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Remembering what we said to our baby girl when she was one and a half years old

A review of little Dawnxi's intellectual development at 1.5 years old

By Dawnxisoul393artPublished 2 years ago 12 min read
《Baby's Intelligence》, painted by Dawnxisoul393

Dear little Dawnxi, when you were one and a half years and ten days old, your mother and father took you for vaccinations and a "routine check-up for children aged one and a half years". (That medical examination date was arranged by the health center.)While waiting for vaccinations to be administered, mommy and daddy told you about the scenario you might experience later, the nurse will give you a shot in each arm, it would hurt a little, but not a lot and mommy and daddy would always stay with you. Mom and Dad thought you would still be like you were six months ago, at most, you would cry once or twice when the nurse pulled the needle out of you. It turned out not to be the case at all. You started crying from the moment the nurse stuck the first needle in. When you came out of the vaccination room, you cried for a long time in the hall. It was so hard to cry that it hurt mom and dad. The last time you had your vaccination and physical examination at about one year old, your height was up to the standard, but your weight was not up to the standard, and you were still a little short of the minimum standard weight.

Enjoying the sunshine, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

This time, six months later, both height and weight were up to standard, although the weight just reached the minimum standard. But dad and mom were finally relieved. A year and a half ago that morning, mommy's amniotic fluid broke, Although after a full day of efforts by doctors and nurses and the mother, in the early hours of the next morning, you were born naturally, you were born prematurely, and your weight was up to standard but relatively light, so all along, your weight has been a worry for mommy and daddy. Daddy and mommy hope you eat enough at every meal and make improvements in your next "two-year-old physical examination". After the vaccination, we pushed you all the way home, trying to communicate with you all the way, but you fell asleep. On the boulevard, mom and dad stop the stroller from time to time to check on you, and so on, all the way, walking and stopping, back home. Looking back at your growth, there are so many moments mommy and daddy want to record for you ...

The few vaccinations you had after you were born passed without incident except for one night when you had a little fever (according to the guidelines of the health center, we didn't give you fever reducers), but this time, on the 10th day after the vaccination, you started to have a fever, sometimes up to 39 degrees, with red rashes on your body and face, refusing to eat or sleep and asking your mom and dad to carry you around the living room. When mommy and daddy stopped, you cried, and when mommy and daddy sat down, you also cried, and for several days, we even went to the clinic one night and registered for emergency checking and treatment. A few days ago your fever went down and the rash slowly subsided, but your body was still very weak and you couldn't even stand up. These days you are starting to recover. A few days ago, mommy and daddy suddenly noticed that you were behaving better and more polite than before the vaccination, calling mommy and daddy mommy and daddy all day long and giving mommy and daddy lots of smiles.

Giving mommy and daddy lots of smiles, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

Recently you are talking more and more, although most of it is alien language (mommy and daddy do not understand, but can guess), you like to talk a lot, every day rattling on and on, "Bujige bujige bujige", "Abagei abagei abagei", "Amaji amaji amaji" ... All kinds of strange and weird sounds. Sometimes there are also sounds that are very similar to normal speech. In fact, you already knew how to say "mommy" and "daddy" when you are six months old. One night, your mother was in the living room, your father and you were in the bedroom, and you suddenly called out "mommy daddy", Your daddy was so happy that he almost went crazy that he immediately asked mommy loudly if mommy heard you. Of course, mommy heard it and heard it clearly. After that, you called "mommy" when you wanted mommy's milk and "daddy" when you wanted water. But a year has passed, and your ability to speak is not improving fast, until now, you can only say single words like "daddy", "mommy", "girl", "ball", "car", and the name of your singing and dancing toy cat "Neigh neigh".

You can only say single words like "daddy", "mommy", illustrated by dawnxisoul393

But happily, although your improvement in speaking ability is limited, it does not hinder your development of expression and comprehension in daily life at all. You understand many common words in life, know what your mom and dad say to you and what they want you to do, and have almost no obstacles in communicating with daddy and mommy. There was a time when your appetite was not very good, but recently it has been outstanding. You can quickly determine whether anything you eat is what you want at first sight, and then you are eager to eat it. You love all kinds of fruits, rice, noodles, eggs, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cakes. Sometimes when you eat, you also ask to let your little tiger, little penguin, little fox, singing and dancing cat, and so on also sit on the stool next to your dining chair to watch you eat and talk to you, because these toy animals are all the toy animals that can repeat our speaking pronunciation. Then let dad or mom also give them some "food".

