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Silicon Valley bank collapsed, and federal regulators took control, impacting tech startups, and leaving customers in limbo, with concerns about the broader economy

Money, the more we make, the more we...

By Isaac Ekow AnyidohoPublished 12 days ago 4 min read
Silicon Valley bank collapsed, and federal regulators took control, impacting tech startups, and leaving customers in limbo, with concerns about the broader economy
Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Silicon Valley bank failure results in federal regulators assuming control, impacting tech startups and leaving customers uncertain. Concerns arise regarding the broader economy. The Federal Reserve utilized quantitative easing as a measure to boost the economy during the financial crisis. Interest rates were reduced to near zero, and quantitative easing was initiated by purchasing government securities. Banks exploited the Fed's program designed to aid the real economy, focusing on maximizing profits quickly. The Fed's role in the economy has evolved to become the primary driver of economic growth in the United States. Democratic institutions are losing effectiveness, leading to a reliance on non-democratic entities such as the central bank. The Fed's loose monetary policies have led to a surge in the stock market and increased risk-taking. Quantitative easing artificially inflated stock prices, resulting in a temporary market boost. Wealth inequality has been exacerbated by quantitative easing, as lower interest rates drive stock prices up, benefiting the wealthiest individuals. The American dream is perceived as unattainable, with the system appearing rigged. Donald Trump's populist campaign highlighted the system's failure to support the poor and middle class. Government inaction and political gridlock have impeded economic investments and infrastructure development. The tax reduction policy has further exacerbated economic inequality. Jerome Powell's appointment as Federal Reserve chairman resulted in the hastening of interest rate hikes.

The cycle of stock repurchases and debt issuance has been fueled by low interest rates. Companies are utilizing debt to repurchase shares and invest in technology that displaces workers. Low interest rates are encouraging unethical practices on Wall Street and impeding economic progress. Congress and regulators must address alarming trends in the financial markets. The Fed's strategies have been criticized for boosting financial markets and favoring the wealthy. Nevertheless, it is crucial to weigh the advantages for the less fortunate and the compromises involved. There are escalating risks in the shadow banking system that necessitate monitoring and regulation. Minimal action has been taken to control the shadow banks and other vulnerabilities. The financial system's fragility was underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic. The US government mandated an economic shutdown, impacting businesses and employment. The CARES Act, amounting to $2.2 trillion, was enacted to provide economic stimulus and aid to individuals and small enterprises. The Federal Reserve initiated emergency lending programs, purchased corporate debt, and implemented unprecedented measures to stabilize the financial system. The Fed's interventions have resulted in moral hazard and the creation of a risk-free environment in the markets. The Fed's measures have exacerbated moral hazard and raised doubts about the sustainability of capitalism. The entire business sector has become accustomed to bailouts, and risk-taking has been incentivized. The Federal Reserve's interventions are seen as a threat to the capitalist system and are believed to hinder market corrections. The Federal Reserve has denied any responsibility for the vulnerabilities present in the financial system. Despite millions of Americans suffering during the pandemic, the markets experienced significant growth.

The safety net provided by the Federal Reserve contributed to the unprecedented performance of the stock market. The emergence of cryptocurrency has brought about new risks. Many are enticed by the possibility of quick wealth in the crypto market. Concerns have been raised regarding fraud and speculation within the crypto space. The Federal Reserve's role in the cryptocurrency craze is a topic of debate. Discussions are ongoing about whether the Federal Reserve's policies could potentially lead to inflation. The implementation of extensive stimulus measures has resulted in excessive demand, overheating, and inflation. Various fiscal and monetary stimuli, including bail-out checks for households and firms, have been put into effect. Inflation has surged due to an excess of money chasing a limited supply of goods, causing prices to rise and raising concerns about the long-term health of the economy. The middle class is facing increasing challenges in making ends meet due to inflation and escalating expenses. Many individuals who were previously financially secure are now struggling to pay their bills and maintain their savings. Rising rent costs have made it difficult for families to afford their current living situations. More people are turning to credit counselors for assistance, grappling with credit card debt, utility bills, and housing payments.

The current economic difficulties are more varied and severe compared to previous years. In response to mounting inflation, the Federal Reserve has opted to raise interest rates and tighten monetary policy. The Federal Reserve is increasing interest rates to combat inflation. The higher interest rates are expected to dampen demand for housing and curb the rise in home prices and rents. It is important to note that factors such as gas prices are influenced by geopolitical forces rather than actions taken by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve believes that to combat inflation, a more aggressive approach is necessary rather than a more cautious one. Despite other central banks adjusting rates earlier, they too have faced similar inflationary challenges. However, the Fed's decision to raise interest rates has raised concerns about the possibility of a recession and job cuts. This has also caused worry among labor unions regarding potential layoffs and job losses. Currently, U.S. regulators are investigating Sam Bankman-Fried, with potential involvement from the Department of Justice. Bankman-Fried initially invested $3 million in LUNA, which has now grown to a value of one thousand.

The presence of bubbles in various markets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and art, has been fueled by the availability of cheap money. There is growing uncertainty about the possibility of a significant market correction due to artificially inflated assets resulting from easy monetary policies. Market participants are concerned about the Federal Reserve's inclination to raise interest rates, which could pose potential risks. Economist Nouriel Roubini predicts the bursting of an asset bubble and an ensuing economic nightmare. As a result, a looming debt crisis is expected, which may lead to a surge in the restructuring business. Currently, both the American corporate sector and households are burdened with unprecedented levels of debt. The Federal Reserve's decision to raise interest rates is aimed at managing this debt, but it may also place highly leveraged entities under significant stress. There is a growing concern about the existence of a credit bubble and the potential disruption it could cause in financial markets. While the Federal Reserve may need to intervene, it should only do so if the circumstances warrant such action.

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About the Creator

Isaac Ekow Anyidoho

A calm person with a cascading mind filled with ideas of my own and know that; I can make a difference with the support of people like you. Thank you.

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  • Sweileh 88811 days ago

    Interesting and delicious content, keep posting more now

IEAWritten by Isaac Ekow Anyidoho

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