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Are penguins protective?

By hayleyPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read

I wasn't supposed to be anywhere near that aquarium, the one my sister had disappeared from, yet there I was, standing by the shark exhibit, not sure if I should leave or not. Walking past this place every day to and from school for the past two years, I finally gave up and went in. Mom's most important rule was to not step foot in the aquarium but maybe I thought it would help me feel better if I could remember our last day together yet all I wanted to do was scream into the hot, muggy aquarium air.

The building was old, but still managed to stay busy, with families coming from all over just to walk through the familiar hallways. Nearing the octopus tank, I tried to keep my mind off that moment she disappeared when we went our separate ways. We promised to meet up in an hour by the Penguins, but she never showed. Nothing would've happened if I was there, but I wasn't.

I had forced myself to stay away, mom didnt need to lose another child. Stepping onto the escalator, I made it to the top floor. I got off and stood across from the cold, inches away from the penguins. Walking closer, my heart dropped. I felt a warm tear slide down my face. "Fuck this place sucks." Dropping to the floor in defeat. The family standing at the end of the exhibit looked like they thought I was crazy, then walked away. Grief made me crazy.

Stop. I stood up and walked over to the sign, the same place I was supposed to meet her that day. There it was, our initials carved very small into the bottom of the information sign. Regina and I would come here every day after school. We practically grew up here, closing my eyes I was almost playing hide and seek in the big turtle room again, ready to run if anyone were to see.

"You can't find me" Regina called out from her hiding spot.

"Bet I can." I shouted, looking all around.

"Never gonna find me never gonna find me!" She chanted

"I'm getting warmer." I laughed as I kept searching.

"I am the hide and seek master Ben, you cannot beat me." The confidence in her voice rung throughout the room.

"Ah ha!" Jumping behind the big rock I grabbed eight year old Regina.

"I came so close to winning!" She pouted.

She held onto my hand as we walked out from behind the rock.

"You kids can't be playing in here." An old grouchy women seemed to come from thin air.

Hand in hand, both took off running in the other direction, heading for the escalators. Riding up, we stepped off at the penguin exhibit. Panting, we sat down behind the sign.

My heart beating out of my chest after having the shit scared out of me then we both started laughing hysterically.

"She almost got us!" I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"Did you see her witch nose? She probably eats kids like us!" Regina's eyes popped out.

"I wouldn't have let that happen, that's what big brothers do, they protect their sisters."

"Do I protect you?" She asked

"See our job as siblings is too look out for each other, to always be there. See those penguins?" I turned towards the animals.

"Yeah, they're funny looking." Regina giggled.

"Penguins always make sure that other penguins are safe, no man left behind." Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I smiled.

"You protect me, I protect you. Deal!" She held out her hand for me to shake.

I took her hand in mine and shook it. Regina smiled big.

The happiness of that moment flutters my mind as I open my eyes and remember it's six years later, two years without my protector.

Regina and I stopped being as close when she turned 14 and started dating this older guy who worked at the aquarium. They were inseparable, always up one another's ass. He wasn't good for her, they were always arguing and Jackson always had her crying. They dated until she was fifteen, three months before she went missing. When interviewed by police, he claimed he was with his new girlfriend at the time but was completely crushed by the news.

They weren't really looking for her anymore, I felt everyone besides my family had forgotten. So many questions I needed answers to, but no one had the right words.

Standing up, I continued to walk around, looking for a purpose. Finally, I made it to the third floor of the aquarium, this was where they kept the really big sea squid. Admiring the sea creature, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a stairway that I don't recall ever being down.

Glancing around to make sure sure no one was there, I made my way over to the dark, mysterious stairs. Thirty-nine steps until I reached the bottom of the abyss. In front of me stood a tall, iron door with a lock. Picking up a brick from beside the stairs, I hit the lock with everything in me and it fell to the ground. Looking around once more to make sure it was safe, I opened the door and stepped inside.

The cool, damp air gave me chills as I closed the door behind me. At that moment the worst smell hit my nose like a truck, getting sick to my stomach I quickly put my arm across my face. Darkness filled the room with no light to be turned on. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I turned the flashlight on, shining it over what appeared to be an old office. Walking over to the desk, I saw a lot of polaroids. They seemed to be of half naked girls, shifting through them, I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw her in the pile.

Quickly putting them down, I dialed 911 then my mom. Two police officers entered the room, I gave them the photos and they began to look around. Interested by the stack of storage chests, they forced them open one by one. Until they stopped, one asked me to go upstairs while the other one called for backup.

Meeting my mom at the top of the stairs, we stood together for what seemed like hours.

They told us they found my sister, some sick asshole had stuffed my baby sister into a trunk. Hearing that broke my mother's heart.

After some investigating, it was the manager who had hurt Regina. They had been having an affair, she felt guilty and wanted to tell Jackson but he murdered her because he knew he would go to jail for being with a minor.

Heading back to the aquarium, I stood by the penguins one last time, and gripped the side of the exhibit tightly. As hard as everything had been, I knew Regina was now safe with dad. Looking over at the penguins, I smiled "I'll always protect you sis."

fact or fictiongriefsiblings

About the Creator


The skies are blue, haven't been for a while

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  1. Compelling and original writing

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    Well-structured & engaging content

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    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    I really appreciate the depth this story had, it really spoke to me. I felt compelled to read until the end, you told this story well!

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