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I Feel No Emotional Connection To My Husband (Why Do I Feel Emotionally Detached From My Husband)

It's never a good sign when you're saying I feel no emotional connection to my husband, or typing something like that into a search engine. This happens to a lot of marriages and frankly there's usually one main reason that causes you to be in a position where you're saying why do I feel emotionally detached from my husband.

By Zoey MilaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

If your husband hardly ever shares what he feels and may seem uninterested in hearing you talk about your emotions, he may be emotionally unavailable. You confront him about it but he refuses to talk and he completely ignores you and makes you feel like you don't make sense at all. If you insist about it, he may get defensive or angry. Before you learn how to get him to emotionally connect, you must first have to know what's keeping him from connecting with you. He may have had a traumatic childhood that prevents him from trusting people. Or maybe he grew up with an emotionally distant father. He may not feel safe or comfortable relating at a deeper level. If this is the case then the most important thing you can do for him is to make him feel safe. Reassure him that you are there for him. Be that person who can help him heal emotionally.

Avoid filling him with negative emotions. If all you do is flood him with all the drama in your life, do you think he would want to talk about his? If you are an emotional wreck, don't expect your man to connect with you emotionally, not now, not ever. Don't start your sentences with "You Never" or "You Always" because this will make him feel that he's done nothing right. You need to work together so you can both strengthen your communication skills. I can't stress enough how important it is for partners to communicate when the other is drifting away from the marriage.

When two people are in a healthy, functional marriage, they have the ability to touch each other emotionally. They can tell what the other is feeling by just looking at their partner. If you want your man to have an emotional connection with you, you have to learn how to listen and by listening, I mean in a passionate and sensitive way. If you feel that you are growing apart right now, you have to do something about it as soon as possible and that is if you want to save what's left of the marriage. If this emotional distance goes on for too long, it can be detrimental to the relationship.

If you want to learn how to get him to connect emotionally, you have to be honest to him all the time. Never ever play mind games with a man simply because he can't read minds. How many times do you have to learn that the hard way? Whatever it is that you want from him, just be straightforward about it. He is going to appreciate your honesty. Men love it when women get straight to the point. This will help solve the problem. Beating around the bush with your complaints about the relationship will not solve anything. Don't be vague with what you want. If you want him to spend more time with you; all you have to do is ask. Tell him it makes you feel lonely when he goes straight to the living room to play his favorite video game instead of asking you how your day went.

If your see that your partner is making an effort to open up about his feelings, thank him. Let him know that you appreciate him trying to emotionally connect with you. Just don't make a big deal out of it and tell everyone in your circle that you were able to make your man talk about his feelings. Act cool and if you see him uneasy, you can always use humor to loosen him up a bit.

How To Save Your Marriage From Going Down The Drain

Is your marriage getting out of hand because of negative behavior coming from both of you? If it is, then read this article with urgency. These negative behaviors should be dealt with immediately. Saying to your spouse that "this is what I am and this is who I am" is not acceptable.

If you want to know how to save your marriage, such negative behavior should be eradicated. It should be taken out of the equation as it is going to bring nothing good.

Emotional and Physical Abuse

In all marriages, physical and emotional abuse is a no-no. In fact, it is even illegal. You may justify this by saying that you have control over your spouse. But you are not. There will come a time when your spouse cannot take all of it anymore and will come to say that enough is enough.

If you want this to stop, you should seek counseling.

Breaking Promises and Being Undependable

By breaking a promise, not only are you labeled as a liar but also you will be considered undependable. What family wants a father or a mother that is undependable? The more you lie, the more your spouse will lose trust in you.


Being overly jealous of your spouse up to the point that you spy on him/her means you do not trust your partner. Seek counseling if you want to stop this behavior.

Inability to Forgive

The best way to get back your spouse is to forgive him if he was at fault. Holding a grudge for a long time is not healthy in your marriage. It will just make things worse for you and your spouse. Forgiveness means you are moving on so that both of you could learn from your mistakes

Taking Romance For Granted

Romance is very important at every stage of your marriage. Even when you are already fifteen years into your marriage, the level of your love and affection should not be diminished. In a marriages crisis, talking about sex and romance is very important. Do not put romance in the backburner of your marriage as this will just hurt it.

Unrealistic Expectations

When a certain expectation of your spouse never materializes, you tend to get frustrated, thus adding up to the problems that lead to failure in marriage. What you should do is talk about all your expectations with each other and weigh the achievable ones with the unrealistic ones. Being able to do this together would help you know just which you can reach for and which you have to set aside.

Limited Communication

Not sharing your thoughts and feelings with your spouse is not good for your marriage. Share you thoughts and feelings with each other.

Being Unkind and Uncaring To Your Spouse

Being mean and oblivious to your spouse may just be the cause of your divorce. Not saying please or thank you to your spouse is a very simple thing to do and should not be taken for granted.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Divorce does not have to be your only option. Even if it feels as though your relationship can't be saved because of the ongoing conflicts between you and your spouse, it can be. There are techniques that you can begin using today that will not only stop a divorce, but will help also you build a stronger and more loving marriage. To learn more visit: Steps to Save Your Marriage


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