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Infusion Therapy vs. Red Light Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain: A Comparison

By Gloria Peng

By right way to keep healthyPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

I have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a condition that causes my joints to swell, ache, and stiffen. It also affects my skin, eyes, lungs, and heart. It’s an autoimmune disease, which means that my immune system attacks my own body by mistake.

I don’t know why I have RA. Maybe it’s genetic, maybe it’s environmental, maybe it’s both. All I know is that it makes my life difficult and painful.

I’ve tried many treatments for RA, but none of them worked well for me. Some of them had serious side effects, like infections, liver problems, or blood disorders. Some of them lost their effectiveness over time. Some of them were too expensive or too inconvenient to use.

One of the treatments I tried was infusion therapy, which involves getting medication through a vein. The medication was supposed to target specific parts of my immune system that cause inflammation and damage. It sounded promising, but it was not a pleasant experience.

First of all, I had to go to a clinic or a hospital every few weeks or months to get the infusion. It took several hours to complete, and I had to sit still with a needle in my arm. Sometimes I felt dizzy, nauseous, or cold during the infusion. Sometimes I had an allergic reaction or an infection afterwards.

Second of all, the infusion therapy did not help me much. It did not reduce my pain, swelling, stiffness, or joint damage. It did not improve my physical function or quality of life. It did not lower my risk of complications or comorbidities. It did not cure my RA.

I was frustrated and hopeless. I felt like there was no solution for my RA pain relief. I felt like I had to live with this chronic and debilitating disease forever.

Then I discovered red light therapy.

Red light therapy is a treatment that uses low-level red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation in the body. It can penetrate deep into the tissues and joints, where it can activate the mitochondria, the energy-producing units of the cells. This can enhance cellular function and repair, as well as modulate the immune system and reduce oxidative stress.

I learned that medical-grade red light therapy pad has been proven by multiple studies to be effective in relieving pain and improving function in people with RA. For example, a 2016 systematic review found that red light therapy significantly reduced pain intensity and improved joint mobility in people with RA compared to placebo or no treatment. A 2017 randomized controlled trial found that red light therapy combined with exercise was more effective than exercise alone in reducing pain and improving quality of life in women with RA.

I decided to give red light blue light therapy a try. I bought a red light therapy belt from scienlodic.com , a brand that offers high-quality red light therapy devices at affordable prices. They have a variety of products to suit different needs and preferences. They also offer free shipping and up to three years warranty on their products.

The red light therapy belt is designed to wrap around the affected joints or body parts and deliver therapeutic doses of red light. It is portable, flexible, and comfortable to wear. It can also be adjusted to different pulse modes and intensities according to the individual’s needs.

I started using the red light therapy belt every day for 15 minutes per session. I noticed a difference within the first week. My pain was reduced by half. My joints were less swollen and stiff. I could move more easily and freely.

After a month of using the red light therapy belt, my pain was almost gone. My joints were more flexible and stable. I could do things that I couldn’t do before, like gardening, cooking, or playing with my grandchildren.

Red light therapy has changed my life for the better. It has given me natural and non-invasive pain relief for my RA without any side effects or risks. It has also improved my blood circulation, skin health, wound healing, and collagen production. It has saved me time and money compared to other treatments.

Red light therapy is not a cure for RA, but it is a helpful adjunct to my treatment plan. It helps me manage my symptoms and improve my well-being naturally and effectively.

If you have RA and are looking for pain relief, I highly recommend you try red light therapy. You can check out scienlodic.com for more information and products.

Red light therapy may be the answer you are looking for.

Do you have RA? Have you tried red light therapy? What was your experience? Share your story in the comments below. You are not alone in this journey.

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right way to keep healthy

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