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Lower back strengthening can help to prevent and relieve lower back discomfort.

By Hashan chamaraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

We don't need to tell you that if you have lower back pain, it can impair every aspect of your life. A hurting lower back, whether you're a runner or a biker, might hinder you from participating in your favorite sport and make ordinary duties more difficult.

However, if you, like millions of other Americans, are experiencing back pain as a result of sitting for long periods of time, we can assist. While you should always seek medical advice if you have long-term lower back discomfort, research has shown that strengthening specific muscles can help prevent and treat lower back pain.

In addition, focused activities can help relieve stiffness by increasing blood flow to the lower back. If you experience lower back pain, keep reading to learn about the best exercises to attempt. We've also hand-selected the greatest exercises to do if you sit for long periods of time, as well as the best exercises to strengthen your knees.

1. Bridge exercises

The glutes are primarily targeted in bridge exercises, which help to stabilize and support the lower back. To do a bridge, lie on your back on an exercise mat with your knees bent and your feet pressed into the floor (we've found the finest yoga mats that double as exercise mats if you're seeking to purchase). Raise your hips to the ceiling, squeezing your glutes, until they form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. At the apex of the exercise, squeeze your glutes before slowly dropping back to your starting position. Place a weight or barbell on your hips to advance the activity and make it more difficult.

2. Lower back twist

This one will feel amazing and might reduce tension and tightness in the lower back if you suffer from lower back discomfort. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor to perform the spine twist stretch. Bring one knee up to your chest and then drop it to the opposing side of your body while keeping your torso pressed on the floor. Turn your head in the opposite direction of the knee at the same moment. Return to your starting position and flip sides after a few seconds of holding.

3. Supermans

This exercise works the back extensors, which run parallel to the spine and aid in proper posture and pelvic stability. To do a superman, lie down on your stomach on your exercise mat and stretch your arms and legs outwards from your torso. Engage your glutes and lift both arms and legs off the ground, aiming for a six-inch lift. A stretch should be felt in your lower back. Before descending back to your starting position, hold the pose for a few seconds. Rep 10 times more.Make the exercise more difficult by fluttering your arms and legs up and down as you lift them off the floor, as if you were swimming.

4. Side leg raises

Side leg rises work your hips, abdomen, and lower back muscles, making them a terrific workout for targeting the midsection. Begin by lying on your side with your legs and hips stacked on top of each other to perform side leg lifts. Flex the top leg's foot and slowly elevate it towards the ceiling to roughly shoulder height, bracing your core. If you're feeling off balance, you might find it simpler to bend your lower leg slightly. Before lowering the leg back down, pause at the top. Aim for three sets of 10 leg lifts on each leg, keeping the movement moderate and controlled.

Add a resistance band above the knees, ankle weights, or hold a dumbbell against the top leg as you raise and lower it to make the exercise more difficult. You can also add some pulses to the top of the movement or increase the repetitions.

5. Plank with leg lift

The plank is a tough workout that works your entire body from head to toe, but it's especially good for abs and lower back. The additional leg movement in this exercise enhances the effort, but if it becomes too much, simply hold a conventional plank.

Get into a plank position with your weight on your elbows or your hands pressed into the floor to perform a plank with a leg lift. Raise one leg off the floor by engaging your core and sucking your belly button into your spine. Repeat on the opposite side, pausing for a few seconds before lowering your leg to the floor.

6. Birddog

The abs, lower back, and glutes are all worked out in the birddog workout. Start on all fours with your bodyweight on your knees and hands to complete a birddog. Extend your left leg behind you as you reach your right arm forward. Pause here before lowering them to your starting position and repeating the same on the other side. Throughout the workout, keep your core engaged.

7. Cat/Cow stretch

This stretch works wonders for strengthening and moving the lower back. Get on your hands and knees with your knees hip-width apart to do the cat/cow stretch. Check that your hands are aligned with your shoulders and that your knees are stacked beneath your hips. Take a deep breath in and arch your back, bringing your belly button into your spine, while engaging your core.

Hold for two or three breaths at the top of the movement – you should feel a stretch in your spine and lower back. Then proceed into the cow stretch by lowering your belly to the floor, lifting your sit bones outwards, and rounding your spine by raising your head and neck to the ceiling. Every day, alternate between these two stretches for a few minutes. Avoid your stress and lead a happy and healthy life by studying the above points.

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About the Creator

Hashan chamara

In Sri Lanka's best fitness club, I work as a fitness trainer. As a result, I can provide you with the skills and assistance you need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

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