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Kid fun with Food and everything Dad is afraid to play with when it's so easy

How to Keep Calm and Father On with daughters...

By Justice for AllPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 10 min read
Rainbow Brite learns to Bake

I have known a million guys with daughters who had no idea what to do with them. Some I dated, some just needed to learn how to spend pretty girl time with their daughters and some just thought because I was a juvenile probation officer and raised a goddaughter alone at 19 for my USAF bestie who ended up a single dad with one phone call, I could answer anything kid related - they weren't wrong..I still have a inner child/geek that used to make me the coolest friend on the planet.

Throw in for some reason every man on the planet thinking I could solve their shopping for wives, girlfriends, kids and themselves for free (I would still do it..it was bestie, auntie, dear god don't buy her a vacuum for her birthday support (You would think the women of the world would be just a little nicer to me)..Mostly for my male law enforcement and firefighter friends between calls about how to deal with their love lives and while wrangling 30 juveniles, 20 plus judges, attorneys and every looney toon problem that could foreseeably arise .. not for free these days but I am working on making it a business if I get the chance and anyone is in need of a personal shopper feel free to reach out)

Side note-thank you to the firefighters who would just send an email with sizes, credit card numbers and occasions and would drop off a Fraggle I had my eye on that I didn't know they knew I wanted, and who always waited until I was home to call about clothes for a date, how to romance a doctor and who I really didn't have to school on what not to do that could get you fired like wrecking 10 cars on duty by a homicide cop, or dating the 25 year old dispatcher when you are 45 with four kids and a girlfriend.

christophe_kyle instagram

Every single dad (or not so single) has been this dad, or should be. So here's a little help so you can be that dad that she brags about at Pre-K, Kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle School and High school and not the dad she is saying "don't look at me, I hate you." If you raised her right.. eventually she will call and apologize so don't let it send you to a shrink.

"So I tried to support another Black Owned Business for lunch today. It’s called Ava’s Kitchen, just opened end of April. It’s a very clean establishment, but whewww let me tell you about this owner.

First off, I asked why there are balloons on my chair, and it’s not my birthday? She talm’bout, mind yah business; those are Mommy’s.

I been waiting on my order to get done for 45 minutes, and I’m the only customer here. She was making good progress at first, then she stopped for 20 minutes to go watch Paw Patrol.

Overall the customer service could be better, but the cook is a cutie; so I’ll give her another chance. Let’s not give up on Black businesses so fast after one mistake. 💕"

Let's skip any debate on politics here because this heart warming post is about one of the most beautiful relationships there ever will be - that of a good father for his daughter.

So here is some help

I got bored one day and decided to play around with the cake I was making because cake rules, and basically because I could. Hey, great things come from those who dare to be different. I came up with a sparkle Rainbow Brite Cake. Simple to do and a fun treat for the daughters to make. Take any flavor boxed cake and add sparkles (like I did in the cake above) or any cake frosting toppers into the mix. Bake as directed.

For the above Rainbow Brite cake I took vanilla frosting, some food coloring and covered it in sprinkles. Throw in a few marshmallow clouds and you have an afternoon project that will keep them busy and occupied while creating a fun dessert that they will giggle at every time they take a bite. It can be modified for cupcakes with a different color frosting on everyone or even just give them the different colored frosting and let them "paint" a cake.

Sparkle cake

Before there was Rainbow Brite cake...there were Princess cookies.

Princess Cookies for your little princess

This a very simple sugar cookie recipe (I won't make you google it..seconds are precious in kid time.)

Sugar cookies


Serving 48

2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon baking powder

1 cup butter, softened (just stick it in the microwave in a bowl..soft not melted)

1 ½ cups white sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Before I post the directions my dear dads, who I know throw out the IKEA directions and lose your ability to stay sober 15 minutes into putting Christmas bicycles together and have had blow outs with pregnant wives where you are running for cover putting a baby crib together (Yes I know about these incidents because it usually resulted in a guy sleeping on my couch for a few days and having to go outside when the 90 million "WTF are doing calls came in) .. Chill the batter for an hour before you start making the cookies or they come out runny.

Step 1

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, and baking powder. Set aside.

Step 2

In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in egg and vanilla. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients. Roll rounded teaspoonfuls of dough into balls, and place onto ungreased cookie sheets.