You love all kinds of fruits, rice, noodles, eggs, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cakes, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

When you were a newborn, because you had eczema on your skin, your mom and dad would bathe you every day with herbs such as honeysuckle, dandelion, and mugwort. When the problem was serious, four times a day, once when you woke up in the morning, once before going to bed at noon, once after sleeping at noon, and once before going to bed at night. Later it was changed to three times a day. Your eczema has almost cleared up recently, so switch to twice a day, once at noon before bed and once at night before bed. Now you are consciously concerned about your bottom when you pee or poop, you will use your hands to tug on the pull-up diaper, and you will prompt daddy or mommy to help you change into a clean pull-up diaper. Sometimes you feel uncomfortable when your poop is wetter, you will even cry If mommy or daddy doesn't notice right away that you pooped. Every time you pee or poop, Either dad or mom needs to wash your bottom carefully again. But the most troublesome thing was that after your strong reaction to the vaccination this time, you were very unhappy when you were given a bath at noon and at night before bedtime, but you weren't like this before, you used to enjoy bathing, so hopefully, this is just a temporary phenomenon. In addition, you also liked to play with water in the bathtub and would often fill the floor around the tub with water.

You had eczema on your skin, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

It would take a long time to put you to bed every day at noon and night. Dad had to sing lullabies for a long time in addition to telling stories, and every time when you were a little sleepy, dad handed you over to mom and went out to tidy up the kitchen and bathroom. Because you always have eczema, so every time after giving you a bath dad has to wash your clothes and other objects, and because of the fear of waking you and mom up, dad didn't dare to wash them with the washing machine, he washed everything by hand. After everything is processed, dad has to work on the computer, and after working too late, he doesn't dare to go into the bedroom again for fear of waking you and mom up, so he falls asleep on the sofa in the living room, and is ready to take care of you with mom when you can't sleep. Many times, it's hard to wait until you fall asleep, mom got up and got ready to go to the bathroom, but you suddenly woke up, mom was out of breath, so she went back to bed and lay next to you, pretending to fall asleep.

It was not until you were asleep again that mom dared to leave again to go to the bathroom. Sometimes you can sleep until dawn once you fall asleep, but not often. You often wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes several times a night, and sometimes you need your mom to carry you to the living room to see your dad and listen to him say to you, "Good girl, it's the middle of the night, every baby needs to sleep. Sleep well, and tomorrow mommy and daddy will play with you again". What daddy said was sometimes useful, and when you returned to the bedroom, you fell asleep. During this time your self-awareness is becoming more and more obvious and you are getting more and more ideas, of course, mommy and daddy started to struggle: sometimes you deliberately smile and look at mommy and daddy, then deliberately throw toys or other things to the floor to make mommy and daddy angry and thus get funny, the more dad and mom ask you don't throw, the more you throw happily. Because you will put toys and other objects in your mouth, so mommy and daddy have to pick them up and wipe them clean one by one with disinfected wet paper towels, which is very time-consuming.

Sometimes you deliberately smile and look at mommy and daddy, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

Dad and Mum have to do this in front of you every time and then say to you, "Good children have good behavior". Who knows how many times Mum and Dad have said this, and even then, Mum and Dad have to explain it to you over and over again, even though it takes time and effort, so that you understand and know that Mum and Dad can help you in this matter, but you are responsible. Happily, lately, if the floor is wet or dirty, you will take the initiative to help mommy and daddy wipe it up. In fact, when you were about one year and two months old, you started to help your dad and mom tidy up your toys, so you were called "little helper" by dad and mom very early. Sometimes when you especially want something, but these things are very hard, will bring you harm, can not give you play, explain to you the reason for the temporary ineffective, the good thing is that the method of diverting your attention is still effective, but mom and dad need to spend a lot of time, to be very patient to find ways to distract you and guide you to do other things. Of course, many times you are still very obedient.

Looking at you sleeping, with your eyelids fluttering and your little mouth sucking, you are so cute, so different from when you were born, and so different from when you were 100 days old, that mommy and daddy can clearly feel you growing up day by day. When you were born, mommy and daddy thought you were a girl with single eyelids, but now you have light double eyelids, and at that time, you didn't have any eyebrows, but now your eyebrows are thick like an adult's. When you were born, you cried intermittently, with no strength, Mom and Dad used to think that you might not be able to cry loudly because your lungs were not big enough, but now you're crying as loud as a cow, mom and dad think you will be a soprano. In the first month of your life, you were so quiet that mommy and daddy thought you were going to be a quiet little lady, now you run around and sometimes even try to climb up the railing, exactly like a boy.

