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ONE PIECE: The Complete story (1997-2023)

this is the entire story of one piece in 15 minutes you can read it ,900 years ago there existed an entity vaguely known as the great Kingdom and as the name implies that Kingdom feels pretty damn great they were the Undisputed power in the world...

By mouad ouijerPublished 11 months ago 15 min read

this is the entire story of one piece , 900 years ago there existed ?an entity vaguely known as the great ,Kingdom and as the name implies that ,Kingdom feels pretty damn great they ,were the Undisputed power in the world ,and are speculated to have been the ,original owners of three ancient weapons ,capable of unparalleled destruction we ,don't know if this kingdom was ,benevolent we don't know if they were ,tyrannical all we know is that they ,weren't particularly liked by anyone who ,was not them somewhere between 8 to 900 ,years ago 20 smaller kingdoms came ,together to form the ancient political ,equivalent of a Megazord by constructing ,an alliance strong enough to declare war ,on the great Kingdom and The Alliance ,was ultimately successful they not only ,defeated the great Kingdom but erased ,all traces of them from history and as a ,result this period would become known as ,the void Century however there was one ,tiny sliver of information unaccounted ,for being the existence of a man named ,joyboy he was a very mysterious figure ,who played an integral role in hiding ,indestructible cubes known as ,pornoglyphs throughout the world and ,written on them is the true history of ,the Void Century joyboy hit the these ,Stones well perhaps too well or exactly ,as well as intended either way it would ,take over seven centuries for these ,secrets to be discovered by the most ,infamous pirate to have ever lived ,Goldie Roger Roger was something of a ,completionist enough to discovering that ,these funky Stones existed he embarked ,on a mission to 100 the secrets of this ,planet through a mixture of intelligence ,brute force and blatant luck Roger and ,his crew successfully managed to ,discover all 30 history Cubes but along ,the way something unexpected happened ,also it's very red in here now but this video is sponsored by one punch man the strongest a turn-based mobile RPG adapted from the one punch man Anime created by the legendary 1 and yusuke morato as a huge fan of the series I love that this game lets you relive the anime taking you on a journey through all of saitama's iconic and thoroughly punched opponents such as when saitama kayode the giant man collect over 60 unique characters from the series including both heroes and villains that you can combine a fight to form the very strongest and wackiest teams with each character able to be upgraded using gear ,and items plus they're all voiced by the original Japanese cast you can train saitama every day with his signature push-up sit-up squats and running plus you'll be ready to use his one punch to defeat any opponent however it can only be utilized once per battle saitama will also be around to help you gather materials whilst you immerse yourself and relive all of the Glorious punch c fighting one punch man the strongest is now available on IOS and Android and you can click my link in the description or scan the QR Code to Fight alongside saitama today don't forget to use my code to support the channel as the game has over 1 million pre-registrations all new players will receive a free Temple all tanned Avatar and appearance frame logging consecutively during the first week to get over 40 additional draws the A-Class hero iaron and a character of your choice that makes it at least 50 plus drawers during your first week of gameplay so go do that thing but for now it's back to you me but along the way something unexpected happened because every now and then they would encounter a very unusual red poneglyph these are known as the road pornoglyphs and after finding four of them the Roger Pirates came to the realization that these Stones put together contain the location of a hidden island Roger is now salivating with curiosity if if that's a thing you can do and he set sail immediately for his