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9 Ways to Promote Your Baby's Language Development

What are some things parents can do to help their children improve their language skills?

By Richard ShurwoodPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
9 Ways to Promote Your Baby's Language Development
Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Many studies have shown that children who grow up in an environment where parents treat their children like adults, talking, discussing and even arguing with them constantly, will have a richer vocabulary and a clearer, more varied expression than children who grow up with parents who are "silent". expressions.

So, what can parents do every day to help their children improve their verbal skills?

Baby Communication

1. Talk and talk and talk and talk.

Note! We are not encouraging you to become a rambling monk. What you need to do is to tell your child every single thing that happens in your daily life by expressing it clearly and accurately in a vivid way. When your child is sitting in the bath tub, you can keep telling your child, "Does it feel warm on your little belly?" "Listen, the sound of the bath water splashing on the tub... ..." "Well now it's time to get out of the water. Look at the belly of the little finger, soaked in water for a long time, are small wrinkles." In short, use your experience and all your senses to help your child increase the experience and learn how to describe it.

2. Books are the ladder of human progress.

It's never too early to start reading. And the reading habits your child develops from a young age will largely affect his future study habits. So, whenever possible, start reading with your child from a very young age. You can start with one or two cards, then transition to a colorful book with many illustrations, and eventually slowly enter the text-based reading.

3. Listen and sing songs together.

Songs are the best form for children to receive and master language, and they naturally remember the lyrics as they learn the melody. So, schedule some time each day to listen to and sing songs with your child. During the singing process, you can match the corresponding gestures to help your child understand the meaning of the lyrics.

4. Don't underestimate storytelling.Classic children's stories can not only teach children bravery, honesty, hard work and love, but also a very good language learning classroom. And, for parents who are not very verbal, storytelling is one of the shortest ways to teach children good expression. However, parents still need to do some homework ahead of time. First, pick the more sophisticated translations, both in terms of translation and illustrations, that match the content of the first-class stories. Secondly, browse through it yourself first, not reading it while it is being told, which can seriously damage the child's interest in listening and the value of the story. Finally, if there are parts of the story that you do not approve of, you can make appropriate adaptations.

5. Cater to your child's interests. Don't subjectively arrange the reading content for your child according to your preference.

Observe your child's interests and catch the key points in order to strengthen the effect. If your child is interested in F1, you can provide him with more and more detailed pictures and knowledge about racing cars. If your child is recently addicted to cooking, take him around the supermarket more often and tell him the source, taste and nutrition of each food. Also with books, if your child is not interested in the storyline but in the seven star ladybugs on the screen, you may want to change the topic to such small insects. In short, there is interest to have effect, parents need to see the opportunity, flexible treatment.

6, do not point out the child's pronunciation.

In the process of learning a language, children are sure to have unclear pronunciation, or even tainted with other accents and mispronunciation. This time, do not imitate, not to mention do not laugh at him, you just need to repeat his words with the correct pronunciation. It doesn't take long for a sensitive and intelligent little one to learn the correct pronunciation of words under your influence as if nothing had happened.

7. Use TV and educational software in moderation.

Parents should not be overjoyed that their children can repeat the words of a TV commercial, which is actually a waste of their children's powerful language imitation skills. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under the age of 2 should not watch television, and after the age of 2, it is limited to 40 minutes or less of instructional films per day. Because television is filled with a large number of irregular language, and whether it is a television program or computer learning software, it is difficult to interact with the child's expression, so they have certain limitations for improving the child's language skills.

8. Protect the little ears.

Children are susceptible to a number of ear-related diseases, especially those who are already in kindergarten, and can easily become victims of cross-infection. And once a child's hearing is affected, his ability to express himself in speech is bound to be affected as well. So, pay attention to your child's small movements and catch any ear discomfort.

9. Take your child out to play more often.

The zoo, the oceanarium, the museum is not only to help children know more animals, plants and stars so simple, he can broaden the child's knowledge, and then stimulate the child's desire to know. Can make the child from the heart of the key to learning, is to stimulate the child's job search potential, so more exposure to the outside world, see more of the world, is definitely beneficial.

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About the Creator

Richard Shurwood

If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.

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