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Could it be Destiny

Part 1

By awore oteriPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

In the year 1986, she was born in an African home amidst happiness. celebration and joy, she was a beautiful, chubby, and happy baby, oh Amelie brought so much joy to her family and was loved by all.

Three years after her birth trouble started, Amelie became sick always with no sort of explanation as to what was wrong with her. she cried always, unable to express her self, every day was uncertain if she would make it through the day, Amelia's situation brought so much bitterness to the home, little did they know that this was the just the beginning.

Tired of seeing her child in pains Suja the mother of Amelia took her to a doctor and then various tests were carried out and little Amelia was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia, Suja was confused and insisted the tests be rerun as Amelia did not have the look of a child with sickle cell anemia, she carried out so many tests but the results remained the same.

Amelia grew up amidst so much pain as there was little or no awareness about sickle cell anemia in Africa in the 80's. when ever she was in crisis Suja would shout at her "bear it. i cannot go to the hospital tonight", Gaji Amelia's father would massage her body with hot water thinking it would ease her pains till the morning. Amelia always arrived at hospitals weak, dehydrated and almost passed out from pain and weeping.

At age 16, her condition drove her parents apart leading to their separation, Amelia remained with her mother, she survived several near death experiences, Amelia had no self confidence, so to cover up for that she became a very unruly and rude child, she acted out, she refused drugs, she craved for her death, she took risks that she knew would harm her, Suja kept trying to make Amelia take better care of herself, she would shout, appeal and even threaten her but nothing worked, she even went to the extent of ignoring Amelia whenever she had a crisis. Suja had no idea Amelia hated her and her father and blamed them silently for giving birth to her sickly, Amelia had made a vow to torment her parents, she saw this as her own way of paying them back for giving birth to her.

Five years after graduating from high school Amelia gained admission in to the higher institution and had to move far from home, freedom at last she thought but her body had other plans for her, she was always rushed home every month sick, filled with rage and embarrassment, Amelia decided to drop out of school, she was beaten by her situation "oh death please take me, this shame and pain is too much, I can not live like this all the days of my life" she cursed, she screamed, she begged but death did not answer her. No one understood what Amelia was going through or how she felt, no one knew she hated her life so much she wished she did not exist.

Suja refused to allow Amelia drop out she kept pushing her, reminded her how she has come so far, survived several near death experiences and she still came out strong, Suja made Amelia see that being born sick was no ones fault but Destiny, she asked Amelia to forgive her as she birthed her out of ignorance, she apologized for ignoring her pains all these years as she did not know the severity of it ,she encouraged Amelia to use her situation to enlighten others instead of allowing the situation bring her down. There is nothing to be ashamed of said Suja, you did not create your self, you are special not defected, you are unique not broken.

Defeated and tired Amelia ponded on the words of her mother "Being born sick is no ones fault but Destiny", was she right, is this really Destiny?


About the Creator

awore oteri

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