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How to know who you truly love

Easy ways to know you love him/her

By Bolarinwa salamPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
How to know who you truly love
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

1. Emotional Connection: Love is built on a deep emotional connection. Ask yourself if you feel emotionally connected to this person on a profound level. Do you share your thoughts, fears, and dreams with them without hesitation?

2. Caring and Support: Genuine love involves caring for the other person's well-being and offering support during both good and challenging times. Do you genuinely care about their happiness and success?

3. Acceptance: Love means accepting the other person as they are, with their imperfections and quirks. Are you accepting and understanding of their flaws and differences?

4. Selflessness: Love is selfless and considers the needs and desires of the other person. Do you prioritize their happiness, even if it means sacrificing your own interests?

5. Communication: Open and honest communication is crucial in any loving relationship. Can you communicate openly with this person, sharing your feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment?

6. Trust: Trust is the foundation of love. Do you trust this person completely, and do they trust you in return?

7. Mutual Respect: Love involves mutual respect for each other's values, boundaries, and opinions. Do you respect their choices and decisions, even when they differ from your own?

8. Empathy and Understanding: Love requires empathy and the ability to understand and relate to the other person's feelings and experiences. Can you empathize with their emotions and perspective?

9. Wanting Their Happiness: Love isn't possessive; it desires the other person's happiness, even if it means they might be happier without you. Do you want what's best for them, even if it's not what you want?

10. Long-Term Perspective: Love often involves envisioning a future together and making plans accordingly. Can you see yourself growing old with this person and sharing a life together?

11. Effort and Commitment: Love requires effort and commitment to maintain the relationship and overcome challenges. Are you willing to put in the work to nurture and sustain your love?

12. Feeling Complete: Love can make you feel whole and complete when you are with that person. Do you feel content and at peace when you're together?

13. Physical and Emotional Attraction: Love encompasses both physical and emotional attraction. Are you not only physically drawn to them but also emotionally connected?

14. Time and Patience: Love takes time to develop and deepen. Are you willing to be patient and give the relationship time to grow?

15. Prioritizing the Relationship: Love means prioritizing the relationship and making time for each other in your life. Do you both make an effort to spend quality time together?

Remember that love is a complex and evolving emotion, and it may take time to understand your true feelings fully. Give yourself the space and opportunity to explore your emotions and experiences with the person you're considering. Trust your instincts, listen to your heart, and be honest with yourself about your feelings.

16. Butterflies and Excitement: Love often brings about a sense of excitement and butterflies in your stomach when you think about or are with the person. Do you feel a positive rush of emotions when you're around them?

17. Shared Values and Goals: Love often thrives when you and your partner share similar values, life goals, and visions for the future. Do you both align in your long-term aspirations?

18. Genuine Friendship: A strong foundation of love is often rooted in genuine friendship. Are you friends with the person you love, and can you rely on each other like close confidantes?

19. Laughter and Joy: Love often brings joy and laughter into your life. Do you find happiness and humor in each other's company?

20. Compassion and Care: Love involves showing compassion and care for the other person's feelings and needs. Do you find yourself naturally wanting to support and comfort them during tough times?

21. Feeling Safe and Secure: Love can create a sense of safety and security when you're with that person. Do you feel safe and protected when you're together?

22. Accepting Each Other's Past: Love involves accepting and embracing each other's past, including any mistakes or challenges. Are you able to move forward without judgment or dwelling on past issues?

23. Ability to Resolve Conflicts: Healthy relationships encounter conflicts from time to time. Love requires the ability to communicate openly and resolve disagreements constructively. Do you both work together to find resolutions during disagreements?

24. Encouraging Growth: Love supports personal growth and encourages each other to pursue individual passions and aspirations. Do you support and encourage each other's personal development?

25. Feeling Energized and Inspired: Love can energize and inspire you to be a better version of yourself. Do you feel motivated to be the best you can be when you're with them?

26. Respect for Boundaries: Love respects personal boundaries and does not pressure or manipulate the other person. Do you both respect each other's boundaries and give each other space when needed?

27. Forgiveness and Letting Go: Love involves forgiveness and the ability to let go of past mistakes or hurts. Are you willing to forgive and move forward, rather than holding grudges?

28. Intimacy and Connection: Love deepens the emotional and physical intimacy between two people. Do you feel a strong emotional and physical connection with this person?

29. Supportive of Individual Interests: Love allows each person to have their individual interests and passions, even if they differ. Are you supportive of each other pursuing separate hobbies and interests?

30. Trusting Your Instincts: Sometimes, your instincts can guide you towards understanding who you truly love. Do you have a gut feeling that this person is the one you want to be with?

Remember that there is no definitive checklist for love, as it is a unique and personal experience. Each relationship is different, and what matters most is the genuine connection, happiness, and fulfillment you find with the person you choose to be with. Take your time, be patient with yourself and your feelings, and trust that clarity will come with reflection and self-awareness.

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