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How to get likes on Instagram: 10 tips that work!

10 tips that work!

By Get Fitness Published about a year ago 6 min read
How to get likes on Instagram

How to get likes on Instagram

How to get likes on Instagram,It's not because the likes are no longer displayed on Instagram that they are no longer important! Incidentally, the visualization of likes has already made its comeback now that Instagram gives users the option to choose, in each post, whether the metric will be publicly displayed and also added likes in Stories.

Visible to others or not, likes are still one of the top engagement metrics along with comments . And to ensure that your content will yield a good number, check out our tips on how to get likes on Instagram !

Why is the number of likes important?

Even if the number of likes does not appear to other users, the Instagram algorithm is always watching them to determine the delivery and reach of each post.

It is the engagement metrics – which also include comments, saved posts and shares – that indicate to the algorithm what the user likes to see, what type of content he consumes and with which users he most engages.

How to get likes on Instagram

Therefore, getting that like from your followers was never about the vanity of who has the most likes, but about making Instagram understand that your content is relevant.

Where to analyze your Instagram metrics

To look at the number of likes, even if they are hidden from other users, you can still check by opening photo by photo and clicking on “ Liked by … and other people “.

But, if the idea is to have an overview of your likes or generate complete reports, the ideal is to check your metrics from Instagram Insights. For this, your account needs to be in the commercial or content creator mode, ok? If you haven't already, follow the steps in this post to convert your personal account.

If it already is, just follow these steps:

  1. open your profile
  2. Click on “Insights
  3. Go to “Accounts with Engagement
  4. Select the analysis period

And scroll down to see your total likes for that period and more relevant posts.

.To see your metrics through Vocal media and generate reports that you can download to share with clients, it's also very simple:

  1. on Vocal media
  2. Log in to your Vocal media account
  3. Go to the “Reports” tab
  4. Scroll down to “Top Posts”
  5. Click on the three bars in the right corner and select “ Engagement
  6. 10 tips on how to get likes on Instagram

Invest in video content

Videos are always on the rise, even more so since Instagram has already made it official that it intends to focus more and more on the .

Investing in videos, especially Reels, which have a great reach and a lot of potential to go viral, will definitely give you the necessary boost to get more likes. After all, the more people you reach, the more people you can please!

Post good quality photos

Among the thousands of contents that pass through the Users' Feed at all times, you need to stand out (preferably positively?), and good quality photos are the key to that! Photos with poor quality, in addition to being unattractive, give a feeling of amateurism.

How to get likes on Instagram

And remembering that you don't need professional equipment for this. Good lighting, a clean lens, and good editing do the trick! If you are going to take ready-made photos, prioritize searching for large sizes on Google or bet on high quality image banks .

The golden question everyone asks is: what is the best time to post on Instagram?

But the truth is that the answer can be very relative. Therefore, it is very important that you know your audience, analyze your metrics and find out the best time to post on Instagram . To ensure good reach and a good number of likes, understand your audience's habits and when they are most active.

Use CTAs (Call to Action)

Calls to action (or CTAs, which is an abbreviation for Call To Action) can be great allies for you to be able to convert your reach and impressions into likes! In the arts or in the text you create for your content, always try to insert these CTAs to encourage people to like, comment and tag friends to do the same!

Here on the blog we have a very complete post with several examples of CTAs that you can use on Instagram for different purposes and for different formats.

Use the right hashtags

Hashtags are a good Instagram tool to get more reach and reach the right audience who can like your content. But for that, you need to know how to use hashtags wisely! Some points to consider in this choice:

  1. Prioritize hashtags in the same language as your content
  2. Avoid the most famous and clichés that say nothing about your content
  3. Focus on your niche hashtags (ex: #marketingdigitalbrasil #professional makeup artist)

Know how to use Instagram SEO

The acronym SEO means search engine optimization, in English, and is most used by those who work with texts for Google. Since Instagram now allows keyword searches, it's worth investing in SEO for Instagram .

When writing your captions, think of terms that your target audience might search for to get to that content and try to insert them naturally into the text for the post to be found. Example : instead of “recipe:” how about “chocolate cake recipe”? This way users find you through different search combinations and you broaden your reach (and likes!).

Produce content for Feed and Story

Likes are no longer exclusive to Feed! Since March 2022, Stories can also be liked. And although only the user who posted it can see this like, it is important for the algorithm to understand what users like to watch there.

Therefore, produce varied content for both formats and bet on CTAs (Call To Action) that invite your audience to like your posts. In this way, Instagram will better understand what kind of audience is interested in your content and can expand distribution.

Talk about current affairs (attention!)

Always keep an eye on the topics that are trending, the main debates of the moment and, of course, the memes! Obviously, it's only worth talking about what makes sense for your profile, so there's no point in making a displaced post about politics or war just for the sake of it if you don't have anything useful to add and it doesn't even make sense for your content.

Used in the right way, hot topics, trending shows, memes or viral news can end up yielding good content and people will rush to like it since they are already engaged in that topic everywhere!

Be constant on Instagram

Maintaining constancy in the quality of your content and a good frequency of posts is essential for your followers to engage more and more with your posts. After all, those who are not seen, are not remembered, so make sure you keep a good volume of content coming in and that it will be memorable for the right reasons!

If you need a little extra help keeping up the momentum, consider using an Instagram post scheduling and action management tool like Vocal media .

Use collaboration mode

A great way to get more likes on Instagram is to collaborate with another user! It could be a friend, a partnership brand… The important thing is that the collab makes sense for both parties, so both audiences will engage in the same content and you will have the chance to get twice as many audiences, twice as many impressions and possibly twice as much. of likes !

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Get Fitness

Get good Health is an innovative health platform that helps people make healthier lifestyle choices. It uses a combination of AI and machine learning to provide personalized health advice and recommendations tailored to individual users.

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