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Father’s Day

A Day without Your Father

By train of thoughts Published 11 months ago 3 min read
Father’s Day
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

As Father’s Day approached, Emily felt a sense of emptiness. Her father had passed away a few years ago, and every year, this day reminded her of his absence. She missed him terribly, and the thought of not being able to celebrate Father’s Day with him anymore was unbearable.

Emily tried to distract herself by keeping busy, but the memories of her father kept flooding back. She remembered how he used to take her on long walks in the park, how he would always make her laugh with his silly jokes, and how he would hold her tight when she was scared.

As the day went on, Emily felt more and more alone. She saw families out and about, celebrating with their fathers, and it only made her feel more isolated. She tried to call her friends, but they were all busy with their own families.

Feeling defeated, Emily decided to take a walk in the park. As she walked, she saw a little girl playing with her father, and it brought tears to her eyes. She missed her own father so much, and the pain was almost too much to bear.

Just then, a man approached her. He was an older gentleman, with kind eyes and a gentle smile.

“Excuse me, miss,” he said. “I couldn’t help but notice that you seem a little down. Is everything okay?”

Emily hesitated for a moment, but something about the man’s demeanor made her feel safe. She opened up to him about her father and how much she missed him.

The man listened patiently, and then he shared his own story. He had lost his wife a few years ago, and he knew how hard it was to cope with the loss of a loved one.

“Sometimes, the best way to honor someone’s memory is to keep their spirit alive,” he said. “What did your father love to do?”

Emily thought for a moment, and then she remembered how her father loved to read. He had a huge collection of books, and he would spend hours lost in their pages.

“Maybe I could donate some books to the library in his honour,” she said.

The man smiled. “That’s a wonderful idea. And who knows, maybe someone else will discover the joy of reading because of your father’s love for books.”

Emily felt a glimmer of hope. She thanked the man for his kind words and walked back home, feeling a little lighter.

When she got home, she went straight to her father’s old bookshelf. She picked out a few of his favorite books and headed to the library. As she donated the books, she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She knew her father would have been proud of her.

As she walked back home, she realized that even though her father was no longer with her, his memory would always live on. She could honour him in small ways, like donating books, or in big ways, like living her life with the same kindness and compassion that he had shown her.

Emily knew that Father’s Day would always be a little bittersweet, but she also knew that she could find comfort in the memories of her father and the love that they shared.

griefsocial mediahumanityfact or fictionchildren

About the Creator

train of thoughts

As I embark in this journey of learning how to write, I hope to make an impact in my perspective

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