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An Inspirational Woman

How my mother inspires me

By Alexis BellawPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
From left to right: my sister, me, my mom, and my grandma.

Finding inspiration in a parent is pretty common, but my mom is something extremely special. I know that’s something every kid would say about a parent or guardian in their lives, but I mean it.

Not everyone has their mother or father in their lives. I am very grateful that I have my mom in mine. My dad is in the picture, but I avoid him because he’s a little toxic.

My mom stayed with this man for almost 20 years just for us kids. They would split up and it didn’t take long before they were back together. I was too young to even give my own mother advice on relationships. I definitely wasn’t old enough to give advice on toxic relationships.

My father wasn’t physically abusive or anything. He was emotionally abusive and mentally draining. My mom did her best to hide her emotions from us kids, but as I got older I began noticing a lot more. I felt bad for her, but I didn’t know how to help her. At first, I pretended I didn’t know she was crying and would just go to my room feeling bad.

My mom’s favorite hobby was reading. She read a lot of erotic books and novels, however my dad didn’t like it. My mom became friends with some of the authors and would go to book signings. Obviously, those are nothing bad, but my dad absolutely hated the fact that she went to them. He would give her all kinds of hell about it and make her feel bad.

I remember every time she got back from a book signing I could hear my parents fighting. Once they were done my dad would leave and I could hear my mom crying. I can only imagine the heartbreak she was feeling at the time.

You’re probably thinking, “how is this inspiring?” Well, the answer to that question is that this is only the required backstory in order to understand fully how much she inspires me today.

Eventually, I was old enough to understand how things in a relationship should work and what to say to my mom to make her feel better. I told my mom many times that she needed to leave my dad. After a little push she finally made him move out. Though, it didn’t stay that way. She allowed him to take the house and she moved in with a friend. At this point I had moved in with my boyfriend, so I didn’t have to jump back and forth between households. I would’ve stayed with my mom no matter what if I didn’t have my boyfriend’s.

After what seemed like forever with her friend my mom got a job working at Kenworth, which for those who don’t know is a place that build semi trucks. She made good money and got her own place. I was and I am very proud of my mother.

Kenworth eventually laid off a bunch of people and my mom was included. She now works two jobs. She’s bartending at both places and making decent money with the help of tips.

I want to also take a short pause to mention my mom never had a teenage phase. She wasn’t allowed to do anything until she was 18. Once she turned 18 she moved in with my dad and got pregnant with me.

Back to the current date, my mom now spends her single life partying, meeting guys, and just having a blast with her friends and family. Not to mention that she’s also now a grandmother!

Now, here’s the part that ties all of this together. My mom inspires me because she was a young mother and made it work for her children no matter what. She suffered through a toxic relationship, but she made it out and is living her life now. She still pays attention to her children and wants to do things with us.

My mother has showed me that I shouldn’t ever take anybody’s crap and I should pay attention to red flags in a relationship. She’s taught me that I should always make things work for my child. Everything I do is for my child. She’s taught me that I’m allowed to have fun even if I’m a mother now. I mean after all, who said you can’t have fun with a kid? She’s taught me that it’s okay to let it out and to cry, but I need to pick myself back up and keep going. She’s taught me to fight for what I want and to do what makes me happy. She’s taught me to never give up on the things I love and so much more.

For all those above reasons are the reasons that my mom inspires me and for all that I am very thankful.

I love you so very much momma.

immediate family

About the Creator

Alexis Bellaw

20-year-old momma of two precious little girls writing my feelings out and publishing them to you. I hope you enjoy my content!

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