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Normal foods that are unhealthy

Even if you only want to eat pizza and drink beer every day, everyone wants to be healthy to some extent. When you do it, you'll probably still want to maintain your weight and general sense of health, but the world doesn't work that way. In fact, there are many ways in which the world is against us, including the fact that some things that seem to be healthy aren't as healthy as we like to think, and some of them are even worse than the unhealthy choices.

By Palesa SekobiPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Normal foods that are unhealthy
Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash

Dietitians and medical professionals have been quite outspoken about the risks of drinking soda for a while now. Grape juice has 33 more sugar than soda. Although a Pepsi won't make your arms fall off, its high sugar, caffeine, acid, and other ingredients may cause tooth decay, obesity, and even hair loss. Fruit juice would seem to be a decent substitute for many people because it is natural and, in principle, should be better for you than drinking soda. However, some juices, such as grape juice, may actually be worse for you than sipping soda.

By Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash

More calories are found in movie theater popcorn than in entire meals. Going to the movies means including getting a snack, which is most commonly a large bucket of popcorn. Popcorn and movies have been synonymous for decades, but it's not always the best option on the menu, even if popped kernels of corn appear healthier than a hot dog due to the butter topping. The oil in which the popcorn is popped often includes a shocking quantity of fat, as in you may get more calories and fat in your popcorn than you would in a full meal, or perhaps many wholemeals. The 85-ounce AMC cheddar crunch gourlay popcorn could be the worst offender. This item has 341 grams of fat and 4 550 calories. A a Big Mac from McDonald's has 550 calories and 30 grams of fat, so if you ate this entire bucket of popcorn during a movie, as many people do, you would be consuming the amount of fat and calories in 11 Big Macs.

By Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

Campbell's Tomato Beast has nearly as much sugar as a Coke soup is one of those foods that we associate with wholesomeness and comfort. Campbell's capitalizes on this with their marketing, and it's true that many people enjoy a hot bowl of soup, especially on a cold day. However, not all soups are created equal, and some are less healthy than others. Simple broth or tomato soup are generally healthy choices, with sodium being the main thing to be concerned about, but this is not always the case. Campbell's tomato bisque soup, for example, is jam-packed full of sugar, with 37.5 grams per can.

In fact, you need to take a moment to figure this out because Campbell's labels its cans of condensed soup with the disclaimer that each can represents 2.5 servings. Whether you get 2.5 servings out of a can of soup is debatable, but if you eat one can in a sitting as many people do, you need to multiply all of the numbers by 2.5 for some sweet perspective, which means a can of tomato bisque soup is nearly equal in calories to a cup of soup.

By Heather Ford on Unsplash

If you're attempting to lose weight, unfrosted Pop-Tarts carry more calories than frosted ones. If you're eating well, there's a good chance you're not reaching for Pop-Tarts, but let's say you only have those on hand. If you have one box of frosted and one box of plain, which one is going to be healthier? If you've read this far, you probably already know the answer, but even though it might seem like a frosted Pop-Tart must be less healthy because it is literally covered in sugar frosting, that isn't the case.

An unfrosted Pop-Tart has a thicker crust to make up the difference that is pure carbohydrate and fat. The difference is small—just 10 calories—but it's noteworthy to anyone trying to keep things under control. Frosted Pop Tarts have more fat and calories because they make them thicker. Frosting on a normal Pop-Tart makes them bigger.

By Aleks Dorohovich on Unsplash

If you like fried chicken, chances are you've had KFC at least once in your life. Fried chicken is not known for being a healthy food, but everything in moderation, right? If you like KFC, there are other menu options you can choose from. For example, you could try the chicken pot pie instead of the fried chicken. KFC isn't claiming the pot pie is a healthier alternative than fried chicken, but it is loaded with calories.


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