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Running Into Danger!!

A young couple run into the path of a psychopath

By Karthikeyan Varma S RPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The young couple's day seemed to have started like any other, but little did they know that their day together would take a drastic and unexpected turn. Annie, a spirited and outgoing twenty-two-year-old, had invited her remarkably quiet boyfriend, Luke, to join her for lunch in the park.

The park was bustling with children calling out to each other, lovers passing on the sidewalk, and neighbors nodding in acknowledgement as they walked their dogs. The sound of birds and the scent of freshly-cut grass filled the air. Annie and Luke enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere and shared a moment of tranquility, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

But their peace was soon violated. Across the park, they noticed a scruffy-looking man slumping on a bench - a man who hadn't been there moments before. His body was tense, and he scanned the park cautiously, ready to spot any intruder. His sharp gaze eventually set on the couple.

Annie and Luke, afraid and taken aback by the stranger's sudden presence, wanted to leave their seat and run away. But before they could make their move, the man stood up and lunged towards them with an air of angry determination. Instinctively, Annie and Luke ran away from the strange man, picking up speed in an effort to lose him.

The couple darted through the streets of the city, never looking back. Their hearts were beating fast, and both were overcome with a sense of dread. After a few moments of running, they were thankful to have outpaced the stranger, when out of nowhere, the man sprang from behind and grabbed them.

The psychopath dragged Annie and Luke towards an alley, grinning wickedly like prey fresh for the hunt. He pushed them up against the wall and held them in a grip of iron. A sense of paralyzing fear crept up their spines as he spoke in a low and menacing voice.

"Ah, you two are not like the rest," he hissed. "You thought you could outrun me, didn't you? But here I am."

The couple trembled in fear, not knowing what their captor would do next. But then, a miracle happened. A passerby had noticed the commotion and alerted the police. In no time, a police car pulled up and the officers rescued Luke and Annie from the madman.

Annie and Luke fell into each other's arms, relieved and deeply shaken by the ordeal. Together, they slowly made their way back home, grateful for the second chance given to them. They were both much wiser now, and had learned never to underestimate or underestimate the power of a psychopath.


Annie and Luke still remember their brush with death whenever they pass the park. The memory of the scruffy-looking man still lingers and will likely never be forgotten. Now, they are more wary when walking alone, and prefer the safety of crowded places.

The two were lucky, but many have not been so fortunate. As such, it's important to avoid dangerous environments, be aware of one's surrounding and to trust one's gut if an individual seems odd. It's also important to find safety and not underestimate the potential of a psychopathic threat.

Running Into Danger is a story of the unforeseeable, of the danger that lies in the shadows. It is a reminder of the fragility of life, and the need to take caution in any situation.

In conclusion, Annie and Luke's story serves as a reminder of the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and to trust one's gut if something seems off. It is a lesson in the fragility of life and the need to take caution in any situation. It is a story of the unforeseeable, of the danger that lies in the shadows, and of the power of a psychopathic threat.


About the Creator

Karthikeyan Varma S R

My name is Karthikeyan Varma S R and I'm a story writer. I have a passion for story telling and I love taking ideas and turning them into engaging stories.My main goal is to create stories that captivate and inspire.

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