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Be Like A River - It Floats Forward

Floating In Life

By Cathy DeslippePublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Be Like A River - It Floats Forward
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Floating Forward

Charles, a hard-working man, with many types of stress he never spoke about. His favourite line was, "what good does it do to complain?"

Growing up was hard on him. Forced to finish school way too young. He had to take over the farm and help make money for their family.

Money was scarce, his dad had serious drinking issues, spent all the money he had on moonshine. Charles was determined that he was going to make a difference.

Communicating with his mom, he was making sure that there would be groceries for the family, the needs would be looked after. Most of all, being the eldest of ten. He felt responsible for the safety of his mom and siblings.

His dad had a really bad drinking problem, he would be gone for nights, taking all the money . that could have been used for the farm and family.

After Charles took a beating from his dad, and then his mom took a real bad fall from his dad tossing her to the floor.

Charles was going forward, his dad was taken away by the local police.

Charles Was Moving Forward

When his dad was healthy and very youthful, Charles was always beside his dad. He learned to ride the tractor at a very young age. He knew how much feed he would need for all of the animals. The seedlings to be planted in the field.

Mom of course was doing the books, his sister only ten months younger than him, helped her mom with the home and the smaller children.

The family seemed much happier without their dad, every one of them was terrified by him. The only fear their mom had was he would return.

By Gozha Net on Unsplash

Charles told his mom, that the police said that their dad was never allowed back on the farm. Her mom always told her when she married a man, you never leave him. Conflicting feelings came over her yet the safety of her children and her own self was much more important.

Haying time came, the six eldest were all out there working hard and the field was done in no time at all. A record high.

The farm looked amazing, Charles was so proud of his mom and siblings.

Disturbing News

The police came by to talk to Charles and his mom. It appeared that his dad had filed for a divorce from his mom and wanted half the farm.

No reaction from Charles, no he looked at his mom.

Afraid, her eyes so full of tears. How was he able to even thinking of taking half of the farm from her and the family? After everything, he did to them.

The police kept saying how sorry they were. That if they had their way he would not get anything. At this time he had served his time in jail, moved to another state. According to the police, he was with various women.

Nothing made sense. Charles said we will move like the river mom. We will go forward and on to better and interesting things. We can do this as long as we have each other.

His mom just smiled at her grown son. Looking at him she had not realized how he had become such a wonderful young man.

Onwards and Forwards

The farm sold for a very large amount of money. The divorce was done and over within no time.

Charles had talked around and found a farm, the land was a little smaller, the house was bigger. The animals were not sold with the sale, so he was able to still have them with the feed.

His mom and family were so excited. A new home, a new beginning and they were going forward.

New Beginnings

Well, the older boys including Charles, had taken a fondness to a few local girls. They all got dressed up and went to a local dance with the ladies. Charles really took a fondness to a sweet young lady by the name of Rose.

Rose and Charles dated for about a year before you knew it. A beautiful country wedding on the farm.

Mom was so excited that Charles had fallen in love and was so happy. They had moved in with mom, as the eldest sister had moved away to a job in a city not too far.

At this point, life was good, or was it?

Charles always kept saying, do not look back, flow like the river. Go forward and think only of the good.

By Michael Fousert on Unsplash

Not So Easy

Charles and Rose had gone into the Market to sell their products and various things. Everything went really well and they had nothing left, other than a wallet full of money.

The two of them pulled over by the lake and set up for a picnic. Relaxing and cuddling, enjoying the time they had together was wonderful.

Sitting and talking about their future, the possibility of a family. Hope and happiness for the future.

Looking up, sirens were heading towards the directions of their home. An ambulance as well.

Quickly they jumped in the truck and drove as fast as they could.

No, It Is Not True

There was their dad, standing with a gun in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other. Charles started running looking for the family. His mom was in the barn with his brother who had been shot. The brother was talking but there was a lot of blood.

The police were quick to shackle their dad, take him away. Mom asked Rose to check on the family in the house.

Charles helped load his brother in the ambulance, his mom was going with him. As he took her hand, he had seen her face. She needed stitches, she had been hit really bad.

Charles could not believe what had happened, he had hoped he would just stay away.

Rose was in the house, the police were talking to each member of the family. After they were done Rose sat with them and cuddled them. Making warm tea and snacks for nibbling. She reassured them things would get better. Fear was written all over their faces.

By Alex Iby on Unsplash

At the parking lot of the hospital, Charles dropped. He finally broke. He needed help, his family needed help. Most of all he wanted his mom and his poor brother to be okay.

The Counselling Started

The healing took some time. His brother was doing well with a bit of damage to his left arm. His mom was in serious counselling in the hospital.

The hospital had called all of the family in for counselling. At first, Charles did not think it was the right thing for him to do. Yet after listening to his family, he knew something had to be done.

What one never realized was his dad was raised in a very alcoholic, abusive home. The concern of the mom is if there were any genetic alcoholic issues in the family.

The doctor was pleased to hear her ask this. There had been studies done on this, it was not always a social health issue, it became a coping issue to so many. When times got really bad, their dad turned to the bottle and would drink. What he thought was drowning his sorrows in alcohol. became a terrible addiction. Later it became a very terrible disease.

The family had never heard of this before. They were glad to hear about this and spoke of how counselling was the best thing for them. The doctor spoke of other coping mechanisms. As for their mom, a battered wife, beaten and raped. She was going forward into a home where she would seek help.

As for every member of the family, they all agreed to seek help. All at their own pace. It affected them all differently. Education meant everything.

As thou, the river may flow forward, at times the wind may make a change. Forcing you to push back, making it harder or making you stronger. The wind had pushed many times, but this time the wind had pushed too far.

Determination, hopes of better days to come. To talk instead of turning to substances or violence. To know you are not alone. There are so many wonderful programs for the drinker and the one living with the drinker to go to.

I hope if you read this, you know you are not alone.

Reach for when you feel weak, to those who care.

There are so many ways to go forward,

Do not let the poisons control you, reach for those who are there.

By Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

immediate family

About the Creator

Cathy Deslippe

Catherine Deslippe

At the age of 7, I became an author. I am an international writer with many authors; all royalties went to cancer patients without insurance. I used to write to cope, but now I write to bring others hope.

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    Cathy DeslippeWritten by Cathy Deslippe

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