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How I used grandpa's secret

Discovering what others could not

By B. J. C.Published 3 years ago 8 min read

“Sarah....Sarah,” an older man cries out. “Yes grandpa? I am here,” Sarah answers and walks into the other room to speak to her grandpa. “I wanted to ask you a couple of questions,” grandpa says, as he jesters for Sarah to sit down. “Of course grandpa. What's on your mind?” Sarah replies as she sets in the chair next to her grandpa.

“First, did the workers finish that fence on the back east hundred acres?” grandpa asked as he points across the living room to the glass wall that looks out to the east. “Almost. It should be finished by the end of the week for sure, but maybe as soon as tomorrow. I was riding Penelope, you know she's my favorite horse, and I did see that most of the fence is done back there.” Sarah replies.

Grandpa scoots closer to the edge of his chair, leans towards Sarah, and says, “I wanted to let you know the meeting has been set for next Thursday. The panel will be voting on if they should allow you and Tammy to be the first women ever, to be in the group.” “That's great, I'm confident that we will be allowed in,” Sarah replies with excitement. “I'm not so sure dear. And I'm not so sure you want to be allowed in. These are not exactly good people you know?” Grandpa cautions Sarah. “Well, I think you and Jim are probably the only good people in the group. But I think Tammy will be a good addition, and I'll try to influence the group.” Sarah says.

“It's incredible that you're even having this vote, and of course you absolutely have my vote, but I think it's very unlikely that you have enough votes to get in,” grandpa says with a concerned voice. “Well, Jim guarantees me that he's going to use one of his bonus votes and Tammy's husband is going to do the same. We have an agreement,” Sarah explains. “Every member only has a maximum of three bonus votes in their lifetime. Are you sure they're willing to use them on this vote for you?” grandpa inquires. “Absolutely,” Sarah says.

“Well if you're short by one, I still have a bonus vote to use as well, and I'll use my bonus for you as well.” grandpa lets Sarah know. Sarah gently grabs grandpa's hand and says, “do you remember when we were living in that little one-bedroom apartment? One day you showed me your little black book. This was before you came into your fortune. Anyways, you told me that the book sang to you as you flipped through the pages. Do you remember that?” Grandpa gets a surprised look on his face and says, “I can't believe you remember. What were you....about eight years old?” Sarah smiles, “something like that. Anyways, after we lost mom and dad in that car accident, I found that book that you left for mom. What you don't know, is I figured it out, how to use that quiet music from that book.”

Sarah went on to explain that, the little clicking sounds made when flipping through the book were different depending on which page was opened, and when she opened the pages in the correct order, it was just like a combination lock and it opened up a secret compartment in the bottom of the binding of the book. Inside there was a treasure. Specifically, one teardrop diamond and one round, clear red ruby. Almost by accident, Sarah discovered that when moving the ruby across the front and back of the book, you could see a hidden message, that you could not see, without using the ruby. Sarah then explained that years later, she convinced Jim to let her examine his book and was able to unlock it as well, to reveal one diamond and a light blue ruby that also revealed information on his book.

Grandpa asked Sarah, “does the diamond do anything?” “I sure hope not. We really needed the money back then,” Sarah explains to grandpa. “So, I sold the diamond to a local pawn shop for $20,000.” “It was probably worth more than that,” grandpa says. Sarah responded, “at that time in my life, $20,000 was life-changing.”

Taking a deep breath, Sarah continues. “Anyways, you told me not to tell anyone that the book was singing to you, because they would think you were crazy, and that it was our secret. But if you hadn't told me that, I never would've listened to the sounds the book makes when you open the different pages, and I never would've found the secret compartment in the books.” Sarah takes both of grandpa's hands into her hands and says, “oh, sweet pops, I used your secret.”

Grandpa smiles and says, “you've always been a very clever little girl, although not so little anymore. Hahaha.” Sarah sits back into her chair and says, “well you know, looking back, you were always giving me puzzles and things to figure out my whole life. Didn't matter the occasion, or no occasion at all. I always got some kind of puzzle to figure.” “That's because, from a very young age, it was obvious you were very good at it. Also, it's not just figuring out puzzles but figuring out people, which in a way, is a different kind of puzzle. You've become very savvy in how to maneuver yourself around others,” grandpa replies.

Sarah sits up straight, her eyes widened, smiles, and says, “oh, speaking of others. I found a small group of people, one guy in particular, that I feel really good about, that can help us find those missing books. If we can find all of the books, we will finally have the answer of where to find the big prize.” Grandpa shrugs his shoulders and says to Sarah, “the council has already allocated $27 billion to finding the missing books. Do you really think a couple of regular folk is the answer to finding the other missing books?”

