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By Salifu KoromaPublished about a year ago 10 min read

LOST IN THE NIGHT Anna did not sleep all night she was agitated. Beforehand in the morning her father called her come on Anna it's time to get up it's a long way to the station. Anna got dressed and she was soon ready, she did not eat any breakfast she was nervous she was going to visit her aunt in naira she was going alone in a train for the first time. Anna and her father left the village and began to walk to the station it was a long way, they reached the station at noon. Soon the train came it was nearly empty Anna got in she was scarified it was her first trip down from home, your aunt will meet you at Nara her father said be careful now Anna don't talk to any strangers musketeers the train started suddenly soon it was going apace. Anna watched her father he looked lower and lower also he faded. The train trip was truly long Anna looked out of the window the field’s trees villages and brutes rushed history. After a long time she began to feel sleepy, she was truly tired slowly she fell asleep. subsequently Anna woke up it was dark outside she felt small and lost she was a long way from her village and her father there was a man in the carriage with her now he would an monstrous face and he was truly big and strong his hair was truly short he looked bad and dangerous the man smiled at Anna hello he said you're awake now are you where are you going Anna flashed back her father's words she did not say anything are you going to polona ask the man Anna was surprised no tanera she said Nera said the man but we passed Nara two hours ago you were asleep Anna wanted to cry she sat truly still it was warm in the carriage but Anna felt cold we passed Nara she asked yes said the man Anna study of the trip back to Nera how much did it bring she did not have any capitalist she allowed

of her aunt at narrow station do not worry said the man I'll help you what is your name Anna she said my name is Sam said the man you can trust me Anna Anna looked at Sam again he was truly monstrous he'd a long scar on his face and he looked dangerous but he sounded kind was he good or bad Anna did not know the train began to brake down Sam got up and looked out of the window Anna saw a review on Sam's seat there was a snap on the rear runner it was Sam's snap above the snap was a caption this man is a dangerous fighter now Anna was sure Sam was a bad man and dangerous too he was a lawless Anna must be careful she must get down from him snappily Sam left the window we are coming into pelona now he said stay with me I'll help you the train stopped Anna jumped up and ran to the door she wanted to run down the door was truly heavy she could not open it Sam was standing behind her I will open it he said at the station exit Anna was stopped where's your ticket this ticket is for Nara I fell asleep I passed Nara I have not got any plutocrat .I will pay said a voice it was Sam thank you joe come with me Anna , Anna wanted to run down but she was alarmed of Sam she was tired and lost pelona was a big city , Anna didn't know anybody there Sam called a hack get in Anna he said , Anna got in the Boxer Hotel Sam said to the motorist the hack went a long way the thoroughfares of pelona were wide and busy there were lots of buses and shops and people the hack turned into a small dark road and stopped Sam got out and paid the hack motorist Anna looked up and down the road come on Anna said Sam Anna couldn't run down she was weak and slow Sam was big and strong she followed Sam into the hostel there was a cafe Inside the Hotel it didn't look veritably clean two men were drinking and playing cards they saw Sam one of them said hello Sam come and have a drink who is the suitable girl Sam took off his fleece and sat down hello Tino hello bubs he said this is Anna she's lost

