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25 greatest natural wonders of the world

the greatest natural wonders of the world

By zahmaraPublished about a year ago 11 min read

Massive glaciers, staggering mountains, plains dotted with wild animals: We sure live in a big,

beautiful world. And while pinpointing all of Mother Nature's greatest hits could take a lifetime, we think these out-of-this-world landscapes and awe-inspiring wonders,

from Arizona to Antarctica, need to move to the very top of your travel list.

Number 25. Angel Falls.

The tallest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls in Venezuela certainly makes for one of the most

spectacular sights imaginable. Shooting off the summit of a tabletop mountain, the fall plunges 807 meters uninterrupted to the jungle below,

with much of the water turning to mist before it reaches the ground. Adding in its other cascades and rapids and Angel Falls' total height is a whopping 979 meters.

Due to its remote location in Canaima National Park, Angel Falls is quite hard to visit,

though its stunning setting and awe-inspiring scenery certainly make it well worth the effort.

Number 24. Giant's Causeway

Situated at the base of cliffs on the northeast coast of Ireland, the Giant’s Causeway is a natural rock formation that does indeed look as if it were fashioned by

giants. The honeycomb formation of hexagon-shaped basalt columns appears too geometrically perfect

to have been shaped by nature. It took 60 million years of tectonic plate movement,

lava flows, and erosion to fashion the stepping-stone columns into their present shape.

Cliff-top trails offer great views of the rocks, and a flight of steps leads down to sea level.

Number 23. Nā Pali Coast.

Dominating and defining the northwest of Kaua'i, the Na Pali Coast is one of Hawaii's most famous

and photographed sights. Its gigantic jagged cliffs rise to 1,200 meters above the sparkling

waters of the Pacific Ocean, with scenic beaches and coves hidden below. As the rugged terrain

is so inaccessible, the only way to visit is by hiking, kayaking, or helicopter, with phenomenal

panoramas wherever you look. While it is famed for having featured in Jurassic Park, the grand

and gorgeous stretch of coastline has appeared n numerous films and TV shows over the years.

Number 22. Mount Everest.

As the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest attracts climbers of all levels, from well-experienced mountaineers to novice climbers willing to pay substantial sums

to professional mountain guides to complete a successful climb. Although other eight-thousanders such as K2 are much more difficult to climb,

Mount Everest still has many inherent dangers such as altitude sickness, weather, and wind. At

the base of Everest, Sherpas and mountaineers work overtime to prepare for their trip to the summit.

Number 21. Pulpit Rock.

One of the most famous and phenomenal

sights in Norway, the prominent Pulpit Rock lies in the southwest of the country, overlooking the

lovely Lysefjorden. Formed during the last ice age, the sheer cliff towers 604 meters

above its surroundings, with staggering views of the deep, dark waters and dramatic landscapes

below. Due to its outstanding beauty, Pulpit Rock attracts hordes of tourists every year.

Number 20. Wadi Rum. In Southern, Jordan

is Wadi Rum, a desert valley known for its breathtaking scenery. There are no permanent

settlements in this secluded desert region, but nomadic tribes do occasionally pass through.

Although deserts are often imagined as dunes, Wadi Rum boasts sandstone mountains and towering

granite cliffs. The distinctive reddish-orange colors that lend the area an otherworldly quality

has brought several science-fiction films here to replicate the Red Planet. Visitors

can ride a camel across the amazing desert and camp out under the clear, star-filled sky.

Number 19. Lake Baikal.

The deepest and oldest lake on Earth, Lake Baikal is reputed to boast some of the clearest

and cleanest waters around. To top it all off, the enormous freshwater lake contains more

water than all the Great Lakes in North America combined. With so many accolades to its name,

it’s no wonder that Lake Baikal is nicknamed the 'Pearl of Siberia.' While the lake makes for fabulous viewing when the summer sun glints off its dark waters, it

is no less impressive in winter when it freezes up two meters deep in parts. Whether it’s ice skating

across the surface or hiking along the scenic shoreline, Lake Baikal is a nature lover's dream.

