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Awaken In The Depths Of Water


By Cathy DeslippePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Awaken In The Depths Of Water
Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Lily had moved to Frankfurt in her early twenties. Born and raised in Britain she had longed to travel across the seas to visit family.

A registered nurse at the age of eighteen, she searched the internet looking for a job in her field in Frankfurt. Within two days, a zoom internet interview and Lily was hired to work at the Frankfurt General Hospital in the ICU unit. Overjoyed and excited, Lily couldn’t wait to travel.

The journey to Frankfurt meant a long journey across the ocean. Talking with her parents, the planning began first with family while they worked hard looking for a flat for her to live. Through zoom meetings they were able to share several with her, eventually she found one in walking distance to her new job.

By Ibrahim Rifath on Unsplash

A home away from home, the more she looked at her new flat , the more the excited she became. Living with her parents all her life, the thought of having her very own home ,brought so many opportunities of new beginnings. It was ever so wonderful that the flat was completely furnished and accessorized. Having to only pack a few photos, linens and knit knacks, was such a relief.

Travelling Arrangements Underway

Her Mama and Papa came with her to help plan which “Ocean Liner” was best suited for the trip. Anxious with so many details, Lily didn’t know where to begin.

Pamphlets after pamphlets to look over, laying on her bed a little overwhelming . Lily crashed into a deep sleep.

Her parents heard moaning and banging coming from her room. Quickly her mama came to her door and peaked in.

Looking at Lily, she appeared as if she was swimming in her bed. Constantly saying over and over, “The Ship On The Horizon”. It was dreadful for her mom to watch. Lily’s hair was soaking wet from perspiration.

This wasn’t the first time Lily had dreams like this, her mama was told never to wake her.

Many in Lily’s family, from her nanny to mama and aunts were nortiously known to have dreams, acting them out and many of the times the dreams actually happened. This brought great concern for her mom, slipping quietly back to her room sobbing.

By Seb Cumberbirch on Unsplash

Rising Early

Lily woke in shock. Looking over the bed, taking a hanky from the side dresser. Wiping the incredible amount of perspiration from her face, Lily couldn’t stop thinking about her dream. Remembering the words, “The Ship On The Horizon”, the depths of swimming to reach what she had believed to be a Ocean Liner. Was this going to happen, like many of her dreams? Or in this case nightmare, did she fall off the Ocean Liner while on her journey?

Heading to shower and dress,quickly Lily headed down to a fresh pot of tea and muffin with her mama.

Lily’s mom first asked her how her night was. Reluctant at first,Lily didn’t want to startle or scare her mom but she was always told to share the dreams that scare you. Once shared to the right people, highly unlikely would this dream happen. (Very Old Fables Of Her Families Culture).

By Jose Llamas on Unsplash

The Curse Of The Tales Of The Dreams

It wasn’t long before Lily told her mom of her dream. How exhausted and tired she felt trying hard to swim to reach “The Ship On The Horizon”.

Explaining to her mama, that prior to going to bed she was reading all of the brochures about the Ocean Liners to travel with. She had inclined that one in particular stood out in a negative way. After reading it and researching it, there had been in the last 15 years - several who had fell overboard but majority of them were saved.

Her mama told her, that she had been doing a lot of organizing for her trip, that maybe for a bit she needed a much needed break.

Suggesting to Lily that they needed a lovely day in London,England, purchasing some new clothes and shoes for her adventure would be fun. Also this would be a gift from her, not wanting Lily to worry over her money.

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What started out to be a stressful day, Lily was able to purchase some really nice clothes and even her mama picked up a few new outfits.

Catching Up With Family And Friends

After shopping the ladies decided to stop at their favourite Fish and Chips Restaurant. It was well known as the spot you have to go if you came to England. Luckily she got to see her aunties and a couple of mates.

A nice warm cup of tea, two orders of perch and crisps ordered and they had time to chat. Lily thanked her mama for a wonderful, memorable day. Telling her mama how much she was going to miss her and her papa, hoping they would visit.

Returning home and settling in bed, Lily only looked at one travelling brochure before she past out again. Than the bed was banging, Lily was swimming harder and harder. Those words “The Ship On The Horizon”.

Should I Go?-Should I Stay?

Troubled as she woke in the morning, Lily laid back in her bed. So many negative thoughts and fears came over her, all of the what if’s?

Knowing the job opportunity was a dream come true, thinking about the beautiful flat, the flower boxes and the most beautiful decorative home was waiting for her, she had to overcome her fears and take the giant leap.

Instead of a quick shower, Lily ran a nice relaxing bubble bath. Lighting some relaxing lavender candles, slipping into the tub felt so amazing. Turning on her favourite “Beatles” music, Lily felt like she could see this adventure as a positive. Who knows maybe she might even find the man of her dreams?

By Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Travelling Arrangements Made

Lily went to a new travel agency on the outskirts of her hometown. Discussing the different ocean liners they had brought up the names of the ships.

The Ships On The Ocean sounded like the best offer, affordable with many wonderful things to do while travelling. Dinner night, dance classes and even trivia. This seemed like the one Lily should sign up for, in yet the folder beside her seemed so intriguing she had to open the file.

Wow, stepping back and in shock Lily couldn’t believe what she was reading. The agent said this is the best Ocean Liner we have to offer, so much more than the other one I showed you, also all your meals are included.

Looking at the name of the ship “The Ship On The Horizon”, apparently the owner bought this ship, giving her this name because wherever she travelled, the horizon was always a new and promising beginning.

Feeling like she had been given a positive sign, Lily was signed up and ready to set sail in three days.

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Lily’s Papa waved from shore yelling out “ Fair Winds “,Our Beautiful Daughter”.

Lily knew than that her Papa was more than proud of her journey as she only heard him say those words to sailors casting out.

In her case he was blessing her on her new adventures.


About the Creator

Cathy Deslippe

Catherine Deslippe

At the age of 7, I became an author. I am an international writer with many authors; all royalties went to cancer patients without insurance. I used to write to cope, but now I write to bring others hope.

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