is only three, is a mule is a horse now see the difference. The third time to apply for the examination is Taizhou Hailing. We didn't have much hope for our daughter's exam. She called me when she went to see the score. I was in class and didn't hear it. That day, it happened to be the 10th anniversary of my mother's death. I got into my husband's car and he said that Tang Qi had passed the written test. I regret that this good news came from my husband and not from my daughter. I took out my phone and saw my daughter's missed calls.

My daughter came eighth in the written test, 2 points away from the first place. The interview will take place in two weeks. The written test is forty percent and the interview is sixty percent. Someone reminded me to find someone to say hello quickly, otherwise there is no chance. In Taizhou, I had no family.

I sent my daughter home. A preparation plan was arranged for her. The first week, familiarize with the upper and lower sixth grade textbooks, the teaching guide, and the lower book lecture notes. The second week to prepare the upper book. I told her that there are four parts in the script: teaching material, teaching method, teaching flow, and board design. Each part should not be missing. My daughter was not familiar with elementary school textbooks because she was working on junior high school textbooks. I was very worried about her teaching process. I asked experienced language teachers from the school to tutor her during the weekend. I talked to them about encouragement as a principle and told her to go to the interview with great confidence.

My daughter was shy and refused to go to school. I said to her that they had been judges for many years, so it was good to just practice. After half a day of coaching by three masters, my daughter was enlightened.

The content of the previous book was taken care of by herself, and she prepared her own lesson template. After the interview, my daughter said she scored 87.43. I heard that the score was not low. However, my daughter came out of the examination room and heard that she had scored more than 90 points in the middle school language and more than 90 points in the music interview. The process of waiting for the score was torturous, and my daughter only ate one meal for two days. We looked very distressed and advised her to try again if she couldn't pass the exam.

On Tuesday, my daughter went to Taizhou to see the score, and I told her to call and let me know whether she was on or off. More than 10:30 a.m., my daughter called me and I heard her crying. I that heartache ah ...... daughter with a cry, said the interview second, the second overall score, legs shaking ...... I put down the phone, immediately told the good news to the three masters who coached her. The most delightful is the second place, the selection of posts directly in the Hailing District of Taizhou.

At noon, we were in no mood to burn our meals as a couple, ate at the snack bar and went home, too excited to sleep. Originally thought that the college entrance examination is the most difficult, but now I think the work test is the most difficult.

Summer vacation, daughter selection, training, rent ...... all the way though hard, but the heart are sweet taste. I wish my daughter work, love, marriage are smooth, and and beautiful!

Mom always bless her!


About the Creator

Stum Brokins

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