“I really do,” Sarah replies. “With all the money the council spent, trying to decipher the codes in the books, they never figured out our little secret, to actually listen to the sounds of the books. So, I don't think it's about money, it's about creative minds!”

Sarah stands up and gives her grandpa a hug and says, “well grandpa, I need to get going. I have a meeting with Tammy to discuss a possible partnership and to strategize on how to go forward. I don't know how, but she says she has something on Mr. Chi, that not only will influence his vote with the council but with two other council members. I don't know what it is.” Sarah says her goodbyes with grandpa and leaves to go to her meeting with Tammy.

Shortly after Sarah leaves, the butler enters the room and says, “sir, Mr. Martinez is on the phone. Grandpa is clearly not excited about the phone call, but holds out his hand to receive the phone, “yes, I will take it, thank you.” “Mr. Martinez I'm not surprised you called.” “Mr. Leavy, of course I called. The votes were going to be taking in a few days, could have a huge impact, not just for our future, but potentially the future of the world,” Mr. Martinez says.

Mr. Leavy responded, “I agree, that's why I think the addition of these new members could be helpful.” Mr. Martinez raises the level of his voice and says, “helpful? I don't know about that. Many on the council, including myself, are against adding more people to the council and especially women! This would make adding seats even worse. Also, as headmaster, I don't think that Mr. M is going to let this happen.” Mr. Leavy takes a deep breath to calm his reaction and says, “I don't think you would call, just to tell me that. I'm assuming there's an offer coming.” “Of course. You know I want to establish the votes according to who holds the books. One book, one vote,” Mr. Martinez says. In response, Mr. Leavy says, “you do realize that there are 12 books, so by default, we would be increasing the membership to 12 seats.” Mr. Martinez chuckles and says, “actually we would be setting the maximum at 12 seats. If six people each had two books, you would have 12 votes, but only six seats.” Mr. Leavy says, “and that's exactly why you want to make the change, because you have two books. You want to double your voting power.”

Mr. Martinez mumbled something under his breath and then says, “listen, as vice headmaster, I'm sure you can see how this could be good for you as well. So the bottom line is, you vote for my amendment and I'll vote to allow the women to have membership.” Mr. Leavy clears his throat and says, “Mr. Martinez, you have a deal. See you at the meeting.” Mr. Leavy then hangs up the phone and handed it back to the butler.

The butler says to Mr. Leavy, “if you don't mind me saying sir, giving that man another vote, does not seem wise.” Mr. Leavy responds “he's so blinded by his ambition, he's unable to do simple math. He will be gaining control of one more vote, but with Sarah and Tammy on the council, they'll be two more votes that he will not control.” The two men then laugh.

Meanwhile, Tammy and Sarah sit down to discuss their possible alliance. Tammy says to Sarah, “if we're going to trust each other, we're gonna have to start with a show of trust. Is there anything that you've discovered, that as far as you know, no one else has?” Sarah's answer is, “yes, I believe so.” Tammy nods her head and says, “OK, great. I will get things started.” Tammy then explains to Sarah, “so, you know how all of the books come in twos. You have to solve the clues in the first book, to find a small treasure and the second book. Which of course we know leads to a much bigger treasure.”

"Anyways, I figured out how to get these little jagged arms to come out of the top of the first book and the same thing with the bottom of the second book and when you put the two of them together, in the slots and slide them, it locks the two books together as if they're one tall book. The cool thing is, once you've done this, when you open the new combined book, the inside cover becomes translucent and you can see through it and there are writings and symbols, that can then be seen.”

Sarah's eyes get big and she says, “wow, I did not know that one. That sounds really cool. I'm really looking forward to seeing that. My discovery is different. I figured out how to move the book in a certain way, like a combination, that opens up a little compartment in the bottom of the binding, that reveals a little treasure. Specifically, there is a type of ruby in there and when you put it on the front or back cover of the book, looking through the ruby, it reveals messages and codes, right there on the surface.” “Well, I equally had no idea,” Tammy says. I think that this partnership is going to work.” Sarah replies, “me too. We're going to take things to the next level.”

The two women laugh and shake hands. Sarah looks Tammy right in the eyes and says, “there's always an element of danger, but I think this is going to be fun.” Tammy says in response, “I believe you're right. By the way, how did you figure out how to open that little compartment in the book?

Sarah smiles and says, “well...I used grandpa's secret.”

Thus begins their partnership.


About the Creator

B. J. C.

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    B. J. C.Written by B. J. C.

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