final destination and what Roger saw there is the crowning mystery of this series at this moment everything made sense Roger understood perfectly what needed to be done but also that he had arrived far too early to do it Roger named The Silent laugh tale because it made him laugh and we don't know why yet Roger also happened to be afflicted with an incurable disease and knew that he would not live to see through the mission laid out on laughtail so he disbanded the Roger Pirates and would go on to turn himself over to the Navy which sounds a little bit depressing doesn't it like Roger had lost the will to live but it was completely the opposite all of this was part of a master plan after discovering laughtail Roger became known throughout the world as the first and currently only pirate king and the world government naturally decided to make an example of such a high profile celebrity criminal Rogers public execution was packed tighter than a 17th century nun's undergarments and those who could not attend were anxiously awaited the news the whole world was glued to the spectacle and here with his final words Roger would change history forever my treasure if you want it it's yours but you'll have to search the whole world I left it in that place after which point Roger was executed but his mission was complete his last word Sparks the Golden Age of piracy people from all over the planet set out to see in hopes of finding Roger's treasure now dubbed the one piece and set their sights on becoming the next pirate king however there was a deeper intent behind Roger's words because scattered across the globe were a series of individuals who in two decades time would come together to complete both the will of Roger and the will of joyboy one of which just so happens to be our main character many years after Roger's demise one of his apprentices named Shanks had formed his own pirate crew and they were using the Tiny Town of fuchsia Village as a base of operations here Shanks met a very loud proud and hungry Lads named Monkey D Luffy hungry being the most important descriptor in this case because one day Luffy became ever so famished and he came casually consumed a devil fruit that Shanks had been holding on to devil fruits are said to be the most foul tasting things in all of the existence but Luffy for whatever reason didn't seem particularly bothered by it however what's more notable is that consuming these fruits results in the user being granted a specific power in Luffy's case this turned his body into Rubber and allowed him to do all sorts of fun stretchy stuff however these fruits can have just about any effect allowing people to conjure substances become animals or even become elements I mean there's even one fruit that allows you to turn your junk into a musical instrument and play it the possibilities are Limitless however this this is a big however this does come with a curse as those who have consumed devil fruits become completely prone when submerged in a certain amount of water which you know is very dangerous when your whole world is based on the concept of piracy with lots of boats and sailing across the vast stretches of liquid but even before fruit basen anakinry Luffy was inspired by Shanks to become a pirate Luffy even begs Shanks pretty much every hour of every day to let him join the red hair Pirates and even though though shank said no ah little boy he did recognize something in Luffy a quality that Roger possessed and a hope for the Next Generation which is a bit awkward because that hope was about to be snuffed out Luffy's loud and now rather stretchy mouth got him into a spot of trouble with the Bandit who was about to kill him and big giant sea king who was about to kill both of them but at the last second shank stepped in and saved Luffy however he lost his left arm in the process Shanks would go on to refer to this as an investment in the future whereas the seeking would go on to refer to it as a disappointing appetizer but a distraught Luffy realizing that he was not ready to set out to see claimed that he would become a pirate one day and not only that but a pirate that would surpass even Shanks and whether Luffy.

