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How a Biopsy Changed My Life

The Power of Perspective

By Anthony ChanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Special Thanks to Abby Anaday on Unsplash.com

Anthony walked into the doctor's office, feeling slightly nervous about the swollen bump under his chin. He had noticed it a few weeks ago and thought it was a minor issue that would eventually disappear. But as the days went by, the bump started getting bigger, and he knew it was time to see a doctor.

His heart raced as he sat in the waiting room. He was surrounded by people coughing and sneezing, and he couldn't help but think about how he might catch something while there. He fidgeted in his seat, his mind racing with worry.

Finally, the nurse called his name, and he followed her into the examination room. The doctor entered soon after, and after a brief introduction, he got to work examining the swollen bump under Anthony's chin.

The doctor concluded that the bump was a swollen lymph node and that they needed to do a biopsy to determine the cause. Anthony felt a sense of dread wash over him. He had heard stories of people getting biopsies and receiving devastating news about their health.

Despite his fear, Anthony knew he needed to face the situation head-on. He took a deep breath and agreed to the biopsy. The doctor scheduled the procedure for the following week and promised to have the results back on Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

The days leading up to the biopsy were excruciating for Anthony. He couldn't focus on anything else but the upcoming procedure. He tried to distract himself by watching TV, reading, and spending time with his family, but his mind kept wandering back to the biopsy and what the results might be.

Finally, on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, Anthony called the doctor's office to hear some good news. But to his dismay, the doctor had already left for the holiday without giving anyone the results. Anthony felt his heart would drop when the receptionist told him to call back on Monday after Thanksgiving. When he pushed back, the receptionist told him to use this experience as a reason to savor every moment in life with family and friends. Life is precious, and no moment should be wasted because the future for everyone is always uncertain.

Anthony's Thanksgiving was a somber affair. While everyone else celebrated and enjoyed the company of their loved ones, Anthony couldn't help but think about what might happen if the biopsy showed cancer. He tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on the present moment, but it wasn't easy.

As the weekend went on, Anthony grew increasingly a nxious. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He tried to keep busy, but his mind kept returning to the biopsy and what it might mean for his future.

On Monday, he finally got the results, and to his relief, the bump was a benign tumor. He scheduled to have it removed and underwent surgery without complications. However, one of his salivary glands was damaged during the surgery, and he often suffers from dry mouth.

The experience left a lasting impact on him, and he learned never to take anything in life for granted. He lived with a newfound appreciation for every moment and continued to cherish his time with his loved ones.

Years later, Anthony would reflect on this experience as a turning point. It taught him the value of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. He learned that life is fragile and that every day is a gift.

Anthony lived with that experience ingrained in his mind from that day forward. He told his family and friends how much he loved them and always kept them close. He has done everything he can to pursue his passions and has tried his best to make the most out of every opportunity that comes his way.

The words of the receptionist, who urged him to make every moment count and take this experience as a sign that every moment was precious, have continued to ring in his ears with every passing day.

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About the Creator

Anthony Chan

Chan Economics LLC, Public Speaker

Chief Global Economist & Public Speaker JPM Chase ('94-'19).

Senior Economist Barclays ('91-'94)

Economist, NY Federal Reserve ('89-'91)

Econ. Prof. (Univ. of Dayton, '86-'89)

Ph.D. Economics

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