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A long distance romance

A short story about two lovers in a long distant relationship

By Charles ObaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A long distance romance
Photo by Travis Grossen on Unsplash

Benny and Fhk are two young lovers physically separated by geographical space, but emotionally connected by the power of love. Here is their typical conversation and eventual reunion.

The Distance Between Us


A loving couple, Benny and Fhk, are sitting on their favorite couches, talking to each other through a video call.

BENNY: (excited) Fhk! I miss you so much!

FHk: (smiling) I miss you too, bae. It's been too long.

BENNY: (sighs) I know. It's been seven months and counting since we last saw each other.

FHk: (concerned) How have you been?

BENNY: (smiling) I'm doing well. School has been busy, but I'm managing. And you, how's life in the UK?

FHk: (smiling) It's good. I'm making a lot of progress with my business and preparations

BENNY: (impressed) That's great! You'll be a wealthy man in no time.

FHk: (smiling) Thanks, but it wouldn't be possible without your support.

BENNY: (smiling) Of course, my love. I'll always support you, no matter the distance.

FHk: (smiling) And I'll always love you Benny, no matter the distance.

BENNY: (smiling) I know. That's what makes our love so special.

The two smile at each other, feeling the love that transcends the distance between them.


Fhk is sitting in a café, typing away on his laptop. He pauses and looks at a picture of Benny on his phone.

FHk: (to himself) I miss her so much.

His phone rings, and he answers.

FHk: (excited) my heartbeat!

BENNY: (anxious) Fhk my love, I have some news.

FHk: (concerned) What is it?

BENNY: (tearful) My visa application was rejected. I won't be able to join you in the UK.

Fhk's heart sinks, but he remains strong for Benny.

FHk: (calm) Don't worry, Benny. We'll figure it out. Our love is stronger than any border or visa.

BENNY: (smiling through tears) I know, Fhk. That's why I love you.

FHk: (smiling) And that's why I love you too my treasure

The two smile at each other, their love overcoming the distance and any obstacle that comes their way.


Benny and Fhk are sitting on the couch, talking through a video call. They both look sad.

BENNY: (tearful) I don't know how much longer I can do this, Fhk. The distance is tearing us apart.

FHk: (determined) Don't say that, Benny. Our love is strong enough to endure this distance. We just need to be patient and keep communicating.

Benny nods, wiping away her tears.

FHk: (smiling) And I have some good news. I just completed purchasing and shipping my goods to Nigeria.

Benny's eyes light up with joy.

BENNY: (excited) Really? That's amazing!

FHk: (smiling) Yes! I'll be able to be with you soon. Our long distance relationship will be finally over.

Benny tears up, but this time with happiness.

BENNY: (tearful) I love you, Fhk.

FHk: (smiling) I love you too, Benny.

The two smile at each other, the distance between them closing with each passing day.


Fhk is waiting at the airport for Benny to arrive. He sees her and runs towards her, picking her up in a big bear hug.

FHk: (excited) I'm finally here with you!

Benny hugs him back, tears streaming down her face.

BENNY: (tearful) I love you, Fhk.

FHk: (smiling) I love you too, Benny.

The two kiss, their love finally transcending the distance between them.

fact or fiction

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