Number 18. The Maldives

Located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the idyllic Maldives archipelago is spellbindingly

beautiful. Close to the equator, the Maldives has a warm and tropical climate that’s

perfect for lazy beach days all year round. This low-lying island group is celebrated for its high

level of luxury and emphasis on the slow life. Perfect for honeymooners, the Maldives’ designer

accommodation is out of this world – take your pick of underwater villas, over-water villas, and

everything in between. There’s even an underwater restaurant for those looking to dine surrounded

by schools of tropical fish. As relaxation is key in the Maldives, you can spend your days sipping

on cocktails and sunbathing, interspersed with a diving excursion to keep things interesting.

Number 17. Banff National Park.

Canada’s oldest national park, Banff, is chock full of awesome scenery.

Set amongst the beauty of the Canadian Rockies, the park contains several beautiful lakes,

including Lake Louise, the gem of the park, and the much-photographed Moraine Lake.

It’s also a good place to see glaciers, ice fields, and wildlife, including elk, deer, moose

and bears. As a year-round tourism destination, the park draws three million visitors annually;

they come for winter sports, and summer hiking and camping.

Number 16. Salar de Uyuni.

Located in the Andes Mountains, Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt flat in the world. The expanse

of salt creates an unending white landscape during the dry season, but the area is most breathtaking

in the rainy season when it is covered in water. The reflection of the blue sky creates

a spectacular and surreal landscape, though some tourists insist on seeing the salt. One of the

most unusual places to visit in South America, it’s also a major breeding ground for flamingoes.

Number 15. Yellowstone.

The granddaddy of American national parks, Yellowstone is the oldest in the United States and

the world, having been founded in 1872. When it was first discovered, stories of the magnificence

of the area were passed off as lies and tall tales. You can see why: erupting geysers here

belch steam and water, such as the clockwork Old Faithful. There are boiling springs,

like the Grand Prismatic Spring; thanks to differing temperatures and minerals as the waters spread out, this is a veritable rainbow of unbelievable colors. Even the Grand Canyon

of Yellowstone is

of Yellowstone – a natural wonder in granite. This place is a true icon of must-see nature.

Number 14. Iguazu Falls.

Made up of some 275 different cascades, falls, and drops, Iguazu Falls on the Argentine-Brazilian border is the world's largest waterfall system. As such,

it is the only waterfall that can rival or possibly even surpass Victoria Falls.

For almost three kilometers in total, gorgeous falls course over the Parana Plateau,

with the undoubted highlight being Devil's Throat Canyon. This is best witnessed from the Brazilian

side's viewing platform, where you are greeted with teeming sheets of water, a deafening roar,

and a fine spray. With lush rainforest lying around it, the falls are a treat to visit.

Visitors can take boat trips along the Iguazu River or explore the nearby paths and trails.

Number 13. The Sahara Desert.

The Sahara is the world’s largest hot desert covering most of Northern Africa, making it almost as large as the United States. Contrary to popular belief, large dunes

form only a minor part of the Sahara. Most of the desert consists of largely barren, rocky plateaus,

with very little sand. The Sahara receives less than three inches of rain a year on average. Even

in the Sahara’s wettest areas, it may rain only once or twice a week and not rain again for years.

Number 12. Galapagos Islands.

If you want to get a glimpse of what prehistoric animals may have looked like, head to the Galapagos Islands. The animals are like no other place on earth and include giant

tortoises and scary-looking iguanas. They were the impetus for Charles Darwin’s controversial

19th-century book, On the Origin of Species. This archipelago of 18 major islands, about

550 miles off the coast of Ecuador, was formed – and is still being formed – by volcanic action.

Number 11. Pamukkale.

Pamukkale, meaning “cotton castle” in Turkish, is an unreal landscape in western Turkey,

famous for its white terraces. The terraces are made of travertine,

a sedimentary rock deposited by water with a very high mineral content from the hot springs.

People have bathed in its pools for thousands of years. The ancient Greek city of Hierapolis was built on top of the hot springs by the kings of Pergamon.

The ruins of the baths and other Greek monuments can still be seen at the site.

Number 10. Zhangjiajie National Forest.

Located in northwest Hunan Province, Zhangjiajie National Forest boasts some of the most impressive

and spectacular landscapes in China. Part of the Wuling Mountain Range, the scenic area is particularly famous for the thousands of pillars and peaks that punctuate

the park. Often shrouded in mist, these karst formations look incredible, and many of them

tower over two hundred meters high. Covered in sub-tropical rainforests, they rise above plunging

ravines and deep gorges, with sparkling rivers, lakes, and waterfalls found here and there.

Number 9. The Northern Lights.

