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My Butterly

Whispers of Love: A Mother's Journey with her Butterfly

By V. M. WalesPublished 12 months ago 5 min read
My Butterly
Photo by Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash

6 a.m. very clear morning.

I slowly opened my window and put down a cup of tea. I saw a butterfly that flew alone and landed gently on a flower. I saw her beautiful color up close. I often see such a color but only now I felt such a feeling.

I slowly approached and knelt in the butterfly bush. I smile.

I hugged myself.

And I suddenly felt something warm on my cheeks. I wiped the liquid dripping from my eyes.

That's when I realized that the butterfly didn't leave me.

I felt a warm arms hug my neck, small and soft fingers. I closed my eyes and felt how I caressed it. Kissed it for a long time.

I cried even more.

"My butterfly" that I will never be able to cuddle like this again. I can't hold his face and kiss his for this long time. I know that I will face a big change.

I stood up and wiped my tears.


I looked at him and smiled in response.

"mom, I am sorry for what I did"

I still feel the pain every time I see you leaving for the airport. I tried to hide the pain and show you that I can do it mom. Because I love you so much mom. I don't want you to worry about my feelings.

I tried to speak but no voice came out so I just hugged him tightly. "oh, my butterfly". I whispered.

Our home became a sanctuary for stories, memories, and love. And whenever my butterfly returned, our reunion was filled with warmth and joy, as if no time had passed at all. Together, we embraced the ever-changing nature of life, cherishing the precious moments we shared.

And as the years rolled on, my heart swelled with pride as my butterfly achieved his dreams and forged his own path. He carried the lessons and love imparted by me, spreading his wings to touch the lives of others, just as he had touched mine..

As I sat on my porch swing, gazing at the butterflies dancing in the meadow, I knew that our connection would forever be as timeless as the whispers of the wind.

Rgw morning sun continued to rise, casting a warm golden glow over the world. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, adding to the serene atmosphere. As I sat on my porch swing, still teary-eyed from the heartfelt encounter with my butterfly, I found solace in the peaceful surroundings.

Lost in my thoughts, I reflected on the journey that led us to this moment. My beloved butterfly, my child, had grown and matured before my eyes. Time had a way of moving swiftly, carrying us through various stages of life. From the tender moments of nurturing and guiding, to the bittersweet times of letting go and allowing independence to flourish, our bond had remained unwavering.

I remembered the countless nights spent reading stories and sharing laughter, the tears wiped away during times of heartache, and the quiet conversations that revealed the depths of our souls. Each memory etched itself into the fabric of our lives, creating a tapestry of love and understanding.

As the years unfolded, my butterfly had pursued his dreams with unwavering determination. He had spread his wings and ventured into the world, making his mark and leaving a positive impact on those around him. Through every success and setback, I had been there, a constant source of support and encouragement.

But there were moments, like this morning, when the emotions would overflow. The weight of his absence when he embarked on new adventures would grip my heart, leaving behind an ache that only a mother could truly comprehend. It was a paradoxical mix of immense pride and indescribable longing.

Yet, I had always strived to be strong, to shield him from unnecessary worries and let him explore the vast possibilities that awaited him. I wanted him to grow and flourish, to find his own path and carve out his own destiny. It was a delicate balance between holding on and letting go, between being a protector and a guide.

But this morning, in the presence of that butterfly, our unspoken connection had spoken volumes. It was as if the butterfly itself had carried the weight of my emotions, assuring me that our bond remained unbreakable, despite physical distance or the passage of time. It was a tender reminder that love transcended the limitations of the tangible world.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning air, and exhaled slowly, releasing any residual tension within me. The tears had ceased, leaving behind a sense of clarity and renewed strength. I knew that change was inevitable, and that my butterfly would continue to soar higher and farther.

The porch swing creaked softly as I gently rocked back and forth, embracing the serenity of the moment. The fluttering butterflies in the meadow caught my attention once more, their graceful movements mirroring the ebb and flow of life itself. They danced with an air of freedom, reminding me of the infinite possibilities that awaited my butterfly, and indeed, all of us.

With a tender smile on my face, I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the sun's warmth on my skin. In that stillness, I made a silent promise to myself, a promise to cherish every precious moment, to continue nurturing the connection that bound us, even as we embarked on separate paths.

For as long as the butterflies danced and the wind whispered its secrets, our love would endure, a timeless melody echoing through the tapestry of our lives. And though our physical interactions may be limited, our hearts would forever be entwined, embracing the journey of life with unwavering love and support.

And so, as the sun continued its ascent, painting the world with its vibrant hues, I opened my eyes, ready to embrace the new day and all the adventures it held. The memories of that morning encounter with the butterfly remained etched in my heart, reminding me that love was a constant companion, guiding me through the ever-changing nature of life.

With a heart full of gratitude and a spirit brimming with hope, I welcomed the future, knowing that our reunion would always be filled with warmth and joy, as if no time had passed at all. Together, we would continue to navigate the uncharted territories, cherishing the precious moments we shared, and embracing the ever-changing nature of life itself.


About the Creator

V. M. Wales

With a passion for storytelling and a love for the written word, I have dedicated my life to the art of writing. As a seasoned writer, I have honed my skills in various genres, capturing the hearts and minds of readers around the world.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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