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“Night, night, don’t let the bed bugs bite”


By CJ ElectraPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
This is a Real Book (Belongs to the Writer)

That’s what that evil witch who called herself “grandma” said every time after she read her bedtime story to me kissing my forehead. In her witch voice “night, night, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I didn’t know that bed bugs were real until 2019. (insert in shock emoji here) lol

If you didn’t know, bed bugs are real and they really do bite, well I think they more burrow into your skin. They are real. Keep your room clean. Keep food out of your bed, and change your sheets. Keeping your environment clean really does matter, it keeps the bad bugs away

As far as a favorite bedtime story, really? I didn’t know we had a choice in what book was read to us as a child. I thought it was “You get what you get and you better like it” or you will get beat with the book or have to stand for hours with it on top of your head. I didn’t know there was a choice. (insert in shock emoji here) (funny girl lol)

Bedtime stories were not good for me so I stopped that tradition with me! I helped my daughters go to sleep by rocking to them, rubbing on their backs softly while humming sweet tunes. Reading books to help my daughter go to sleep, I did not do.

I did read to them, all the time. It’s my oldest daughter’s best memory, is me, reading books to her. She loved it so much, when her daughter was born she had 100′s of books all ready to start reading to her daughter as I read to her.

We would get stacks of books, sit on the couch with me in the middle, between my two oldest daughters and I would read ALL the books they choose. I would read to them for hours. They loved when I read to them, and I loved reading to them too. That is a great memory.

However when it comes to childhood memories for me....

It was terror, horror, I was living a nightmare. The adults were evil in my world. The things they did and said, they were not good.

Let’s take bedtime stories, for example, I bet most of you have beautiful fun-loving stories, well let’s say I am different.

I was and still am very aware and I have a very good memory. The grown-ups didn’t like me. I challenged their bad behavior. They would tell me “You’re too smart for your own britches” They called me a “little snot” and a “little shit” all the time! They would tell me “you are to be seen not heard, shut the fuck up” The grown-ups are big bullies and no one does anything about it. The grown-ups didn’t think I would remember, I heard them say so. Oh, how I do remember.

Isn’t interesting how you say, you can’t believe the children because they “lie” because they have a “wild imagination” how you can’t trust what a child says? Yet it IS the adults that lie. They lie to the children the WHOLE time the child is growing up telling them there is a Santa, an Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy. Lying telling them life is all good and “safe” and nothing will ever hurt them because “Jesus loves them”. All these lies we tell our children, then when the HONEST child grows up and tells the truth of what did happen when she was a child you say it’s a “lie” because you don’t want to believe the horrors. WTF?!?!?

You only want to hear about “happy” stories!

I don’t know that. Every day was abuse and torture for me. After locking me in the cellar so many times too many to count. They locked me in there training me to NOT talk!!! To not tell about the abuse they were doing. To make me scared too scared to talk about the other horrible things they were doing to me.

No this will not be a happy story but true it is.

My “grandmother” whatever a grandmother is, read from the Mother Goose Rhymes Book. That huge giant book and what rhyme did she read every night after the “bedtime” story? “Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater had a wife and couldn’t keep her, put her in a pumpkin shell and there her kept her very well”

and Jack and Jill went up the hill the fetch pail of water, Jack fell down brown his crown and Jill came tumbling after.

What the hell you weirdo adults thinking those are good to read to children. Yeah if you are programming them to be sex slaves under the project monarch. Is that what those people were doing to me? Grooming me? Programming me to be a sex slave in society? Telling me to be a “good wife” I have to be locked up! That IS what happened!!!

The mean ol’ witch who called herself grandma read from the Grimm’s Fairy Tales, that is all she read from the age of two to the age of 5. For three years that is all she read. I didn’t know there were any other books until I went to school. (insert in shock emoji)

A favorite story “Grandma” liked to read pretty often was, “Little Red Riding Hood” the original, not the sissy second version where the woodcutter “saves” her. The original story where Red Riding Hood says “oh grandma what big eyes you have” the big bad wolf replies “the better to see you with my dear” Then Red Riding Hood notices her grandma’s ears. “grandma, what big ears you have” “the better to hear you with my dear” says the big bad wolf with an evil grin.

Get ready here it comes. She just has to say it. I try and tell her don’t say it. It’s not her grandma. Can’t she see the teeth, they are sharp? But she does it anyway. “Grandma, what big teeth you have” the Big Bad Wolf growls and says “the better to eat you with my dear” and he jumps up wearing grandma’s clothes and eats her!!! There IS not saving her. The wolf eats them all.

Snd The Three Little Pigs, another wolf story. “Little pig little pig let me in!!” “not by the hair of my chinny chin chin”. “then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down” and he did. By the way “Grandma’s” maiden name was Chinny. Yes, it was. Then ther was the children the step mom didn't want and the father obeyed and took his children into the woods.... what the heck... Hansel and Gretal a witch story and tries to eat children. They left bread crumbs to find their way back only the birds ate them.

Who remembers The Giant and Jack and the Beanstalk? “Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman” because the giant eats humans.

All morbid and not good at all. Yet they are taking Pepe Le Pew a skunk cartoon away that wants to love a cat because he is offensive. He wants to hug and kiss on a cat and that is offensive? That makes a lot of sense. Not.

How are these stories ok to read to children and you can lie to children about life, and you don’t listen to children because you say they lie. Then when we tell the truth as adults we are hated on. Yup, that’s pretty messed up.

Bedtime stories, what makes a good bedtime story?

The story or the person reading it?


About the Creator

CJ Electra

I always failed every English class. Writing is NOT my strong suit. I am writing thanks to my dead aunt Mary insisting on embarrassing me to make me be that which I am created to be. A writer. Ok let’s see how this goes

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