Anincredible naturall phenomenono is thePOo r li ,t,s and their captivating colors, shapes, and

swirls appearing

swirls appear when there is solar activity. The best chance to spot them will be in the winter

when the nights are longer. The further north you go and travel away from cities,

the better your view will be. Besides watching them out of your window, you can also take tours into the wilderness to see the shimmering lights from secluded,

light-free spots and stay at cozy cabins and campgrounds.

Number 8. Great Barrier Reef.

The largest coral reef system on the face of the earth, the Great Barrier Reef is simply colossal.

Stretching for over 1,400 miles, it is remarkably visible from space, with 900 islands dotting this

enormous ecosystem. Snorkeling and scuba diving are the best ways to experience the joys of the

rich underwater world, while boat trips, kayaking, and even helicopter rides offer another view of

the reef’s gargantuan proportions. Gently sailing through the perfect turquoise waters, dolphins,

sea turtles and the reef itself are visible below the waves, is an unforgettable experience.

Number 7. Antarctica.

Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on the planet,

and has the highest average elevation of all the continents. Although about 98% of Antarctica is

covered by ice, it is technically a desert with very little precipitation. Antarctica

is colder than the Arctic because much of the continent is more than 2 miles above sea level,

and because the Arctic Ocean covers the north polar zone transferring the ocean’s relative warmth through the icepack. Sea life in Antarctica includes penguins, blue whales, orcas, and seals.

Number 6. Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java.

At 2,329 meters it is not the highest peak of the massif, but it is the most well-known. The area is

one of the most visited tourist attractions in Java. The top of the volcano has been blown off

and the crater inside constantly belches white smoke. It is surrounded by the Sea of Sand of fine volcanic sand. The overall effect is unsettlingly unearthly.

Number 5. Victoria Falls.

If you thought that Niagara Falls was large, well, Victoria Falls dwarfs it with its colossal curtain

of water that stretches for 1,708 meters, reaching 108 meters in height. It is these epic proportions

that make Victoria Falls the largest waterfall in the world. Breathtaking to behold,

the endless flow of water that tumbles over the cliff almost defies belief. Fittingly,

the cacophonous roar that rises from the gorge below and the fine spray that hangs in the air

saw the falls named 'The Smoke That Thunders' in the local Lozi language. Nestled on the

border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls truly needs to be seen to be believed.

Number 4. Grand Canyon.

Renowned the world over, the Grand Canyon needs no introduction. One of the largest

canyons in the world has to be seen to be properly appreciated. Whether you visit the North, South, East, or West Rim areas,

it’s always a giant sculpture of light and shadow that barrels its way across an awesome landscape.

Around the national park that encompasses it there are a whole host of trails and viewpoints;

Cape Royal on the North Rim is a top vista of many major parts of the Grand Canyon. You can

even reach down to the canyon floor, over a mile down in some places, via steep, meandering trails.

Number 3. Ha Long Bay.

Located in northeastern Vietnam, Ha Long Bay resembles a scene from a fantasy story

with its thousands of limestone karst islands of different shapes and sizes. Halong means descending dragons, which is indicative of the silhouette of the limestone

outcrops that poke out from the water. Some of the islands contain lakes while some are hollow,

with a colorful fairyland of grottoes inside. An overnight boat trip is a spectacular way to

experience the beauty of the bay and see as many of the islands as possible.

Number 2. Amazon Rainforest.

If you lived long enough to count that high, you could count 390 billion trees in the Amazon rainforest. This statistic is mind-boggling, to be sure,

but then the Amazon rainforest is one awesome piece of nature, covering about ¾ of the Amazon

River basin. It is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Sixty percent of the rainforest is

located in Brazil with sizeable chunks in Peru and Columbia; bordering countries have small shares.

For sure, the rainforest is loaded with unique flora and fauna.

Number 1. Serengeti Migration.

The Serengeti ecosystem is located in northwestern Tanzania and extends to

southwestern Kenya. The region hosts the largest mass movement of land mammals on the planet

and one of the most breathtaking events in the animal kingdom. Every year, one million wildebeest and 200,000 zebra make a 300-mile round trip from the Southern Serengeti in

Tanzania to the northern edge of the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The Great Migration

is probably Africa’s greatest safari spectacle and the most exceptional natural wonder of the world.

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    zahmaraWritten by zahmara

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