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The chosen one

Heart of love

By Balogun Muslimat TitilayoPublished about a year ago 10 min read

( Heart Full Of Love... )

Genre: Royal Romance

Tags:,Fate,Soulmates,Goddess,Age Gap,Deities,War,S£x,Spells,Deaths,Love Triangles,Jealousy,Slavery, Revenge, Rivalry,Secrets,Crowns,Seers,Hatred



The kingdom of Suidan is ruled by a powerful Monarch,King Lucian who have been ruling over them for six years,he was the first king to be crowned as the king at a very young age of twenty two and now he's twenty eight years old.

His reign seems like the sweetest in the kingdom of Suidan,the citizens are happy,their livestocks and farming are going on well,it rains when necessary,the citizens aren't hungry. Their warriors are always ready for any type of war,the citizens aren't scared.

Everyone live freely,both the high class and low class.

Everything was perfect,but the only problem is,their great king is still without a queen.

In the last six years,three queens has been crowned but none of them ever lasted,they always end up leaving the palace,because the king never seems to get attracted to any of them. This gave the citizens some concerns and in no time the rumors began to spread.


According to the popular rumors,he can't provide a heir after his reign is over.

Because why wouldn't he want any of those beautiful women given to him from noble families?

These goes on for a long time and then,after the last queen left,King Lucian declined having another queen by his side.

The only woman who is allowed close to the king is Lady Matilda,his only Mistress.
And then we have twenty years old Adelaide,a low class citizen who stay with her wicked step mother and step sisters.

She's really popular in their neighborhood,people call her a fairy for her extraordinary beauty,her gleaning and unblemished white skin always shining bright.

From her perfect slim figure,to her small and thin lips,sharp poppy innocent eyes,long lashes and long hair. Her white robe always spotless,she's loved by the people around her except her so called family

These people she call family takes great pleasure in tormenting her life every single day that she sometimes wishes for death.

Ever since her father died,she became an outcast and slave in her own house,but who is she to complain??

To them,she's like a disaster that should be gotten rid of,they loathe her a lot. She cries every night at the corner of her small room wishing for death but seems death is not ready for her either.

But then suddenly she found her way into the palace
What will become of her in there??

Stay close till the end

You wouldn't wanna miss it, it's addictive as usual

( Heart Full Of Love... )


By, Summer Gold R.







"Yes Lady Agnes!!" Adelaide gave the woman a wink as she ran through the market,running in total rush in the midsts of the multitudes. Her white robe giving the sight of beautiful flowers as they followed her,her long straight hair which is almost the same length down to her knees running after her also.

👥 Adelaide

👥 My Sweet Fairy

At least one or two market women would call her name but she was too busy to greet them back like everyday.
"Adelaide wait!!" She finally heard a more familiar voice and she stopped running,she wiped the beads of sweats running down her face before turning to see her best friend,Eleanor running after her.
"Hey,where are you going in such an hurry? I've been following you since you ran past our house,I had to escape from mother" Eleanor said
"That's not cool" Adelaide said
"Where are you going?" Eleanor asked
"I need to get home and prepare dinner for my sisters and then for my step mother..."
"But,it's barely evening" Eleanor groaned

"Are you trying to mock me or you are going to tell me you don't know I have to prepare their meals separately??" Adelaide asked,losing patience already

"Oh right,I'm sorry. You should go before they act crazy again" Eleanor nodded and Adelaide smiled

"Then I will see you later........"

"Make way for The King's mistress!!!"

"Make Way for Lady Matilda!!"

They heard the loud deep voice from afar and they both looked up to see everyone getting out of the way as the palanquin appeared with four carriers and about six guards following from behind

Everyone bowing accordingly even without seeing her face,but then she opened the curtain and waved at the traders with her beautiful smiles

👥 Oh she's so beautiful

👥 Even though she's just a mistress,I love her

👥 Lady Matilda,remain healthy and beautiful!

