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Eight tips to help your child learn to listen

First, give your child the right to speak

By Richard ShurwoodPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Eight tips to help your child learn to listen
Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash

It's hard to get 5 and 6-year-olds to listen to their parents, and it's a headache for many parents. What do you do when your child is deaf to your words? What can you do to make your child learn to listen?

Kids don't always seem to hear you, do they? Mother's University research shows that they don't mean to upset their parents, they just can't share their parents' sense of urgency. They are living on the child's schedule, while the parent is living and doing things on the adult's schedule.

How do you get your kids to learn to listen? Mother's University summarizes the following eight tips for getting your child to learn to listen.

1. Parents stay calm.

Children are just like adults, they always procrastinate on purpose when others order them to do something or threaten them. So parents need to stay calm. To avoid being angered, parents can give their children some time beforehand when they make a request. They can say to him, "Draw another 5 minutes and you have to go to the shower."

2. Ask your child to repeat what you have said.

This way, you will immediately be able to figure out whether your child heard what you said or not. If your child doesn't know how to do it, for example, he won't turn off the radio, then when you ask him to repeat your request, he can take the opportunity to tell you that he won't do it.

3. Make your child obedient in the game

Does your child like to dress up as a character in a storybook? Once a child becomes a character in a story, he or she can instead listen more carefully to what the parents are saying. Moreover, every child likes to fantasize. Instead of clashing with their child oversleeping, parents should spread the wings of fantasy with their child. First, follow your child's lead and imagine, "How wonderful it would be if we never had to sleep. Then we could stay awake for many days? ......" Your child must be happy to reverie with you without boundaries, and then, he is likely to consider and accept the real-life arrangements.


4. Listen carefully to what your child is saying.

When your child tells you something, parents should put the newspaper down and listen intently to their child. If parents lead by example and are good listeners, then children will learn from their parents. If parents don't know how to teach their children, we suggest you check out Mother's University's "Play to Keep Your Child" so you can learn to listen carefully to your child and play to keep your child.

5. Dispense with blame and describe directly what you see as it is.

No need to complain that your child is not doing well, parents should try to avoid blaming their children. For example, when you see your child throwing toys everywhere, instead of asking him, "Why do you make such a mess in the room," you should describe what you see and give advice: "I see toys everywhere, and if you are not careful, you will step on them and touch them. Come on, now let's put the toys away."

6. Avoid starting your child on something that takes time in a short period.

It's best not to let your child start drawing until he or she is about to go to kindergarten or school; parents should not agree to let their child watch cartoons on VCD when he or she is about to go out soon. because these things will not be done, and by then it will be difficult to get your child to finish.

7. Write a list of things to do.

If you feel pressed for time in the morning, then tell your child what needs to be done before you leave home in the morning, and write down each thing or express it clearly with graphics. Then let your child check off what he or she has done: get dressed, brush teeth, wash face, eat breakfast. Parents should put the recorded list in a conspicuous place so that they can give their children frequent reminders.

8. Praise your child for being a good listener.

Aged children always want to be uninhibited, but they also want to make their parents happy. When your child hears you expressing appreciation for his behavior, he will also be very happy, and he will feel that he is both unrestrained and making his parents happy

Mother University: Even very young children have their thoughts and opinions, and parents can only further understand their children and understand them if they listen carefully to them.



About the Creator

Richard Shurwood

If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.

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