actually knew this title existed or not

is is debatable but he then claimed that

he would become the pirate king after

which point Shanks gave Luffy his straw

hat for safe keeping and made him

promise to return it when he became a

great pirate from there we skip about 10

years to a point where Luffy has become

a lot bigger a lot stronger but not much

model he sets out to see on his quest

Gathering a crew of like-minded young

people and this group becomes the straw

hat Pirates each of whom possess their

own unique dreams like Zara who wants to

become the world's greatest swordsman

Nami who wants to be the first person to

chart the entire planet and usop who

simply wants to be not consistently

soiling himself at the first sign of

danger and in order to achieve all of

their dreams they need to set sail into

a very special part of the world known

as the grand line the one-piece planet

is a complex Beast divided into Seven

Seas via one large continent thing that

circumnavigates the globe and a thin

stretch of water that does the same but

on the inverse axis so we began Luffy's

Journey here in East blue however the

bulk of the series takes place all the

way over here in the ground line the

ground line is referred to as the

pirate's graveyard because of its brutal

and unpredictable weather conditions for

example most pirates fail to do

something as simple as even end to the

ground line because they just stink

immediately but with a naturally gifted

Navigator like our Nami here it's doable

although then the concern becomes

dealing with all of the insanely

powerful Pirates and marines that

inhabit this sea also so by this time

the world has radically changed the 20

kingdoms who overthrew the great Kingdom

eventually formed an organization known

as the world government and those

directly descended from the ancient

royalty are referred to as the world

Nobles obscenely wealthy and evidently

inbred individuals who actively believe

that they are gods and they may as well

be they're completely Above the Law and

can commit whatever atrocities they

Desire with a big thumbs up from the

authorities this includes but is not

limited to murder slavery genocide which

is like super murder and worst of all

assorted crimes against fashion because

what the crap is this but as powerful as

they are the world government does need

some assistance in maintaining order and

counter-intuitively enough they get that

assistance from Pirates the world

government heavily relies on a program

known as the seven Wards of the sea

whereby they essentially bribe powerful

Pirates to work for them in exchange for

ignoring their various criminal

activities which includes but is not

limited to murder slavery genocide and

somehow letting them get away with

naming themselves after animals because

I find it very hard to believe that your

parents just popped out a spawn and

decided here you know what we'll name

him crocodile that's that's a normal

name and the Warlords are a major

element of conflict in one piece in fact

to date most of the series has been

dedicated to dealing with them some have

been beaten directly by Luffy whilst

others have become allies of Luffy

including jinbei our sashimi-based

warlord who went on to become an

official member of the straw hat Pirates

however not all Pirates are willing to

just bend over and take the throbbing

stick of justice and the reason why the

world government needs Pirates to

maintain order is because of the

existence of the four Emperors over the

course of the series the makeup of this

group has changed but they represent the

four most powerful and influential

pirates in the world at any given point

and they sort of balance each other out

in a sort of stalemate type situation

because if one Emperor dedicates forces

and resources to attacking another then

that leaves them both vulnerable to the

other two and as a result they can get

away with all sorts of crimes which

includes but is not limited to murder

slavery genocide and in one particular

case hannibalism that's not all though

because lurking looks Somewhere In the

Shadows isn't organic organization who

are rather discontent with the way the

world's currently being run they are the

Revolutionary Army and their mission is

to overthrow the world government and

Implement some sort of vaguely defined

better Society also their leader is

Luffy's father Monkey D Dragon so our

Straw Hat Pirates are really up against

it here they are the very definition of

underdog despite that they work hard

they play hard and recruit a few more

members including a reindeer doctor an

archaeologist assassin a speedo wearing

Cyborg and an undead skeleton with a

very firmly rooted afro you know your

standard pirate archetypes and together

our crew actually managed to hit the

halfway point of the ground line a

location called the Sabri archipelago

and here we discovered that Luffy is one

of the nine rookie pirate captains of

this generation who have managed to

reach this Milestone and here we made a

lot of names and faces for the purposes

of this video it's not important to

remember them also so I'm not going to

say them but these figures would go on

to become known as the worst generation

and they are simultaneously Luffy's

greatest allies and greatest Rivals also

you may or may not have figured this out

by now but but they're also the

individuals who Roger's words were

intended for a group destined to rise up

and reshape the world destined meaning

not now and much more later because

right now they are well and truly out of

their league after Luffy punched a world

Noble in the collective of skin and fat

that passes for a face a marine Admiral

was sent to sabidee to enact Justice and

it was here that we learned how

pitifully unprepared the worst

generation were for the true challenges

of the world the straw hat Pirates as a

crew were completely defeated and

Scattered across the planet thanks to

the powers of a man with bouncy bouncy

bear paws but from here we follow Luffy

alone shortly after waking up on an

island full of women Luffy discovers

that his brother Port gastiase was

captured and is going to be publicly

executed much like Roger Wars oh yeah

Luffy had a brother by the way that's

probably important dear brothers in fact

but they haven't been particularly

important until now and they're not

blood related but all of this is part of

a plot masterminded by the ultimate

antagonist of One Piece who has the most

stereotypical pirate name imaginable

being Blackbeard now let's make some

connections Blackbeard's goal was to