"Oh..Adelaide. I suddenly wish to be a King's mistress right now more than I want to be a queen" Eleanor said dreamily as she stared at Matilda who was still beaming with smiles

"Why?" Adelaide asked

"Can you see the way the King's mistress is glowing? I heard she's twenty six,but she really look younger than me,she's so beautiful" Eleanor muttered

"True she's beautiful" Adelaide muttered and nodded in agreement

The palanquin was already close to them

They both bowed their heads and Matilda smiled at them

"She's so soft and nice also" Eleanor smiled,still staring at Matilda's back

Matilda really got the heart of many people that they all wish the king would possibly make her the queen one day.

She would visit the poor citizens some times,she would come along with food and other things,she would play with their kids before going back to the palace.

👥 She's really worthy to be the queen

The people would say,Matilda really got a space in their hearts.

Adelaide suddenly gasped
"Oh goodness!! I need to go!!!" She screamed and didn't wait another minute before running off

"See you later!!" Eleanor called after her but she was gone


Queen Sophia appeared with her maids behind her as she approached the King's chamber,she was looking so beautiful and young,her hair weaved with the royal beads,her robe beautifully decorated and her face just with some light makeup.

"Queen Mother is here!" A guard announced as soon as they saw the queen

They all bowed at once

Queen Sophia turned toward the entrance but Carl showed up instantly,He's the King's favorite and special guard.

"Good Evening queen mother" He bowed

"I'm here to see the king" Queen Sophia demanded

"I'm sorry queen mother but the king is quite busy now and wouldn't like to be disturbed" Carl said as he remained bowed

"Tell the king it's me Carl" Queen Sophia said

"Yes my queen" Carl said and immediately went back in.

King Lucian was checking out some written notes when Carl came in

"I told you I don't want anybody in Carl" King Lucian spoke up in his cold emotionless voice as usual

"I'm sorry your highness,but the queen mother is here and I think it's really important" Carl bowed

King Lucian looked up and dropped the note in his hand

"Let her in then" He finally pronounced

"Yes your highness" Carl bowed again and walked out

"My queen,you can go in" He said and Queen Sophia smiled before turning to her maids

"Wait here,I will be right back" She said

"Yes my queen" They all chorused

Queen Sophia walked into the King's chamber and she met him standing and waiting already in the lounge,his back turned against the door

"My king" Queen Sophia called and Lucian turned immediately
"Evening" Queen Sophia bowed,smiles beaming on her face
"Why are you looking so happy mother?" King Lucian asked as they both proceeded to sit down

"My king,permit me to speak casually" She said and Lucian nodded

"So,I've been thinking about it for few days now and I came to a conclusion about it. Why don't we invite the deities like Shaman said??" Queen Sophia asked

Shaman is the most popular and powerful herb doctor in Suidan

"We should at least hear them out" The queen added

"Deities? For what?"
"We need to find a perfect lady for you..."
"I will decide that when I am ready mother" King Lucian uttered
"You need a queen and a heir son..."
"Can we not talk about this mother?? Please,I really don't want to"
"Okay fine,I will always respect your wish. But I'm concerned about the rumors...I'm afraid it's true" Queen Sophia sighed
"What rumors?" King Lucian furrowed his brows and Queen Sophia touched her hair a little
"What is it?" He asked again
"I recently heard that,there are rumors about you.....not having a heart to love" Queen Sophia dropped the bombshell and King Lucian laughed
"What's funny? I'm telling you the truth"
"What about the one saying I am suffering from my family's curse? You won't tell me that?" He asked
"What do you mean family curse? There's no curse" Queen Sophia immediately said
"Then why would you believe I have no heart to love?" He stood up
"I was busy before you came in mother" The king muttered and started walking away
"Do you need my help son?" Queen Sophia called after him
"You need rest mother,I'm almost done" King Lucian replied and finally walked out
"Oh goodness,what do I do about him?" The queen heaved out a loud sigh before leaving the chamber.


