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Swore to the heavens

By LaRissa Dawn Published 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Perfect Snacks on Unsplash

Toasted marshmallows were dated as early as 2000 B.C, enjoyed by the Ancient Egyptians and reserved for gods and royalty. Later partnered with and evolved into the graham cracker sandwich. The campfire dessert. The gooey toasted treat, better known as the s’mores, has been around since the 20s when it first appeared in Tramping and Trailing, A book created by the Girl Scouts. The s’mores have been a summer night staple for centuries and, as of 1965, the symbol of love.

It all began on a family camping trip in Oklahoma. A young California man named Jerry Jones, belt bottoms, long dark hair, and peach fuzz. He was the 6th of 8 soon-to-be nine children and semi-hated the yearly summer family trip. His father was a shy ginger Irish Boston man, and his mother a rowdy Oklahoma woman from the Creek tribe. The family alone was an odd-looking bunch, and for the most part, they didn’t care. Except for “Jer-bear,” his mother called him. He determined that summer, he’d prove he was “a man.” A boy at his age, 14 going on 15, was indeed overwhelmed with hormones. He had never kissed a girl, and he wasn’t picky; he even considered Jullian from Texas. Her family came every year and camped across from his. She had a bowl cut and wore headgear for her hereditary underbite. Next to her family was Jerry’s best summer friend, David, from Georgia, a short goofy-looking boy whose family had their reserved campground due to regular financial contributors to the park. On the last day before everyone left to return to their homes, there would be a gathering of the three families, and they would do games, group activities, cook and tell stories.

Both Jullian and David’s families arrived that year at the same time. And to Jerry’s shock, Jullian grew her hair and no longer had headgear, braces, but no headgear. Oh, and boobs. And David, we’ll David had a growth spurt; he had joined football during the school year and gained a few muscles. Jerry just had peach fuzz. They all greeted, unloaded, and set up their campsites. At this particular campsite, there were over 200 families that would come every year. Towards the end of the campgrounds, there was a small empty spot. The family that had been there previously was divorcing and wouldn’t be attending that summer’s festivities.

Until the Coleman’s arrived, a single mom with three kids, the eldest was a daughter named Kaile, curly brown hair, freckles up and down her nose, also wore belt bottoms. Jerry and David were walking out of the public facilities when they saw her. Jerry swore to the heavens she was the one he would marry one day, and he’d die if he couldn’t meet her. For the rest of the week, he tried to strike up a conversation and seemed to fail repeatedly. It was now the last day of camp, and Jerry had made no progress. Thankfully his father noticed and had “the talk.” He told Jerry about how he met his mother at the same camping grounds years ago, and he couldn't work the courage up to speak to her. Finally, one night before leaving the park, he had an opportunity, and he took it. The rest was history, and Jerry just needed to find his opportunity.

The three families had come together for a final summer activity while the teenagers snuck off to have their fun.

There was a spot near the edge of the lake, away from everything, where they would hang out, drink, play music, eat, etcetera. Everyone seemed to have “someone,” even David and Jullian had become closer than ever. Jerry sat alone for a while before giving up and returning to his family’s campground. Upon his arrival was Kaile sitting at the campfire with the younger kids. She explained Jerry’s mother went into labor and was taken to the emergency room. None of the older siblings were around, and she agreed to watch the younger kids until they returned. After some time together, the kiddos became tired, and Jerry and Kaile put them to bed. It Left the two alone sitting at the campfire. Eventually, Jerry made a joke that didn’t land, and Kaile noticed; she explained that she wasn’t ignoring him; she was hard of hearing, and he’d need to sit closer for her to hear him. She made a joke, and he laughed. The night went on, and they talked about everything. At one point, Jerry offered Kaile a s’more. She had never had one; this was her first camping experience. Jerry pulled out the ingredients, and they roasted the marshmallows together. He anticipated her first bit; they shared a blanket and a kiss.

The following day Jerry was woken by his two younger siblings. Kaile and her family had already packed and emptied their camping spot. Jerry was heartbroken. Shortly after the rest of the families showed up, they packed their area and ventured to the hospital. She had delivered twins.

A few weeks passed, and Jerry received a surprise letter from Kaile. He almost fainted! They wrote to one another for the following year and met each summer. Eventually, they got married, and believe it or not, their wedding dessert was s’mores! I know this because every summer, my family celebrates my grandparent's anniversary. During Covid was the first year we didn’t celebrate together, and pawpaw got sick. The following year was the first year without pawpaw Jerry. This year was bitter-sweet. We were all together but alone. Happy and heartbroken. We sat silently while roasting our marshmallows, and my grandma blustered a joke. It was the one Jerry told her that night at the campfire. “Do you know why they’re called s’mores? Because you always want some mores”, so corny, but it worked. She pretended not to hear him so he’d come closer because she saw him around and was just as nervous as he was. “Kaile swore to the heavens he was the one she would marry one day.”


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