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Little Black Book


By Lindsey HultmanPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

I was playing in that open green field on Smith road with my friend who was a ghost. I told him my name was Sam when he told me I could call him Snow. We’ve been friends for a while now, but only I can see him so nobody else knows.

We were both 12 years old. The only real difference is he couldn’t see my soul. We loved playing pretend of make-believe kingdoms that we’d both rule.

We’ve played in this field dozens of times before, but this time he wanted to go deeper in the woods to explore. I followed him trying not to get poison ivy from the ground floor.

He suddenly stopped in front of me as he jumped and screamed, “Score! Under this dirt, I have a feeling there’s more!”

I told him that if I came home with muddy clothes, my mom was going to kill me. He said I would just have to trust him, there was magic there if I could just believe. I didn’t want to tell him that my mom couldn’t afford laundry soap right now, but I think the pain on my face he seen. You see, my dad passed away a few years ago and my mom has been working two jobs just to take care of me. It was the least I could do to wear my clothes more than once, so less she would have to clean.

Curiosity did get the best of me that day. We started digging into the dirt, it almost felt like clay. As we kept digging, we found a box wrapped in a plastic bag. We pulled it out and on the ground, we put it to lay. I was kind of scared and didn’t know what to say.

We slowly opened it to find a little black book. Thunder started rolling in as the ground shook. Me and Snow just looked at each other, we both had a scared look.

I opened the book, and nothing could have prepared me for what I seen! There was a huge stack of money, I couldn’t believe! I held the money as the book fell to my feet. Snow yelled, “Man put that in your pocket, learn to be discreet! People will do anything for that kind of money, it makes them weak”!

While in shock, I shoved the money in my pocket as I sat on the ground. It felt as though my legs were about to give out. I asked Snow what this was all about. He’s the one who lead me there, he knew about it, I had no doubt!

He swore he had no clue. He suggested I pick up that little black book and read it through. I was starting to think I may have bit off more than I could chew.

I tried my best to read the book with shaking hands as my heart was beating out of my chest. I remember telling Snow, I think the author of this was trying to put us to a test to be our best. I was confused as I continued reading the rest.

I just shook my head at Snow and I honestly felt defeated. I didn’t think the tasks in the book could be completed. If we were to take the money without fulfilling the tasks, I knew my heart would feel cheated.

Snow took the book and read it aloud. He spoke so loudly it was like he was speaking to a crowd.

Dear Reader,

So, you’ve stumbled into my gift that I had buried for you. I’m sure this money can help whatever it is that you’re going through. However, there are a few things I need you to do.

1. Work hard for free. Give something your all without expecting a fee.

2. Find a way in which you can learn to take responsibility for your actions. In doing so, treat others with compassion.

3. Find the most beautiful person you can find. Treat them to dinner, give them your undivided attention and time. It’ll make their heart happy; you’ll come to find.

4. Express yourself in any way! Paint or write something... whatever it is you’re feeling that day.

5. Find something that angers you to your core. Right before you lose your cool, instead of yelling or fighting, find a way for your composure to restore.

If you can complete this list of tasks, the 20,000 dollars, you can have. Just know I’ll be watching; I’ll be back to make sure you keep up your half.

After reading the little black book, Snow gave a small chuckle. He told me the tasks didn’t seem like too much of a struggle.

I had a lot to think about that night. What if I couldn’t complete the tasks even if I tried with all my might? I could take the money, and me and my mom could run, but that just doesn’t feel right.

I couldn’t sleep that night because of my thoughts and also my room was so hot. We couldn’t afford air conditioning, so I had to settle for a fan that my mom bought. I pictured me and my mom sleeping in a nicer air-conditioned home, oh, she’d be so happy I thought.

And with her smile in mind, I decided I would complete these tasks with an open mind and heart. I can no longer stand to see my mom working two jobs and tearing herself apart.

The next day, I was out in that field at 6 in the morning. The air smelled like fresh rain from all the storming. Snow showed up and like me, he was ready for performing.

I looked at Snow with a brave face. “Alright, let’s do this one task at a time. We have to do this man; my mom needs the dime!”

