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Finding true balance as a single mom | The Ultimate Guide

As a mom, you need to put yourself first

By Luv Life AgainPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/2-girls-sitting-on-chair-4867670/

“Parenthood is hard, single parenthood is even harder but it’s possible to find true balance if you are willing to dig deep and live an intentional, purposeful life.” - Lauren Bennett-

When you tell people that you’re a single mom, people often stare at you with pity in their eyes. As if it’s the worst thing in the world, yes, single mom life is definitely not easy but it is possible to find peace in the chaos of it all.

Here’s a guide to finding true balance as a single mom, grab a cup of coffee, tea or something stronger, let’s delve into some of the best and most effective ways to find true balance as a single mom in the 21st century.

Remember that your kids don’t come first

It’s a difficult pill to swallow for most mothers, the idea that you must put your children first is a concept that moms often adhere to. Often, we put our own needs to the back of our minds and focus on the needs of the children. They are always front and center.

Yes, it’s vital that we give our kids the love, care and attention that they need however, as a single mom, if you’re not healthy and happy, your kids will feel it too. Children are natural empaths and they absorb everything around them like sponges, therefore, putting your kids’ needs first will ultimately have a domino effect which could lead to an unhealthy cycle of anxiety and total overwhelm.

That’s why you must put your needs first. Remember, during a flight, you must place your oxygen mask on first before you help your kids, apply this same principle to your life.

Focus on personal development

Set Goals

Start by setting achievable goals that align with your personal values and aspirations. These goals can be related to your career, education, health, or relationships. Write them down and break them into smaller, manageable steps.

Photo by Anna Shvets: https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-peaceful-black-woman-applying-golden-collagen-eye-patches-3852204/

Take Care of Yourself

As a single mom, it's important to prioritize your self-care. This means getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Taking care of yourself will help you feel more energized and focused.

Learn New Things

Take advantage of opportunities to learn new things, whether it's through online courses, workshops, or networking events. This can help you stay current in your field and expand your knowledge and skills.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: https://www.pexels.com/photo/excited-diverse-staff-of-modern-coffee-house-4349746/

Build a Support System

Being a single mom can be isolating, so it's important to build a support system of family, friends, and other single moms. Joining a support group or online community can help you connect with others who are going through similar experiences.

Practice Gratitude

Focus on the positive things in your life and practice gratitude. This can help shift your mindset from one of lack to one of abundance. Take time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for.

Remember, personal development is a journey, not a destination. By focusing on your personal growth and development, you can become a stronger, more resilient, and happier single mom.

Progress over perfection

Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-tank-top-lying-with-her-eyes-closed-6732403/

Perfection is not the goal, instead focus on making yourself one percent better each day instead.

The idea of getting one percent better each day is often attributed to the famous American football coach, Urban Meyer. Meyer is known for his emphasis on continuous improvement and has been quoted as saying, "If you get one percent better each day, then you'll have a 365 percent improvement in one year."

However, the concept of continuous improvement has been around for much longer and is a fundamental principle in fields such as manufacturing and engineering. The Japanese concept of Kaizen, which focuses on small, continuous improvements, has also been influential in promoting the idea of making small daily improvements.

Regardless of its origins, the idea of getting one percent better each day has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the realm of personal development and self-improvement. By focusing on small, attainable goals, individuals can build momentum and achieve significant progress over time.

As a single mom, you might feel the need to prove others wrong due to the stigma that’s often attached to single motherhood, you might find yourself trying to be the “perfect” single mom however, if you want to find true balance in your life, forget about perfection and focus on progress. Take small steps to progress further each day.

Some examples to help you along the way:

- Set aside 5 minutes each day to meditate or practice mindfulness

- Make a daily to-do list and prioritize your tasks

- Take a 10-minute break every hour to stretch or walk around

- Say "no" to commitments that don't align with your goals and values

- Plan a weekly self-care activity, such as a bubble bath or massage

Remember that progress looks different for everyone, so don't compare yourself to others. Celebrate your own small victories and keep moving forward.

Finally, don't forget to ask for help when you need it. Being a single mom can be overwhelming at times, and it's okay to lean on your support system for assistance. Whether it's asking a friend to watch your kids for a few hours or seeking professional counseling, don't hesitate to reach out for support.


In conclusion, finding true balance as a single mom is possible but it requires intentional effort and a commitment to personal growth and development. Remember to prioritize your own needs, focus on progress over perfection, and build a strong support system. By taking small steps each day towards your goals, you can achieve greater happiness, fulfillment, and success as a single mom.


About the Creator

Luv Life Again

Encouraging single moms (and dads) to "Luv Life Again" with our inspirational, transformative content for forward-thinking, ambitious single parents.

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  • Balqis Yareemi12 months ago

    In conclusion, finding true balance as a single mom is possible but it requires intentional effort and a commitment to personal growth and development.

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