As Adelaide approached the house,she could see the ground looking so soaked with water and she became confused

"Did it rain here alone in Suidan?" She looked around still looking confused as f**k,she raised her white robe up to prevent it from getting stained. But then suddenly her eyes went wide when she saw where the water was coming from

"No!!!!" She screamed and ran toward the big barrel she had filled up with water before leaving the house earlier but it was empty

"No...no..please" She stuttered as tears started forming in her eyes

She really suffered before getting this water,the well isn't near at all and to think she would have to go back to that well makes her weak

"What are you waiting for?? Are you not going to prepare dinner before mother comes back??" She heard the voice from the back and she immediately turned to see her step sisters,Aria and Luna giving her the hateful stares as usual

"What happened...to the water here?" She asked

Aria and Luna faced each other and laughed out loudly

"What do you think? You are not blind are you?" Aria smiled

"You poured the water away?? Why!! It's not as easy as you always think please!! Why are you doing this to me?? Just why??" Adelaide cried and a slap from Luna landed on her face

"How dare you shout at us!!" Luna yelled and Ade touched her painful face which became red instantly from her white skin

"Get lost this minute and get water to prepare dinner!" Aria shouted

Adelaide sniffed and carried a pot immediately,she had no choice. Aria and Luna are actually nicer than their mother,she wouldn't want their mother to meet her there or she might be buried this evening.

"Look at her,so poor and ugly" Luna hissed as they stared at her leaving

"We should cut that hair of hers one of these days,it annoys me so much anytime I see it on her" Aria said,glaring at Adelaide's back hatefully

"Well,don't worry. I have a plan,and I am sure mother wouldn't have another choice than to kill her this night" Luna smirked

"I trust you sis" Aria laughed.


Adelaide kept on humming a sound to herself as she walked,she already wiped her tears and once again had her usual happy face on,except for her red cheek,one would think she's the happiest girl in Suidan,not knowing she's hiding her sadness from the world.

It's really a long distance to walk from time down to the well but strangely she's always faster than usual,maybe the goddess and gods are with her.

She approached the well and could see few people there,

'I am really going to die if Zoey get home before me' She said inwardly and reduced her pace a little,she could hear the girls murmuring even though she was still far away from them a bit

"I wonder when the next queen will be chosen"

"I heard the king isn't ready for marriage"

"Who cares? Have you guys ever seen the king closely? You will be sexually aroused just by taking a glance at him"

"That's true,He's so handsome and manly,I was breathless the first day I saw him from a close view"

Adelaide got to the well without saying a word to anyone

"Oh see who we got here,it's the so called fairy" One of the girls said and they all laughed

Apart from being loved,most of the young lads like her hate her so much,but it's obvious they are only jealous of her beauty.

Only princesses and ladies from noble family are seen to be as beautiful,but Adelaide is a complete goddess.

She said no word as each of them gave hateful comments about her and mocking words,she's too experienced to be brought down by them. The only devils in her life are the people she live with.

In few minutes,she was done.

She carried the pot and left the well,her heart beating and racing in fear hoping Zoey hasn't arrived yet. But as she approached closer and closer,the fear increased. finally she got home

She dropped the water and gently went in,but almost immediately Zoey appeared,coming out

Adelaide could feel her heart escaping from her body instantly,she turned back to run out but Luna closed the door.

"So I heard you were out of the house since morning..."

"No mother...."

Zoey slapped her

"I said don't ever call me your mother! That witch mother of yours is dead!" She yelled and Adelaide nodded as tears rolled down freely from her eyes

"Now you spend your day at the brothel? Doing what exactly??" Zoey asked and Adelaide's eyes went wide

"Brothel??? I don't know what you're talking about...."

"Are you saying we are lying? We clearly saw you there today!! This proves it mother,she just went for water and dinner is not ready yet!" Luna said

Zoey took the whip meant specially for her and Adelaide moved back,she staggered and fell in the process

Luna and Aria raised her robe up and held her down
"No mother!! No please spare me,I promise to do anything you say from today please!!" Ade cried out
Zoey ignored her pleas and started lashing the whips on her bare legs




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    BMTWritten by Balogun Muslimat Titilayo

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