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How Red Light Therapy Healed My Knee Arthritis

By: Jimmy Jones

By healthkeeperPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

I never thought that a simple sound could change my life. But that’s what happened when I heard a loud crack in my knee one day. It was the beginning of a long and painful journey that led me to discover a new way of healing.

I was always an active person, enjoying sports, hiking, and biking. I never had any problems with my knees or any other joints. I thought I was in good shape and healthy. But one day, as I was getting out of bed, I felt a sharp pain in my right knee and heard a loud pop. It startled me and made me wince.

I thought it was nothing serious, maybe just a minor sprain or strain. I tried to ignore it and go on with my day. But the pain persisted and got worse. I could barely walk or bend my knee. It was swollen and stiff. I decided to see a doctor and find out what was wrong.

The doctor examined my knee and did some tests. He told me that I had osteoarthritis, a condition that causes the cartilage in your joints to wear away, resulting in bone rubbing against bone. He said that the cracking sound I heard was the result of friction between the bones in my knee joint. He said that this was a common problem for people over 50, especially those who are overweight or have a history of joint injuries.

He prescribed me some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and advised me to rest my knee and avoid any strenuous activities. He also suggested that I lose some weight and do some low-impact exercises to strengthen my muscles and improve my flexibility. He said that there was no cure for osteoarthritis, but these measures could help slow down the progression and reduce the symptoms.

I followed his advice and took the medications. But they only provided temporary relief and had some unpleasant side effects. I felt drowsy, nauseous, and constipated. I also felt depressed and hopeless. I hated being dependent on drugs and feeling like an old man. I missed my active lifestyle and the joy of movement.

I started looking for alternative ways to treat my knee pain and heal my joint damage. I did some research online and came across an article about red light therapy, a natural and holistic method that uses low-level red wavelengths of light to treat various pain and skin conditions.

The article explained how red light therapy works by stimulating the cell’s energy generators (mitochondria), which help your body store and use energy. By increasing the energy production in your cells, red light therapy can promote tissue repair, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve circulation.

The article also cited several studies that showed the effectiveness of red light therapy for various types of pain, such as nerve pain, muscle pain, joint pain, back pain, and more. It also claimed that blue and red light therapy can help with wound healing, skin health, hair growth, and mood improvement. It said that red light therapy is safe and has no side effects.

I was intrigued by this article and decided to give red light therapy a try. I ordered a red light therapy belt from Scienlodic, a company that sells medical-grade devices that emit red and near-infrared light that penetrates deep into your tissues and joints. The belt is easy to use and comfortable to wear. You can wrap it around any part of your body that needs healing or pain relief.

I started using the Scienlodic medical-grade red light therapy pad for my knee pain every day for 15 minutes before going to bed. I noticed a difference after the first week. My pain was reduced and my mobility was improved. I felt more relaxed and slept better.

After a month of using the belt, I was amazed by the results. My knee pain was almost gone and my joint function was restored. I could walk, bend, and squat without any difficulty or discomfort. My knee swelling and stiffness were gone too. My skin looked smoother and younger as well.

The Scienlodic red light therapy belt changed my life for the better. It helped me heal my knee arthritis naturally and effectively. It also improved my overall health and well-being. I am so grateful to have found this amazing device.

If you are suffering from arthritis or any other pain or health issue, I urge you to try red light therapy at home with the Scienlodic red light therapy belt [here]. It is affordable, easy to use, and effective. You will not regret it.

Thank you for reading my story. I hope it inspires you to take action and improve your health and well-being with red light therapy. If you have any questions or comments about this topic or about red light therapy in general, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you and share more of my experience with you.

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