defeat and hand over Ace in order to

instigate a war between Whitebeard and

improve the Sea and the world government

and this worked because Ace was a member

of whitebeard's crew and the world

government saw this as an opportunity to

lure Whitebeard into battle on their

terms and rid the world of a fearsome

Emperor and what happened next is the

greatest large-scale conflict ever put

to page in manga this event was dubbed

the Paramount war and it featured almost

every major world figure we'd met up

until this point every Marine every

warlord and a metric ass ton of pirates

fighting on the side of Whitebeard and

even Luffy participated his whole

mission was to save Ace but Luffy Luffy

was far out of his depth here Luffy was

like an ant throwing a tantrum whilst

trying not to be crushed by battles

between Giants and in quite possibly the

most shocking moment of the series Luffy

was ultimately unsuccessful his brother

Ace was executed and even Whitebeard was

killed killed by Blackbeard to be

precise because that is what this whole

Endeavor was designed to achieve

Blackbeard in a process that I'm going

to describe as some somehow managed to

extract whitebeard's devil fruit ability

and became the first known human to

possess two devil fruit Powers

simultaneously two of the strongest most

world-ending powers mind you and Luffy

himself would have lost his life if not

for the last second interference of his

Idol Shanks who arrived to bring this

war to a grinding halt now an emperor of

the sea himself Shanks threatened to use

the full force of the red hair Pirates

against whoever wished to continue

fighting to which everyone said a

resounding yeah nah and promptly

scuttled home after a series of

consecutive losses Luffy grew frustrated

with just how weak he was he simply

would not be able to become the pirate

king under these conditions but on the

advice of Silver's Rayleigh who was

Roger's second in command Luffy sent a

very clever message to his crew around

the world stating that they will reunite

on sabadi in two years this time would

be used by each of the straw hats to get

stronger smarter and more skilled to

make their dreams come true Luffy in

particular spent his time being trained

directly by Rayleigh who taught him

about a hidden power system known known

as hockey hockey comes in three times

observation Armament and conquerors

observation allows the user to have a

sixth sense in terms of being able to

send presences emotions and in some

extreme cases even look briefly into the

future Alma mentaki is the skill of

being able to manifest one's will to

coat parts of their bodies in a sort of

armor allowing drastically increased

defensive and defensive abilities and

finally conquerors haki is the

projection of sheer willpower and

dominance over others it's an ability

that one must be born with and Luffy

through protagonistic Fates happens to

be one of those people two years later

the crew reunited sabidee significantly

stronger and set sail once more to make

their dreams come true and in this

effort they enter the second half of the

grand line known as the new world this

is by far the most dangerous stretch of

water in the world subject to

apocalyptic weather conditions where the

only law is survival of the fittest I

mean there is a second and his name is

Trafalgar law a member of the worst

generation and from here on out he

becomes disgustingly important law

invites the Luffy to form a pirate

Alliance because the worst generation

have their sights set mostly on toppling

the Emperors of the sea and law singles

out the emperor kaido to which Luffy

gleefully agrees and in their pursuit of

the emperor they managed to defeat a gas

clown a flamingo warlord and stumble

upon a series of time traveling Samurai

conveniently the samurai from a country

called Wana which just so happens to be

kaido's stronghold and since that is

where they need to go anyway Luffy

agrees and their Alliance becomes much

more bigger Now featuring Samurai ninja

Minx and of course Pirates but whilst

adventuring on a 1 000 year old elephant

the straw hats discover a Red Cube one

of the four road poneoglyphs that will

give them the location of laughtail and

the good news is we know where at least

two of those other pornoglyphs are the

bad news is that they are owned by two

separate Emperors of the sea being big

mom and kaider so they're not exactly

easy to take unlike Straw Hat crew

member Sanji who was blackmailed by a

Gangster and a lion and taken to whole

cake Island the stronghold of big mom

the straw hats then send a small subtle

retrieval team to take some energy back

which results in crashing a wedding

crashing a building and the Mochi Laden

fists of Charlotte katakuri repeatedly

crashing into the face of Luffy for

about 12 hours straight whole cake

Island wasn't the greatest moment for

the straw hats when confronted with the

power of an emperor the straw hats had

no option but to retreat and the only

Victory to be had here was survival well

survival and managing to steal a copy of

big mom's road poneoglyph so that's two

down and just like that we are 50 on the

way to Glory the retrieval team then set

sail to wano to meet up with the rest of

the alliance and make good on their

mission to beat kaido now wano is by far

the largest Arc in one piece to date

with a truly colossal cast and it took

just over four years of publishing to

complete the general idea is gathering

building and implementing a raid to

defeat kaido which does ultimately

succeed thanks to an unparalleled degree

of teamwork Locke and Luffy Awakening

his devil fruits true form a mythical

sun god whose power is limited only by

imagination and not only is kaido beaten

but big mom also gets taken out in this

conflict simultaneously dispatch

matching two of the four Emperors and

creating this unparalleled power vacuum

that threatens to plunge the world into

Untold chaos but our alliance did

succeed and the crew found the Third

Road pornoglyph with just one more to go

before we head to laugh tale and

discover the one piece so from here our

crew set sail from wano and into their

final unknown adventure and that is the

entire story of one piece so far in 15


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About the Creator

mouad ouijer

the life is easy if you work hard and smart

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Comments (1)

  • jack 11 months ago

    Nice story dude i enjoye it👍

mouad ouijerWritten by mouad ouijer

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