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Tips to Prepare you for being a Good Mother

By Julian MinehanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Mommy, be smart, only you know what’s right and what’s wrong for your little baby and it takes little to change that makes a big difference. Every mother wonders if she is being a good mother and if she is doing a good job as a mother. So, how do you raise a nice child? Are there any qualities that I should possess? Is it necessary for me to perform certain things? Should you say certain things? Is it possible to say yes or no to my children more often? When we say, "What makes a good mother?" What exactly do we mean?

Here are some guidelines on how to be a good mother

Listen to your Inner Instincts as a Mother

You definitely remember how excited you were to be a mom one day and now is the day you are having a baby and you want to do better for the baby and for yourself too. You can feel your child’s needs by his behavior and without a second thought just know that the baby entirely relies on you. Only a mother knows when a baby needs to get fed, when it is his time to sleep, when it is the time to pamper him, and when it is the right time to play with a baby and let him do his things happily. Let your child have his own alone time so he tries to get up, crawl, cry, and by doing this he learns new things really fast in that time because he is trying hard alone to get his things done instead of considering what is happening around him. And give them some best learning toys for kids that will help them improve their mental health.

Being a Parent Entails more Responsibilities

Basically, a child is portraying his mom and his surroundings, and mostly he learns and picks what is happening in the surrounding so behave accordingly to help your child grow the way you want him to get older as time passes by. As it is said that being a parent is a greater responsibility, as you will never want to hurt your own child so stay gentle and soft with him from the beginning so that he grows like that and stays soft and gentle as he gets older with you and people outside the house. You should sit with your child, love him, play with him, consider nurturing him, teach him good things, establish healthy habits and play and enjoy together, let him learn new learning skills, and support him while he is in the process of learning. Make your kid feel safe, loved, and valued. Work on your kid’s wellbeing. Talk to him in a loving and polite way even when he is too little to understand what you have to say but he will focus on you and if you get the hints and cues from him then you will get to know that he will be talking to you back in his own kind of language.

Raising your Child to have a Good Manner

So gradually start nourishing and teaching your child good discipline, manners, and best moral values from day one of his life. Your child will stay a child to his parents no matter at what age he is falling, due to that he always got your back and he is always expecting support and encouragement from his parents. We can help guide our children towards habits and attitudes that promote strong character features like kindness, generosity, and empathy for those who are less fortunate or in need if we want to raise children who are actually nice people.

Your Child’s Development and Wellbeing

Mom, you play a vital role in your child's development and growth so try to know about his needs and requirements from the food he wants to eat to what his body requires. Keep yourself and your baby safe and hygienic. Supervise your child’s requirements and needs. You need to make sure that your child is getting enough sleep, and a diet full of nutrition, his sleep pattern or diet should not get disturbed. A kid should be kept in a soft, warm, and safe place like a mother's womb as he is used to that because it was the first place he lived before coming to the world.

Keep Your Baby Accessories Clean

As we talk about newborns, infants, and toddlers, you need to pay attention to every little detail about them. Keep your child’s BIBS, Baby Bite, pacifier nipples, baby’s toys, baby bottles, and cups everything neat, clean, and hygienic. Everything should be clean and free from germs in order to avoid any kind of infection or disease because as soon as he gets the chance a little baby will put everything in his mouth as he doesn’t know what is edible and what isn’t. Your child’s good health is important anyhow, so keeping the whole surrounding and each item near the baby clean and sanitary is the main requirement to avoid the baby from getting any infectious disease. Washing your own hands and keeping them sanitized before touching the baby will also help. You need to make sure that your child is getting enough sleep, and a diet full of nutrition, his sleep pattern or diet should not get disturbed. A kid should be kept in a soft, warm, and safe place like a mother's womb as he is used to that because it was the first place he lived before coming to the world.

It's important to remember that being a good enough mother isn't a matter of perspective. It is obvious that you are already capable. All you have to do is believe it.


About the Creator

Julian Minehan

I am Julian Minehan a middle-aged man and founder of Little luxe lane with my wife inspired by our littlest love. Our products are sourced from Australia.

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