Work hard for free. I suggested we go to Mr. Adams farm; he was talking around town how he needed help planting trees. I knew Snow couldn’t help because after all he’s just a ghost, so it would just be me. But that’s ok, I’m working towards being a better being.

The tree farm took way longer than I expected. I ended up cutting my hand it started to look infected. When I got home, I was exhausted, and my mom wanted to see my hand, but I rejected. I have never been so tired and angry, so at her my anger was projected. After my shower, I realized her feelings I neglected.

I opened my bedroom door to hear her crying down the hall. I ran into her room and hugged her, I told her I didn’t mean anything by it at all!

We sat and talked for an hour or two. I explained I acted that way because the long day I went through. It felt like in that moment in my mom’s room, I mentally grew. Hurting my mom like that was something I never again wished to pursue.

The next morning, I talked to Snow about what happened the previous evening. His look was almost gleaming. I asked him why he was smiling, he said I found a deeper meaning.

Not only did I work my hardest for free, but I also took responsibility for my own actions. Next, I just needed to express myself through a passion. Also, I had no idea how I was going to find a beautiful girl to take on a date with whom I found an attraction. Lastly, I needed to work on my anger reaction.

Trying to find a way for me to express myself was harder than I anticipated. Writing and painting was something I knew I couldn’t do, so they were eliminated. I put my head in my hands becoming irritated.

Snow sat down beside me and told me that when he was alive, him and his dad used to make snow globes. He said when the world was scary, he would shake one and it would give him hope.

I tried it, what did I have to lose? I was blown away by how much I was amused. My favorite part was inside, you could create any view that you choose!

I made my mom a snow globe, it was going to be a surprise. It was a picture of me, her and my dad when I was a baby during the sunrise. When I finished it and shook it, it brought tears to my eyes.

I suddenly realized that my mother was the beautiful person to me. I didn’t know why it took so long for me to see. She’s always been there supporting me and making sure I’m following my dreams. Without my dad around, her and I still made a great team!

My mom was going to be off work soon. So, I ran home as fast as I could, on the way I got some balloons! Snow cleaned the whole house while I got the plates and spoons. I prepared the best dinner I possibly could that afternoon.

When my mom walked through the door, she began to cry. I hugged her as I dried her eyes. She was so very thankful for the surprise.

As we were finishing dinner, I pulled out the snow globe and sat it down. Her smile quickly turned to a frown. She picked it up and just stared down. She gave me a half grin but didn’t make a sound.

My heart began to break because her smile almost seemed fake.

Without looking at me, my mom sighed, “Your daddy used to make snow globes with your grandpa before they died. We used to call your daddy, Snow”, she began to cry.

I fell to the floor and told her please don’t say anymore. My eyes began to flood as I crawled to the door. I got up and ran, searching for Snow, but he wasn’t there anymore.

I ran outside and onto the field of green. He was just standing there as calm as could be. I was so angry and hurt, but all I could say was “how could you do this to me?”

He said he understood my anger and pain. Not telling me, drove him insane. I had the urge to punch him, but for some reason I couldn’t point blame. I sat down and explained I’m hurt because of the friends we became. If I would have known he was my dad the whole time, things wouldn’t be the same.

He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder and told me he was proud. You finished the list, he said as he sat down next to me on the ground. My heart broke hearing my dad say he was proud. I honestly thought I’d never hear that sound.

He said he had a hard time when he learned he was going to die. There was so much he wanted to teach me, he had to find a way to try. One day when I grew older and had children of my own, I would understand why.

I heard my mom’s voice behind me. I quickly turned to see. She asked me if I was talking to my friend who is make-believe.

When I turned back, my dad wasn’t there. It felt like I lost my dad again, and it wasn’t fair.

But he was right, I did complete the tasks in that little black book. The money was mine now, so my mother’s hand I took. I brought her back into the house and told her under my bed she should look.

Maybe there is a heaven or maybes there’s not. I don’t know the answer to that thought. But I can tell you that love and the hardest lessons in life are not things that can be bought but rather things that are taught.

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About the Creator

Lindsey Hultman

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    Lindsey HultmanWritten by Lindsey Hultman

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