Step 3

Bake 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden. Let stand on cookie sheet two minutes before removing to cool on wire racks.

Hand them a knife and sprinkle until your little princess has a smile that would melt even Gargamel and Grinch's heart.

Another fun idea to never be basic ...This is just a simple pop up to everyday favorite. Throwing in a few chocolate chips in the batter with sprinkles will make any little girl's day, and even a grown up ... let her have some fun with it. It isn't really about what it looks like it is about the time you spend with her. When she is thinking about babies of her own, she is going to want to find a guy to be their Daddy like you were to her.


Colored baths I will not force you to watch the annoying video I had to on it when I looked it up and sent it to a then boyfriend for his girls..trust me I was annoyed ten seconds in. I will not make anyone watch that to learn this.

3-5 drops of food coloring, don't let the kids do it themselves and you can teach them in a fun way about primary colors.

Glow in the Dark bath water- Grab a black light and some tonic water. There you go.

Spared the Pinterest search that could accidently take you to your ex wife's page full of "Look at what I do with my kids..by the way my ex is douche and I have posted a million quotes because I am too passive aggressive to just call him a jackass when he is acting like one and why are divorced to begin with and I took everything he owned when I left because I could."

1 black light bulb (or more, depending on bathroom lighting)

  • 1 (2 liter) bottle of tonic water Problem solved.

Just a little side not single dads..you can take them to the nail salon. A pedicure with your daughter is something she can brag about to all the uncool kids. It doesn't make you look like a pretty boy, in fact that woman getting her nails done might start looking at you and thinking to herself.."Who singled that amazing guy up and isn't she the most beautiful thing.." If she really notices, she might just walk by and say "Your little girl is beautiful. " If you have any common sense, the next words out of your mouth should be "Thank you, she's my world." If she smiles, that's the time to tell her "Your nails are beautiful (This will not get you slapped or a nasty post on Twitter or Facebook, trust me) One day I was in an Enmarket. I had a had had a local attorney Nathaniel Wright sitting in his smart car stop me as I was walking into the courthouse to testify, look me up and down and in the most eyerolling moment I have ever had with a guy hitting on me at work, stare directly at my boobs and say " You aint from Georgia are you?" To my shock a few weeks later I walked into the courtroom and there he was, representing a juvenile on my caseload. I have never had to restrain myself more from almost throwing up in a courtroom ever. Later in the day, still trying to shake off the ick of his eyeballs and not stopping for the horrible 10 minutes it took me to get him to stop talking, I went to buy a pack of cigarettes. I wasn't paying any attention other than to who was located around me when a man I don't know and honestly would have asked for his number simply said to me in the most respectful tone "Your nails are beautiful." I couldn't tell you anything about him other than he was a blue-collar guy and I was decked out in my everyday hair , nails and make up and most likely resting bitch face from my earlier encounter with the douche ball attorney. That man, all these years later, after all the "you are fucking kidding me" that has tried in some fashion or another especially since June of 2019 to nothing less than "get in my pants in the most vulgar fashion possible" I still remember that sweet man who made my day.

She will too ..when she says Thank you if she has any manners of at all this is your opening to say " Would be okay if I called and asked you out for coffee?" If she says no, you probably just saved yourself another child support payment or fighting over custody of the dog , when to exchange frying pans at the gym, and being called to change a refrigerator light bulb and can't call AAA to change a flat tire even though you aren't married, by the woman who is later going to steal the house.

There are amazing little things you can do that don't cost you Prada to make your daughter's day. My ex would have lunch with his daughters at school during a nasty custody battle that drug out for eternity and led to receipts being taped on the front door and a jury trial when they had no property dispute, no credit card debt and just his idiot ass not listening to his trainer in college, he didn't like who had more insight into his eventual ex wife who let him sleep on an air mattress in his own home, while she watched The Real Housewives on her phone, in the bedroom and thought her motherly duties when she didn't work amounted to putting soy sauce on spaghetti noodles. I was so offended as a normal woman I did the investigative work he wouldn't when I couldn't sleep - not because he was dating me but because she made every woman in the state look like the poster mother for why Custodial interference could be defensible.

Until next Keep Calm and Father On..if you need anything here's how to get ahold of me.



About the Creator

Justice for All

"Justice delayed, is justice denied" "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Tattooed, Employed and has a Psych degree..Always on the look out for a group of Avengers.

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