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My Nephew the Superhero🦸

Liam the Great!

By Anthony Weir Published 2 years ago 4 min read

He's the password to all my apps and anything important that needs a login. My little nephew Liam is this little pint-size superhero capable of lighting up any room. I met him for the first time last June of 2021 while visiting my hometown in New York. My sister and her two sons have birthdays just three days apart. So I decided to surprise them by coming to her birthday party, arranged by her closest friends. When we first met, this little ball of energy was initially shy around me, but, rightfully so, he was meeting an uncle he had never seen before. However, his timidness gradually vanished the more we played, and I began to realize how special he was. Although unfiltered and highly energetic, my nephew has a soft nature and has the uncanny ability to draw the best out of you. Oblivious to the attitudes of others, he can call upon a striking force of the healing nature. You can't be miserable around him; it is absolutely impossible.


He will tickle you, hide behind you, sit on top of you until his infectious behavior effects your mood for the better. My sister held a small gathering for his birthday. Despite the slight occasion, he was thrilled to be surrounded by love and his young playmates. He returned that energy by jumping everywhere endlessly until he was utterly exhausted by the end of the day. Even superheroes have to recharge their batteries. What also surprised me was his unselfish personality. Usually, young kids tend to look at every object as "mine." However, at the age of 4, he has the uncanny trait of sharing his possessions with those around him. Still, he maintains his individuality. He truly believes that if he is the only one enjoying his playthings or even food, it really isn't that much fun or tasty to begin with. So, on his birthday, he wanted to share every single toy with me. He lost interest if I didn't seem interested, which led me to believe he innately felt that he was one with the universe. He unknowingly realizes life only has meaning if he could enjoy it with other people. He even asked me to help cut his cake.

Birthday Boy 👑🎉

Have you ever heard the saying, "not all heroes wear capes"? He is the living embodiment of that. Somehow that little body of his possesses ginormous energy from the cosmos, a gift from the universe itself that strengthens everyone's abilities and enhances their endurance within contact. I stayed with my sister for most of my visit, so I had an up-close view of the powers that my nephew possesses. My sister is a teacher, very animated, and always giving her all to her students and family. She has always been like that, always striving to see everyone around her happy. I watched her come home from work tired and sometimes in a mental fog, despite that as soon as she got around Liam, the sparkle in her eyes returned. She would find a second wind, cooking, cleaning while simultaneously helping her boys with homework. Somehow she still found time to plan her curriculum for her students the next day. She is a Goddess in her own righteousness.

My Sister’s Birthday Festivities 🎉❤️🎉

The Goddesses and I ❤️❤️❤️

Adrian, her other son, is also a genius in his own right. He is stunningly witty, sharp, and computer savvy. Still, I will write about him another time. I am confident an opportunity will arise. Liam left such an imprint on me that I couldn't help but talk about his impact on my life. He may not even become aware of this open letter until he is of a certain age, but that is okay. I had attentions of writing this before I gained any real achievement so he would always know that he influenced any substantial accomplishments in my life.

👑Liam the Great and King Adrian👑

Upon meeting him, he gave me a new focus. Before our introduction, I was in a state of limbo in life. Drifting from one passion to the next, hoping to find material success. Drifting from one idea to another can cause inconsistent motivation. I discovered that your love and connection to a person proves to be the most outstanding inspiration. You genuinely want to give your most sincere efforts in hopes that you can make that person proud. You hope that your success can serve as a bridge, helping them accomplish their own future goals and aspirations. It is out of this selflessness that you find resolve, and you begin to unravel one of life's many secrets. We are all connected somehow, and these unions allow us to produce results that transcend the very realm of our existence.

I think about Liam all the time. As a fan and member of vocal, upon seeing this challenge, I decided to transmute my emotions into writing form. I just wanted to personally tell my nephew to never cease being himself in a world that sometimes strips you of your initial essence. Superhero Liam, please never lose your light. Eat well. Work hard. Play well, and know that your uncle is working diligently to create a future where you can enjoy life to the fullest capacity. Thank you for giving me some of your infinite energy. Thank you for giving my sister more strength than she already has. Continue to be unphased by the potential gross attitudes of other people. Use your superhero-like traits to overcome any obstacle and reverse unfavorable attitudes individuals portray periodically. Continue to be courageous and hold on to your unselfish mindset. Never let anyone influence you to change your core being unless you decide it's for the better. Be unshakable and know that you are indeed special and unique. Become familiar with the saying, "one man can make a difference," as I am actually beginning to see the validity in that quote. Lastly, always be kind and patient with your older brother. You guys will come to realize that you will always be each other’s partner in crime. You guys will become best friends; trust me. Peace and love to you, King, and I pray the universe grant you all your wishes in abundance.



Your Uncle, Anthony

immediate family

About the Creator

Anthony Weir


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