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The Blind Date

Tina's Date

By Riskat AbdulPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The Blind Date
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

At eighteen Tina was nervous to have a boyfriend. All her friends seem to have been engaged in relationship even if it just a causal friend, no guy seem to admire Tina despite her beautiful look. This gave Tina concern. She went straight to her face book page and typed “looking for a boyfriend”. Although, it may sound stupid but that was the only way she felt she could relieve herself from such thought.

Few days later she received her first message from Kofi. “Hi dear I’m interested in your relationship, I’m Kofi sultan, I leave in Abuja, I’m a student of University of Abuja, if you care to know me better please drop your detail in my in box .I shall be waiting for your reply,” he lied. “Oh my God!” she was excited upon receiving the message. She became nervous and gave all detail of herself to Kofi mail.

Kofi was also excited at this because that was exactly what he wanted. Kofi booked a date with Tina the next day. Tina couldn’t wait to meet her first date. She told her friends of her new boyfriend, about how rich and handsome he was. All her friends became jealous of her and they wish to know Kofi, Tina’s new boyfriend.

The Luxion hotel was the venue for their date. Tina was eager to meet her new boyfriend, but she was confused about what to wear and how to dress. She then ran out of her room, leaving her mum stunned. Her mum sternly told her to stay inside and let her boyfriend visit her father's home. Refusing to follow her mother's advice, Tina decided to leave for Kofi's engagement.

Kofi and his friends were already waiting for Tina. Kofi kept calling until Tina arrived. “Hi Tina, Kofi said. Tina couldn’t identify Kofi because the picture she was sent was totally different from the faces that were siting. She looks to her left and saw a short, shouted, big headed man in a dirty brown polo and an overused snicker. Kofi was excited seen Tina because no lady seems to have liked his looked and that was the reason he had faked his identity. “Who are you” Tina asked disgustingly, well I’m the Kofi your Facebook friend. How come you are different from what I saw on the face book page? She asked repulsively and remembers that she had promised to betroth herself to the first man that will admire her. She remember the voice of the old man she consulted for an attractive powder and the warning she had been given. “Do not use this power until you see him, otherwise you will be doomed forever”. is this mix up on something”. she said in confusion

Tina regretted all her actions, she ought to have listen to her mother, she ought to have been patient probably the best might have crossed her path but it was all too late for her. Her desperado has caused her permanent trauma. She wishes to correct her ways if there’ll be second chance, but I doubt…


Tina stayed off food for days; she kept wondering how she had exposed herself to such danger by keeping to Kofi’s promise and giving all her details to an absolute stranger like him. Her heart races faster as the words of the old man kept beeping in her brain. She tosses herself on the floor, romping continuously in a loud scream like a mad dog. Her mum was confused; “the news had spread like a wide fire.” she said. Hot tears trickled down her mother’s checks. “This girl has killed me she has ruin my life completely” her mother wailed. She unloosed and tied her rapper consistently as she pace around the house. Neighbors surrounded her, some of them wanted to get the latest news, some to mock her predicament while other where to help. “Give her this, give her that, don’t let her out” they kept suggesting. “It seems Tina is behaving strange these days”, Tina’s mum was frightened at her daughter traumatic condition.

People watched Tina as she gazes at the empty floor and saying words out of her sanity. She became dazed soon after her mother was able to administer few herbs and local concoction prescribed by some of the neighbors; she met herself in a dark empty room with a chain rapped around her neck and hand. Suddenly, she saw an image appear before her with a calabash, and another and the third was wearing a black rapper while the other were on red. The shortest was Kofi. Kofi was holding a long knife and would cut her at the command of others. She kept screaming but nobody could hear her, she was kicking her pillow and rolling on her bed, when she heard” please don’t injure yourself”, her mother interrupted.

She woke and found out it was only a night mare. “I can see you feel better now; we shall see the doctor” her mother said excitedly. “She must be suffering from probably psychology trauma of her last incident”. But I know a counselor, who can assist. The doctor suggested after making some prescription of drugs.

The next day Tina was taking to a counselor. After Mama Tina had narrated what Tina went through out of desperation. “Well there is still a solution, but I want you to believe that nobody has caused spell on your daughter. But first she needs some sleep after which I’ll place her on a therapy”, said the counselor. Few days late Mama Tina was happy at the latest development, “my daughter is gradually improving all the drugs and therapy seems to be working like magic”. Many weeks later, after she had been advised by the counselor, Tina withdrew from her friends, now that she realizes she had been badly influenced and deceived by her peers.

She worked hard so as pass her undergraduate examinations and was determined to be a writer. She develops the habit of writing, she found her hard and bad time interesting. One day, she saw a publication on the television on story writing competition. She tried to encourage herself to participate, “Tina you can do this” she said to herself. she titled her story “The Blind Date”. Tina felt it was an opportunity for her to let her cat out of the bag. “Young girls should learn a lesson from my experience” she thought.

She took her pen and drew the picture of all narration. She was able to meet the dead line. Every eye that read her story felt pity for her. The moderator couldn’t get the story off her table and she was finally convinced at Tina’s word. The story won her scholarship and awards. Tina couldn’t believe she did it.

Tina’s courage began to shine light on her. She no longer looks for friends, but good friends began to search for her. She became convince that failure has no friend but success has… Tina’s parents were happy.

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    RAWritten by Riskat Abdul

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