Mom and dad think you will be a soprano, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

Finally, regarding your reading, review your reading history.

From 0 to 2 months, continue what mommy and daddy did when you were in mommy's tummy, listening to nursery songs and reading stories to you too. Before you were born, mom and dad began to design "the black and white cards" for you, after you were born, mom and dad continue to design new cards for you, following the black and white, and then designed the color cards, so far, a total of 10 sets of design, from the English letters ABC ..., the number 123..., geometric patterns, all the way to meditation. These cards have been used until now. In fact, it was the first gift you received from your dad and mom. Dad and Mum will give a short summary of the design and learning process of our black and white cards later.

Start reading picture books, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

At 3 or 4 months, start reading picture books to you.

When you were 5 or 6 months old, daddy and mommy started to read cloth picture books to you, and when you started to have some feeling for the book, let you play with the cloth books by yourself and recognize the small animals in them.

When you were about 7 months old, you started paying attention to what the book said when dad and mom read it to you.

When daddy and mommy read to you, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

When daddy and mommy read to you when you were 8 months old, you started to have more sense of the book and could stare at the pictures in the book for a long time. 

From 10 months to 12 months old, you would listen carefully while daddy or mommy read to you, using your own "language" to "explain" your understanding of the book, especially "discussing" the behavior of the animals in the book with daddy and mommy.

Between the ages of 1 year and 1 year and 1 month old (or maybe earlier), you started to pick out your own books for daddy and mommy to read to you.

Around 1 year and 2 months old, you started to open the book by yourself and look at the pictures, and "said" something.

Around 1 year and 3 months old, you would show great joy when daddy and mommy read with you and even saw your eyes glowing.

Around 1 year and 4 months old, you could not only identify the colors of things in the book but also could pass the different colored balls to daddy and mommy according to daddy and mommy's requests.

Around 1 year and 5 months old, you love to read the book about small animals, mommy and daddy read the name of an animal, and you can point out the corresponding animal.

Around 1 year and 6 months old, you could even point out every planet in the solar system in the book as asked by daddy and mommy. Sometimes when the book was read to you, you would associate it with something in your life that was relevant to you and point it out.

Now you are starting to learn to write the 26 letters of the English alphabet with a water doodle brush and a drawing board, and you are also starting to draw, although you have only drawn some grass and circles, it is a good start, well done!

In the future, daddy and mommy will increase your reading and read to you as much as possible, and one day you will be able to read and analyze things by yourself.

A happy family, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

Here's what your mom and dad have to say to themselves and other moms and dads:

Very often, people are concerned about whether their children are attached to their parents; if so, it means that these parents are taking good care of their children, and if not, people think that these parents are not good at taking care of their children. In fact, if parents give their children enough security, the child's inner spiritual embryo will guide the child to explore the world spontaneously, which does not require much effort from adults, unless the parents do not give the child enough love and support, the child will always be attached to the parents, asking for love and constantly ensuring their security. Don't ignore the state of children's lives as it is meant to be. 

When you were a newborn, because you had eczema on your skin, your mom and dad would bathe you every day with herbs such as honeysuckle, illustrated by dawnxisoul393

Dad and mom don't want our daughter to be strong, dad and mom don't want our daughter to always have sunny days, but Dad and mom want our daughter to be brave enough to face the rainy days. Mom and dad hope that our daughter is healthy, happy, optimistic, and upright, that's all dad and mom hope for. Dad and mom always think too much, but dad and mom know that dad and mom are too small to carry the whole world for our daughter, dad and mom won't expect the world to be gentle to our daughter forever, dad and mom don't want to have any expectations for our daughter's future, and won't give any definition to our daughter's life. What dad and mom can do is take care of our daughter's emotions and relieve our daughter's stress in time. Dad and mom know what kind of people dad and mom are, and what kind of person our daughter will probably grow up to be.

Original by dawnxisoul393


About the Creator


Couple from HK. Dr. Daniel Lam has got his degrees in Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge(ARU has its origins in the Cambridge School of Art, which was opened in 1858 by John Ruskin), Doris Lam has graduated from GFAA with MFA degree.

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    Dawnxisoul393artWritten by Dawnxisoul393art

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