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Hot Mess Mom

You May Be a Hot Mess Mom If...

By Salina LehnPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

You pour yourself a glass of wine. Finally! Alone time! Your own time to find yourself and feel like that younger version rockstar you are! And you fall asleep!

How about canceling your debit card because you thought you lost it only to find it’s under your bathroom rug?! You think how does that even happen?!

Or cooking an immaculate dinner for your little cutie pies to only find yourself running around them trying to feed them. By the time you sit down, they are done eating ready to roar, leaving you without eating!

Being late to almost everything in life! Instead of making a dish to pass, you go to the store and just buy it. Or starting a hobby that (let’s be real) you will never finish!

Sorting laundry by color or jeans... who even has time for that?! A clean house?! Haven’t had a perfect house in years!

Expensive face wash? Hmm mine gets squeezed out the moment it’s left out at bath time. I buy generic or hope for an amazing sample in my make up bundles!

Getting your two year old dressed only to find that she has completely peed her pants! Yeah we do laundry on the daily! ;)

Some days it’s exhausting working full time and being the sole provider of these kids but I love my kids more than all the mosquitos love your blood! Which this time of year... that’s a lot! Which yeah bug spray.. never prepared for that!

As all these hot mess moments happen in my life, I stop and think: I could never trade this for anything. No moment in life could ever replace the ones that you have with your kids. They are only tiny little humans once. They only snuggle for so long. They only demand kisses on the spot for that little while. And my favorite.. they only will beg you for that toy that absolutely can’t leave the store without having for a short while.

I’m pretty confident my kids will look back at every memory we made and think “Wow! My mom sure was insane, but we always had a blast!”

At 21 years old, having my first born was insanely scary! I told myself no matter what goes on, I’m always going to take the time to laugh it off and look at the good in things.

Sometimes just letting go of the little things and having some good old fun is what will matter in the long run!

Discipline in ways that your kids will also remember. I recall my mom making us clean if we were naughty. Saves work for me! So I definitely follow that rule!

My point on this is lighten up! You don’t always have to be the Lochness Monster coming out of the waters to scare the crap out of your kids. One day you will look back and think the time has come and gone. Your kids will be adults having their own lives.

Read them the extra bed time story when they don’t want to go to sleep. Let them stay up that extra five minutes. It’s five minutes more of their precious lives you get to be their role model.

Let the house be a mess for one day! It doesn’t have to always be like Disney on Ice or bird houses in every window! We all know that within five minutes of it looking amazing, it’s going to be a hot mess! Just like some mom lives!

I know my mom life is a total hot amazing mess!! And to be honest, I’m completely open and happy with it!

With that, go pour yourself a glass of wine and try to stay awake to finish it! :)


About the Creator

Salina Lehn

I am a single mom of three beautiful kids. Love to write in my free time on things going on or that have happened in my lifetime. Hope you enjoy!

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    Salina LehnWritten by Salina Lehn

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