the man looked at Anna and laughed

lost as she said Tino

poor Anna you are a lucky man Sam

have a drink

Sam gave Anna a president

she sat down

she looked at the men

Tino had a mustache

Bob's didn't have any frontal teeth

they looked tough

the men were drinking

Tino gave Anna a glass

come on Anna he said drink some wine

Anna pushed the glass down

she allowed I must not eat or drink


these men will give me a medicine

also I'll fall asleep

Sam called the server

bring some regale he said bring some

good hot food

the server came with the food

Bob's put some of the food on a plate

and gave it to Anna

it looked good and smelled succulent

Anna forgot about medicines and began to eat

she ate snappily and finished everything

she put her ladle down

the men were looking at her

they laughed

Anna was veritably alarmed again

come on Anna said Sam

you're tired you must go to bed now

he took her arm

cinch her doors Sam said Tino there are

bad men in polona

you must keep her safe

bubs left

good night Anna he said

Sam took Anna upstairs and into a


her heart was beating fast

good night Anna said Sam

he smiled at her

don't worry you are safe then

Anna didn't say anything

Sam sounded kind

but she flashed back the review

Sam was dangerous and his musketeers looked

dangerous too

she must escape

Sam went out of the room and shut the


he locked it and went downward

Anna sat on the bed and cried

downward the men drank and played


Anna heard their voices

they were laughing

after a long time she fell asleep

Anna woke late

the Sun was shining

she looked out of the window

the server was sitting outdoors in the


he was smoking a cigarette and reading a


Anna looked round the room

it was dirty there was some old paper on

the bottom

in one corner there was a small table

with some effects on it

Anna had an idea

there was a Biro on the table

she took the Biro and picked up a piece

of paper from the bottom

She Wrote

please help me

I want to go to Nara

my aunt is staying for me there

I must escape from then

I've no plutocrat

and no musketeers


she threw the note out of the window

the server picked it up

he read the note

he looked up and saw her

he smiled at her and went into the hostel

Anna heard voices outside her room

notoriety uncorked the door

the server came in

there was notoriety on the stairs behind


it's a bobby allowed Anna he's

brought a bobby

she ran forward

it was Sam

he was holding her note in his hand

good autumn Anna said Sam

you've slept veritably late you must be


come and have some food

we're going soon

the server smiled at Sam

Anna understood

the server didn't want to help her

he and Sam were musketeers

Anna went downward with Sam and the


they gave her some food but she was not


she didn't eat or drink anything

Sam went outdoors into the road

Anna heard voices Sam was talking to a man

what were they planning

Sam came outside again

come on Anna we must go now

he said

a hack was staying outside

Anna and Sam got in

where are we going

Anna asked

Sam looked at her

I will take you to your aunt latterly

he said

first I've an important job to do

Sam smiled

the smile twisted his face

he looked veritably unattractive

soon the hack stopped

Sam and Anna got out

they were outside a big structure

there was a notice outside the structure


moment at threeo'clock

Sam The Fighter

versus Danny the Tiger

Anna understood now

Sam was a prizefighter

dangerous fighter meant good prizefighter

Sam wasn't a felonious

Anna followed Sam into the structure

it was a veritably big Hall

there were seats on all sides

in the middle was the boxing ring

Tino and bubs were staying for them

stay then Anna said Sam

Tino and bubs will look after you

I must go now

Tino and Bob's shook Sam's hand

good luck Sam

said bubs you will win all right said Tino

Anna smiled at Sam for the first time

good luck Sam

she said

Tino and bubs took Anna to a seat beside

the ring

Tino sat on one side of her and Bob's on

the other

Anna sat still and awaited

the two men talked excitedly

Sam's going to win said Tino

of course he will win said bubs he is the

stylish fighter in the country

Anna heeded

Sam was notorious

everybody wants him to win said Tino

everybody likes him that is right said

bubs Sam's a great prizefighter and he is a good

man too

I know a story about Sam said Tino

one night he was asleep in bed

he heard whoops in the road and he

looked outside a house was on fire

he ran outdoors

there was a child in the burning house

he went outside and saved the child

but he was poorly hurt

his face was burned and he got a bad


poor Sam said bubs that is why he is so


they both laughed

Anna was harkening still

she now understood everything

she was safe with Sam

she felt sorry for him

is the fight going to start soon she

asked Tino yes of course said Tino

it will start veritably soon

the hall was full of people now

boys were dealing cigarettes and sweets

everybody was laughing and joking

the adjudicator was staying in the ring

the followership was excited now

Sam Sam we want Sam they cried

Sam climbed into the ring

he was wearing short trousers and big

boxing gloves

he raised both hands in the air the

crowd was clapping

Sam Sam Sam Sam they cried

the other fighter climbed into the ring

he was veritably big and strong

Then Comes Danny said Tino

he's a veritably good fighter

Anna was upset

don't you worry Anna said bubs

Sam's the stylish fighter in the country

the adjudicator called the two prizefighters to the

center of the Ring

he spoke to them still for a many


also Sam and Danny shook hands

the two fighters went back to their

corners and awaited

a bell chimed and the fight began


Danny was youngish than Sam

but he was a good fighter

he moved presto he tried to hit Sam but

Sam jumped down every time

Sam's arms were long

he moved veritably snappily

he hit Danny hard numerous times

Hannah was veritably agitated

her hands held the seat tightly

it was a long fight

Sam moved snappily he hit Danny frequently

but Danny didn't fall down

Sam was getting tired

he was moving more sluggishly

Anna was upset

the crowd was crying Sam Sam

Anna cried Sam Sam come on Sam watch


Tina and Bouquets were crying too

Danny hit Sam's face hard

blood came out of Sam's nose and one of

his eyes was nearly closed

Sam didn't stop

he ran forward and hit Danny with all

his strength

Danny fell over and lay still

the adjudicator started to count





Danny didn't move




Danny tried to get up he could not





Danny lay still

the fight was over

Sam was the winner

Anna was laughing and clapping

well done Sam well done Sam She cried

nothing heard her everybody was crying

Sam we want Sam we want Sam

Tino and bubs took Anna to the dressing


Sam was resting

hello Sam

said Anna

you were great

Sam was surprised

hello Anna he said

you're different now

you did not talk to me before

I am sorry Sam said Anna I was frightened

I know

said Sam I am big and unattractive and

you were alarmed

but I am not a felonious Anna

I am sorry Sam

Anna said again

I was wrong

I am not alarmed now

Sam was pleased

come on Anna he said

we'll go to Nera now your aunt is

staying for you

Anna said farewell to Tino and bubs she

got into a hack with Sam

it was a long way to Nara and Anna asked

Sam numerous questions

they talked and talked and talked

they reached Nera at night

it was dark

Sam knew Nera he snappily set up Anna's

aunt's house

they knocked on the door

the door opened

Anna's aunt was standing in the doorway

she was crying

oh Anna Anna she said thank God you are

then at last

also she saw Sam

he looked terrible

his face was cut and bruised after the


Anna she said who's this man

Auntie Anna said do not be angry this is


I fell asleep on the train I passed Nara


Sam helped me he took me to a hostel he

brought me to Nera in a hack

Anna's Aunt looked at Sam again

stay a nanosecond she said

she ran outside

she came back with a review

Sam's snap was on the reverse runner

are you Sam the prizefighter she asked yes I am

said Sam

Anna's aunt was pleased

Sam was notorious he was a great man

everybody knew him

come in Sam she said please sit down

will you have some tea

Anna sat in the room with her aunt and


she didn't say anything

she felt veritably happy

Anna's Aunt asked Sam numerous questions she

laughed a lot

she liked him


it was getting veritably late

I must go now Anna said Sam

can I come and see you again

yeah Sam said Anna

she smiled at him


About the Creator

Salifu Koroma

My name is Salifu Koroma, I am a Sierra Leonean, I have completed my higher school education. My strengths are, I am self-motivating person and I have strong communication skills also. And a love for engaging with others.

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    Salifu KoromaWritten by Salifu Koroma

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