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gratitude towards parents

By Rida Abdul karimPublished 11 months ago 3 min read


Recently, my parents have become strict a little they don’t allow me to hang out with my friends anymore, so I fought with them. I wasn’t raised to fight. I am the youngest in the family and the most loved one, my parents love me unconditionally and they fulfilled a lot of my desires when I was a child, I was a picky eater, and they let me eat whatever I wanted. My parents tried very hard to feed me all kinds of foods and fruits but I did not listen to them and did my own thing, they got worried about me and took me to the doctor gave me supplements to grow as I should be growing, I used to look a five year old even if I was eight or nine. My parents had a hard time bringing me up, but I never tested them emotionally or morally, other than that my childhood was beautiful and I never had to face trauma mostly because of my family and their love.

I have two brothers and a sister, they had problems growing up cause my mother couldn’t give a lot of attention to them because of the joint family but then when I was born we were a single-unit family. I may not be wrong if I say that I bought good luck with me. My father’s financial state was better and other things settled down until I was born.

I was very obedient in my early teen years, I don’t know what changed or is it was the hormones that made me think that I should only be doing the things I loved the most and should not listen to what other people or even my parents say. But with time I understood things a lot better. It is okay to do things your own way but do not hurt your parents in your way talk to them about what you want and take them in your confidence then only we should be doing anything. It’s crazy to know that sometimes our parents can make mistakes and we have to accept them. As soon as we grow up we forget our parents and we just don’t want anybody to dictate to us. Our parents also need to give us some space and should try to be our friends. My parents did not cage me but I don't know what changed they just want me not to roam around with my friends anymore very often. my mother said to go where ever you want but with family.

Parents play a vital role in shaping our lives, our values, and our beliefs. They instill in us a sense of discipline, responsibility, and respect. They teach us the importance of hard work, honesty, and compassion. They guide us through life's challenges and help us navigate difficult situations. Parents also provide us with a sense of security and stability. They create a safe and nurturing environment in which we can grow and thrive. They provide us with a sense of belonging and help us develop strong family bonds.

The basic rule for gratitude is that the more thankful you feel about good things, the more they will come to you. When we talk about parents, there is an endless number of things that they do for us without any expectations. “Charity begins at home” If we really want to be thankful about anything, we should be thankful for all the things our parents did for us. If you could not think of something, think about all those times when they sacrificed their need for yours. Bought you something even if they have to cut out the budget from other things. There is an endless list of things for which we can be grateful to our parents. From sending you to school to feeding you with proper meals every day.

Sometimes we refuse to acknowledge the good things our parents do for us, but we do realize it after we have our own kids. It is essential that we express our gratitude to the parents through our actions. Even a small gesture can make a huge difference in their day


About the Creator

Rida Abdul karim

hey!!! I am an 18-year-old girl who is mindful and has deep thoughts, I have a different way to see the world hope you'll love to read that

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